Ship bugfix release to stable

Hefee hefee at
Sat Oct 12 21:02:03 BST 2024


> I have been involved with shipping clamav and postfix stable updates in
> Debian.

For me it is also not the first time I ask for stable updates ;) I did the 
initial discussion for roundcube, as the roundcube team ships bug fixes that 
are very align with Debian policies. 

> It is possible to do such things, but there are a few things to
> think about:
> 1.  Biggest is regression risk and support for quickly addressing
> regressions.  Acceptable risk for shipping a regression in a point release
> is approximately zero, so there needs to be testing and people need to
> react to issues identified once packages are in updates.

We are in the happy state, that unstable still have plasma 5.27.11 so all 
unstable users test it for months without any regressions i heard of :) That's 
one of the selling points for Release team, to show, that Plasma LTS is fine.

> 2.  Release team needs to be convinced this is good for users.  If
> upstream's policy for including fixes is similar to Debian's stable update
> policy, then this is not a hard sell.

Well the policies matches quite well  and at least the LTS releases were 

Btw. the discussions about Plasma LTS already started in #1035056, where we 
got an ACK to ship Plasma 5.27.5 to stable after freeze. So we started the 
discussion already ;)

> In both cases it also helps with upstream relations.


> What's the case for it here, beyond upstream will be happy?

Main reason is to have a more bug free product and happy users :) Properly we 
don't see the most problems, because DrKonqi will add bugreports in the KDE 
bugtracker. That's why I will ask for more bugs that Debian users reported 
there. To give a short list of bugs that were closed by the releases.


Yes in general asking Debian release team for a approval to get Plasma LTS 
into stable is totally doable. But it is still work for our team, but that 
would be one task without a lot packaging skills needed ;)


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