[Pkg-libburnia-devel] Join me on Angela Kami !

Angela Kami angelalove at grouply.com
Tue Oct 4 23:37:42 UTC 2011

Please join me on Angela Kami.

HELLO,<br/>My name is Angela,i saw your profile ID when i was browsing and became interested in you,
i want you to send an email to my email address so that i can give you my picture for you to know
whom i am, Here is my email address ( kami.angela at yahoo.com ) I believe we can move from here I am
waiting.<br/>(Remember that distance or color does not matter but love matters a lot in

Here's the link to join: http://angelaforlove.grouply.com/register?r=10122086&vt=245009666

-Angela Kami


About Angela Kami

Go to #GROUP_BLOCKLINK# to stop receiving invite from the group.

Group hosted by Grouply | 495 Seaport Ct, Suite 103 | Redwood City, California 94063

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