[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 12/14: v2v: Add partial support for converting Windows guests.

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 30 08:29:26 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bengen pushed a commit to annotated tag upstream/1.27.21
in repository libguestfs.

commit f296d34f3b30c82309b22b54bf5a2c133992bd93
Author: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 30 18:00:01 2014 +0100

    v2v: Add partial support for converting Windows guests.
    This is not yet complete.
 mllib/config.ml.in      |   3 +
 run.in                  |   6 +
 v2v/Makefile.am         |   4 +
 v2v/README              |   1 -
 v2v/convert_windows.ml  | 339 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 v2v/convert_windows.mli |   2 +-
 v2v/v2v.ml              |   2 +-
 v2v/virt-v2v.pod        |  62 ++++++++-
 8 files changed, 410 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mllib/config.ml.in b/mllib/config.ml.in
index d18bf7b..b1c4a49 100644
--- a/mllib/config.ml.in
+++ b/mllib/config.ml.in
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 (* configuration for mllib.
+ * @configure_input@
  * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat Inc.
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -18,3 +19,5 @@
 let package_name = "@PACKAGE_NAME@"
 let package_version = "@PACKAGE_VERSION@"
+let prefix = "@prefix@"
+let datadir = prefix ^ "/share"
diff --git a/run.in b/run.in
index f09b8fd..1fcd795 100755
--- a/run.in
+++ b/run.in
@@ -92,6 +92,12 @@ if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS" ]; then
     export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
+# Data directory used by virt-v2v.
+if [ -z "$VIRT_TOOLS_DATA_DIR" ]; then
+    VIRT_TOOLS_DATA_DIR="$s/v2v"
 # For Perl.
 if [ -z "$PERL5LIB" ]; then
diff --git a/v2v/Makefile.am b/v2v/Makefile.am
index b353fb4..a1dec52 100644
--- a/v2v/Makefile.am
+++ b/v2v/Makefile.am
@@ -112,6 +112,10 @@ virt_v2v_LINK = \
 	$(OCAMLFIND) ocamlopt $(OCAMLFLAGS) $(OCAMLPACKAGES) -c $< -o $@
+# Data directory.
+virttoolsdatadir = $(datadir)/virt-tools
 # Manual pages and HTML files for the website.
 man_MANS = virt-v2v.1
diff --git a/v2v/README b/v2v/README
index a4248ba..b12b3b1 100644
--- a/v2v/README
+++ b/v2v/README
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 Missing features compared to Perl version:
  - user-custom in virt-v2v.conf to install custom packages (virt-customize?)
- - Windows support
  - Fix configure_kernel on SUSE (see Mike Latimer's email)
  - RHEV-M metadata
  - testing
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
index e5d1ea8..d8df3c8 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,340 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(* Convert Windows guests. *)
+open Printf
-let convert verbose g inspect =
-  assert false
+open Common_gettext.Gettext
+open Common_utils
+open Utils
+open Types
+module G = Guestfs
+(* Convert Windows guests.
+ *
+ * This only does a "pre-conversion", the steps needed to get the
+ * Windows guest to boot on KVM.  Unlike the [Convert_linux] module,
+ * this is not a full conversion.  Instead it just installs the
+ * [viostor] (Windows virtio block) driver, so that the Windows guest
+ * will be able to boot on the target.  A [RunOnce] script is also
+ * added to the VM which does all the rest of the conversion the first
+ * time the Windows VM is booted on KVM.
+ *)
+type ('a, 'b) maybe = Either of 'a | Or of 'b
+let convert verbose (g : G.guestfs) inspect source =
+  (* Get the data directory. *)
+  let virt_tools_data_dir =
+    try Sys.getenv "VIRT_TOOLS_DATA_DIR"
+    with Not_found -> Config.datadir // "virt-tools" in
+  let virtio_win_dir = "/usr/share/virtio-win" in
+  (* Since this is a Windows guest, RHSrvAny must exist.  (Check also
+   * that it's not a dangling symlink but a real file).
+   *)
+  let rhsrvany_exe = virt_tools_data_dir // "rhsrvany.exe" in
+  (try
+    let chan = open_in rhsrvany_exe in
+    close_in chan
+   with
+     Sys_error msg ->
+       error (f_"'%s' is missing.  This file is required in order to do Windows conversions.  You can get it by building rhsrvany (https://github.com/rwmjones/rhsrvany).  Original error: %s")
+         rhsrvany_exe msg
+  );
+  let systemroot = g#inspect_get_windows_systemroot inspect.i_root in
+  (* This is a wrapper that handles opening and closing the hive
+   * properly around a function [f].  If [~write] is [true] then the
+   * hive is opened for writing and committed at the end if the
+   * function returned without error.
