Need someone to check my code

Hefee hefee at
Wed Mar 19 07:56:21 GMT 2025


> Done. And no tag right now. But there's one thing I'm not sure what to
> do. When I run pkgkde-dch -i, it adds version number to 0.10.0-2 but
> it covers my last changelog instead of opening a new entry to modify
> it. How can I separate them? So each update represents its own work
> instead of mixing them together.

only use pkgkde-dch once for creating the new changelog entry. afterwards use 
"just" dch and always without -i, as you do not want to update the debian 

Please split the patch into:
* Update dependency list
* Update hompage link

the next things to update is Maintainer and Uploader.
Maintainer will be
Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras at>
and Uploaders will be you.

the watch file should be updated so it is possible to download the tarball.



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