[Pkg-xmpp-devel] packaging QXmmp

Aurélien COUDERC coucouf at coucouf.fr
Sun Feb 23 21:48:07 GMT 2025

Le dimanche 23 février 2025, 22:26:58 UTC+1 Hefee a écrit :
> Hey,
> > Added you as maintainer. Can you add the others?
> > If not, don't hesitate coming back to me!
> thx I could added our Team :) Now we are able to update the git repo *yeah* -
> Should we keep the xmpp team as maintainer or should we add it under the QT/
> KDE umbrella, like it was done for kaidan?
> I expect, that we do the upload as normal upload and not as NMU?

Hi Martin & Team,

for now I’ll do the upload of 1.9.4 with the current team and add myself to the uploaders hoping that’s OK.

Moving forward I don’t mind either options.
Either you acknowledge that it’s formally OK for me to "join" the team (even if there’s little chance I would contribute to packages other than qxmpp), or we can move the package under the Qt/KDE Team’s umbrella.

From a packaging standpoint the 2nd option would make more sense since it’s relying on cmake/Qt similar to other packages in our package set.
Maybe staying in the XMPP Team makes sense for coordinating on the XMPP protocol evolution and how servers / client interact.

In the end it’s currently your package so, your call.
The thing I’m sure we’ll agree on is that it cannot continue being NMUed as a long term solution.

(And thanks hefee for moving this forward !)

Happy hacking,

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