+   *)
+  let rec with_hive name ~write f =
+    let filename = sprintf "%s/system32/config/%s" systemroot name in
+    let filename = g#case_sensitive_path filename in
+    g#hivex_open ~write ~verbose ~debug:verbose filename;
+    let r =
+      try
+        let root = g#hivex_root () in
+        let ret = f root in
+        if write then g#hivex_commit None;
+        Either ret
+      with exn ->
+        Or exn in
+    g#hivex_close ();
+    match r with Either ret -> ret | Or exn -> raise exn
+  (* Find the given node in the current hive, relative to the starting
+   * point.  Raises [Not_found] if the node is not found.
+   *)
+  and get_node node = function
+    | [] -> node
+    | x :: xs ->
+      let node = g#hivex_node_get_child node x in
+      if node = 0L then raise Not_found;
+      get_node node xs
+  (* Take a 7 bit ASCII string and encode it as UTF16LE. *)
+  and encode_utf16le str =
+    let len = String.length str in
+    let copy = String.make (len*2) '\000' in
+    for i = 0 to len-1 do
+      String.unsafe_set copy (i*2) (String.unsafe_get str i)
+    done;
+    copy
+  (* Take a UTF16LE string and decode it to UTF-8.  Actually this
+   * fails if the string is not 7 bit ASCII.  XXX Use iconv here.
+   *)
+  and decode_utf16le str =
+    let len = String.length str in
+    if len mod 2 <> 0 then
+      error (f_"decode_utf16le: Windows string does not appear to be in UTF16-LE encoding.  This could be a bug in virt-v2v.");
+    let copy = String.create (len/2) in
+    for i = 0 to (len/2)-1 do
+      let cl = String.unsafe_get str (i*2) in
+      let ch = String.unsafe_get str ((i*2)+1) in
+      if ch != '\000' || Char.code cl >= 127 then
+        error (f_"decode_utf16le: Windows UTF16-LE string contains non-7-bit characters.  This is a bug in virt-v2v, please report it.");
+      String.unsafe_set copy i cl
+    done;
+    copy
+  in
+  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+  (* Inspect the Windows guest. *)
+  let find_xenpv_uninst root =
+    try
+      let xenpvreg = "Red Hat Paravirtualized Xen Drivers for Windows(R)" in
+      let node =
+        get_node root
+          ["Microsoft"; "Windows"; "CurrentVersion"; "Uninstall"; xenpvreg] in
+      let uninstkey = "UninstallString" in
+      let valueh = g#hivex_node_get_value node uninstkey in
+      if valueh = 0L then (
+        warning ~prog (f_"cannot uninstall Xen PV drivers: registry key 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\%s' does not contain an '%s' key")
+          xenpvreg uninstkey;
+        raise Not_found
+      );
+      let data = g#hivex_value_value valueh in
+      let data = decode_utf16le data in
+      (* The uninstall program will be uninst.exe.  This is a wrapper
+       * around _uninst.exe which prompts the user.  As we don't want
+       * the user to be prompted, we run _uninst.exe explicitly.
+       *)
+      let len = String.length data in
+      let data =
+        if len >= 8 &&
+          String.lowercase (String.sub data (len-8) 8) = "uninst.exe" then
+          (String.sub data 0 (len-8)) ^ "_uninst.exe"
+        else
+          data in
+      Some data
+    with
+      Not_found -> None
+  in
+  (* Open the software hive (readonly) and find the Xen PV uninstaller,
+   * if it exists.
+   *)
+  let xenpv_uninst = with_hive "software" ~write:false find_xenpv_uninst in
+  (*----------------------------------------------------------------------*)
+  (* Perform the conversion of the Windows guest. *)
+  let rec update_system_hive root =
+    (* Update the SYSTEM hive.  When this function is called the hive has
+     * already been opened as a hivex handle inside guestfs.
