[Pkg-libburnia-devel] Dear Director,

richardmorgan20042003 at yahoo.co.uk richardmorgan20042003 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Jul 22 14:01:31 UTC 2012

Dear Director,

This is Engineer RICHARD MORGAN a petrochemical/oil exploration engineer with the Syrian Petroleum Company located in Damascus. I need your mutual assistance to investing some reasonable sums of funds in your country.

Can you assist me and two other engineers to "REINVEST" some funds raised from sale of crude oil in your country? Get back to me for more details if you can. Following of the civil war situation in Syria, we have successfully moved the funds to a peaceful location for investments. We only need a dedicated, serious, committed and transparent investor. if you have all the qualities as stated herein, reach me immediately for comprehensive break down of the project.

Waiting for your response.

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