A new package...
steve.b at osfda.org
steve.b at osfda.org
Mon Oct 14 06:57:41 BST 2024
Thanks for your patience! I had two unplanned delays:
* I had used pyqt5, and I needed to upgrade to pyqt6 (google searches
gave me a bum steer. on using pyqt5..)
* To be really useful, a search functionality (grep under the hood...)
integrated into its GUI was needed. Greps can generate a lot of
output, so care had to be taken to do this in an efficient way. The
preview for a selected line will shuttle you to the exact line in
the file for the possibly [mime] associated editors: kate, emacs,
vi, and vim.
I am finishing its documentation [in sphinx...], and will be publishing
it (in two more days?) I should be ready to submit it and the
documentation, along with a few more lintian questions. I have a draft
of a good medium article, which I will share once the documentation is
in the can.
Attached is a screenshot of its new alpha-tested find, along with a
first draft of a README.
On 10/12/24 09:54 AM, Hefee wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm still missing the name/links for this ;)
>> I have it sorted out now: the first step is to get it into the UNSTABLE
>> repo...
> ack first the package needs to enter debian via unstable, than we can think
> about to get it to stable-backports.
> Regards,
> hefee
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Repliversion is a package that enables versioning for folders of one's choosing.
As files are altered in a designated folder (and any subfolders...), the
versions are retained in a .archive (hidden) folder. It supports menu hooks in
the KDE Dolphin file manager, but can also be used via command line (RTFM...)
website: https://repliversion.org
git: https://repliversion.org/git
manual: https://repliversion.org/manual
This early version is only for debian and ubuntu, and python 3.11. It compiles
_some_ of the code to binaries using cython, for reasons of performance; if a
compilation at the time of install fails, it will step back to using a python
script. The python implementation of the service code will offer better
traceback support during this package's testing. The first desktop support is
focused on KDE/plasma.
Files this package uses are kept in the directory /usr/local/repliversion.
The install.py and uninstall.py scripts in /usr/local/repliversion are for a
manual standalone install and uninstall; this could be handy if you
accidentally damage your install, or if you downloaded the source files and
want to manually install this package.
Global settings are kept in the administrative folder /etc/repliversion, in the
files: version.xml and dirs.txt.
This package sets up a linux systemd service called "repliversion", and a group
account also called "repliversion". The group account is used to indicate users
who are permitted to edit the global version.xml file (mentioned above...) The
service uses the memory-mapped folder /var/run/repliversion (which is often
mapped to /run...) Interprocess communication is done using file sockets from
files kept in this folder (for reasons of performance...) The service will log
to /var/log/repliversion.log. If operating correctly, you should not need to
worry about this file using up much disk space; but adding an entry to it for
logrotate" would be a good idea!
(just one of many articles you can find on logrotate...)
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