+     *)
+    (* Find the 'Current' ControlSet. *)
+    let current_cs =
+      let select = g#hivex_node_get_child root "Select" in
+      let valueh = g#hivex_node_get_value select "Current" in
+      let value = int_of_le32 (g#hivex_value_value valueh) in
+      sprintf "ControlSet%03Ld" value in
+    if verbose then printf "current ControlSet is %s\n%!" current_cs;
+    let firstboot = configure_firstboot root current_cs in
+    configure_rhev_apt root firstboot;
+    (match xenpv_uninst with
+    | None -> () (* nothing to be uninstalled *)
+    | Some uninst -> unconfigure_xenpv root firstboot uninst
+    );
+    close_firstboot root firstboot;
+    disable_services root current_cs;
+    let block_net_drivers = install_virtio_drivers root current_cs in
+    block_net_drivers
+  and configure_firstboot root current_cs =
+    ignore virt_tools_data_dir;
+    ()
+  and configure_rhev_apt root firstboot =
+    ()
+  and unconfigure_xenpv root firstboot uninst_exe =
+    ()
+  and close_firstboot root firstboot =
+    ()
+  and disable_services root current_cs =
+    ()
+  and install_virtio_drivers root current_cs =
+    ignore virtio_win_dir;
+    ("XXX", "XXX")
+  and update_software_hive root =
+    (* Update the SOFTWARE hive.  When this function is called the
+     * hive has already been opened as a hivex handle inside
+     * guestfs.
+     *)
+    (* Find the node \Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion.  If the node
+     * has a key called DevicePath then append the virtio driver
+     * path to this key.
+     *)
+    try
+      let node = get_node root ["Microsoft"; "Windows"; "CurrentVersion"] in
+      let append = encode_utf16le ";%SystemRoot%\\Drivers\\VirtIO" in
+      let values = Array.to_list (g#hivex_node_values node) in
+      let rec loop = function
+        | [] -> () (* DevicePath not found -- ignore this case *)
+        | { G.hivex_value_h = valueh } :: values ->
+          let key = g#hivex_value_key valueh in
+          if key <> "DevicePath" then
+            loop values
+          else (
+            let data = g#hivex_value_value valueh in
+            let len = String.length data in
+            let t = g#hivex_value_type valueh in
+            (* Only add the appended path if it doesn't exist already. *)
+            if string_find data append = -1 then (
+              (* Remove the explicit [\0\0] at the end of the string.
+               * This is the UTF-16LE NUL-terminator.
+               *)
+              let data =
+                if len >= 2 && String.sub data (len-2) 2 = "\000\000" then
+                  String.sub data 0 (len-2)
+                else
+                  data in
+              (* Append the path and the explicit NUL. *)
+              let data = data ^ append ^ "\000\000" in
+              g#hivex_node_set_value node key t data
+            )
+          )
+      in
+      loop values
+    with Not_found ->
+      warning ~prog (f_"could not find registry key HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion")
+  and fix_ntfs_heads () =
+    (* NTFS hardcodes the number of heads on the drive which created
+       it in the filesystem header. Modern versions of Windows
+       sensibly ignore it, but both Windows XP and Windows 2000
+       require it to be correct in order to boot from the drive. If it
+       isn't you get:
+       'A disk read error occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart'
+       QEMU has some code in block.c:guess_disk_lchs() which on the face
+       of it appears to infer the drive geometry from the MBR if it's
+       valid. However, my tests have shown that a Windows XP guest
+       hosted on both RHEL 5 and F14 requires the heads field in NTFS to
+       be the following, based solely on drive size:
+       Range                             Heads
+       size < 2114445312                 0x40
+       2114445312 <= size < 4228374780   0x80
+       4228374780 <= size                0xFF
+       I have not tested drive sizes less than 1G, which require fewer
+       heads, as this limitation applies only to the boot device and it
+       is not possible to install XP on a drive this size.
+       The following page has good information on the layout of NTFS in
+       Windows XP/2000:
+       http://mirror.href.com/thestarman/asm/mbr/NTFSBR.htm
+       Technet has this:
+       http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc781134(WS.10).aspx#w2k3tr_ntfs_how_dhao
+       however, as this is specific to Windows 2003 it lists location
+       0x1A as unused.
+    *)
+    let rootpart = inspect.i_root in
+    (* Check that the root device contains NTFS magic. *)
+    let magic = g#pread_device rootpart 8 3L in
+    if magic = "NTFS    " then (
+      (* Get the size of the whole disk containing the root partition. *)
+      let rootdev = g#part_to_dev rootpart in (* eg. /dev/sda *)
+      let size = g#blockdev_getsize64 rootdev in
+      let heads =                       (* refer to the table above *)
+        if size < 2114445312L then 0x40
+        else if size < 4228374780L then 0x80
+        else 0xff in
+      (* Update NTFS's idea of the number of heads.  This is an
+       * unsigned 16 bit little-endian integer, offset 0x1a from the
+       * beginning of the partition.
