Need someone to check my code

Hefee hefee at
Fri Mar 14 19:56:52 GMT 2025


> Merged into master branch.

nope - I don't know what you did, but 59e2698fd7717cd455ba0ed5516a595ce7a59f98 
is not a merge commit. It has no two anchors - It seems like you got merge 
confics and did not resolve them before you commit

Ah I now see - the upstream branch wasn't push since several years.

So you need to merge with the the merge options theirs:

git checkout master
git merge -X theirs upstream/0.10.0
#remove the files that are I don't why are not deleted by the merge
git rm plasmoid/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml plasmoid/contents/ui/
Main.qml plasmoid/metadata.desktop
git commit

The git merge upstream is one rare cases where you do not update debian/
changelog in the same commit. Instead create a separate commit that only 
updates the changelog.
> Could you please check if I write changelog correctly? If that's
> correct, I'll update dependency list in next update.

the change in changelog is fine. But please in a separate commit.

> I'll update dependency list in next update.

that sound like a great commit.



PS: some more remarks:

 I never do the update upstream branch and merge by hand. What I do instead:
* download the tarball 
* gbp import-orig  tarball
* maybe need to rename tarball to kup-backup_0.10.0.orig.tar.XX (XX to match 
the ending you downloaded either gz, bz,xz,...) before import-orig accepts the 
tarball :)

Or my preferred way ( and one needs to update debian/watch anyways):
* I would fix debian/watch file to find the tarball 
* either use uscan to download than use import-orig
* or even more handy both steps in one: gbp import-orig --uscan
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