Need someone to check my code

Hefee hefee at
Tue Mar 11 18:02:00 GMT 2025


you have two commits on upstream branch - why?
-  the files you delete in 43f0a95c4cd0d2d8ca73e102c0bbfe4c8cf585a6 are they 
shipped in upstream tar ball or not?
If yes - you are not allowed to delete a file in upstream branch - Please 
remove this commit.
If not - it is fine - but I would squash the two commits ( but this is purly 
personal decision) - for me it is normal to have one commit that adds/delete 
files from a new version.
The important part here is: the upstream branch must 100% the same like the 
content of the tarball, otherwiese everything will fail.

on master branch you first should import the version that were not reflect in 
git with:
gbp import-dsc PATHTO/DSC

to make sure, that master represents the changes of 0.9.1-2.




On Dienstag, 11. März 2025 08:43:01 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit you wrote:
> Hefee <hefee at> 于2025年3月11日周二 05:51写道:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > please drop me a message, if there you have any question or a state to
> > review.
> > 
> > regards,
> > 
> > hefee
> > 
> > PS: please keep the pkg-kde-talk in CC, so others can jump in and know the
> > state too.
> OK. I just sync code to upstream version 0.10.0 and tag it in my own
> repository, could you please check if this is the correct work? If
> that's correct, what should I do next? Merge code in upstream branches
> to master?
> Thanks for your help.
> Regards,
> Bob

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