+       *)
+      let bytes = String.create 2 in
+      bytes.[0] <- Char.chr heads;
+      bytes.[1] <- '\000';
+      ignore (g#pwrite_device rootpart bytes 0x1a_L)
+    )
+  in
+  (* Open the system hive and update it. *)
+  let block_driver, net_driver =
+    with_hive "system" ~write:true update_system_hive in
+  (* Open the software hive and update it. *)
+  with_hive "software" ~write:true update_software_hive;
+  fix_ntfs_heads ();
+  (* Return guest capabilities. *)
+  let guestcaps = {
+    gcaps_block_bus = block_driver;
+    gcaps_net_bus = net_driver;
+    (* XXX display *)
+  } in
+  guestcaps
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.mli b/v2v/convert_windows.mli
index d1e60fe..1ea07c4 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.mli
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.mli
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-val convert : bool -> Guestfs.guestfs -> Types.inspect -> Types.guestcaps
+val convert : bool -> Guestfs.guestfs -> Types.inspect -> Types.source -> Types.guestcaps
diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
index 292bb43..417b692 100644
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ let rec main () =
         error (f_"virt-v2v is unable to convert this guest type (linux/distro=%s)") distro
-    | "windows" -> Convert_windows.convert verbose g inspect
+    | "windows" -> Convert_windows.convert verbose g inspect source
     | typ ->
       error (f_"virt-v2v is unable to convert this guest type (type=%s)") typ in
diff --git a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
index c88df5d..48fa870 100644
--- a/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
+++ b/v2v/virt-v2v.pod
@@ -240,14 +240,17 @@ a kernel from the table below:
  SLES 11+       i586: install 'kernel-pae'
                 x86-64: install 'kernel-default'
+ Windows        (Does not apply, as there is no Xen PV Windows kernel)
 "Virtio" is the name for a set of drivers which make disk (block
 device), network and other guest operations work much faster on KVM.
 Older versions of virt-v2v could install these drivers for certain
-guests.  This version of virt-v2v does I<not> attempt to install these
-drivers, but will warn you if they are not installed already.
+Linux guests.  This version of virt-v2v does I<not> attempt to install
+new Linux kernels or drivers, but will warn you if they are not
+installed already.
 In order to enable virtio, and hence improve performance of the guest
 after conversion, you should ensure that the B<minimum> versions of
@@ -274,6 +277,9 @@ below.
  OpenSUSE 10    kernel >=
+ Windows        Drivers are installed from /usr/share/virtio-win
+                if present
 The I<--machine-readable> option can be used to make the output more
@@ -323,11 +329,25 @@ code if there was a fatal error.
 Virt-v2v E<le> 0.9.1 did not support the I<--machine-readable>
 option at all.  The option was added when virt-v2v was rewritten in 2014.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 4
+=item C</usr/share/virtio-win>
+If this directory is present, then virtio drivers for Windows guests
+will be found from this directory and installed in the guest during
 =over 4
-=item TMPDIR
+=item C<TMPDIR>
 Location of the temporary directory used for the potentially large
 temporary overlay file.
@@ -346,6 +366,42 @@ size of the tmpfs mountpoint, eg:
  mount -o remount,size=10G /tmp
+This can point to the directory containing data files used for Windows
+Normally you do not need to set this.  If not set, a compiled-in
+default will be used (something like C</usr/share/virt-tools>).
+This directory may contain the following files:
+=over 4
+=item C<rhsrvany.exe>
+(Required when doing conversions of Windows guests)
+This is the RHSrvAny Windows binary, used to install a "firstboot"
+script in the guest during conversion of Windows guests.
+See also: C<https://github.com/rwmjones/rhsrvany>
+=item C<rhev-apt.exe>
+The RHEV Application Provisioning Tool (RHEV APT).  If this file is
+present, then RHEV APT will be installed in the Windows guest during
+conversion.  This tool is a guest agent which ensures that the virtio
+drivers remain up to date when the guest is running on Red Hat
+Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV).
+This file comes from Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV), and is
+not distributed with virt-v2v.
 For other environment variables, see L<guestfs(3)/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES>.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-libvirt/libguestfs.git

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