[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 34/233: sysprep: add --operations

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Feb 19 21:10:45 UTC 2014

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bengen pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository libguestfs.

commit 418c064bc11950b0fa164ef6ba43ac9d628d223f
Author: Pino Toscano <ptoscano at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 13 14:33:35 2014 +0100

    sysprep: add --operations
    Add a new --operation parameter which, similarly to --enable, can be
    used to enable operations, but also to remove them, and to add/remove
    the default operations and all the available ones.
 sysprep/main.ml               | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml  | 24 ++++++++++++++++++
 sysprep/sysprep_operation.mli | 21 ++++++++++++++++
 sysprep/virt-sysprep.pod      | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 4 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sysprep/main.ml b/sysprep/main.ml
index 689a394..49750a9 100644
--- a/sysprep/main.ml
+++ b/sysprep/main.ml
@@ -87,6 +87,40 @@ let debug_gc, operations, g, selinux_relabel, quiet, mount_opts =
           exit 1
     ) Sysprep_operation.empty_set ops in
     operations := Some opset
+  and set_operations op_string =
+    let currentopset =
+      match !operations with
+      | Some x -> x
+      | None -> Sysprep_operation.empty_set
+    in
+    let ops = string_nsplit "," op_string in
+    let opset = List.fold_left (
+      fun opset op_name ->
+        let op =
+          if string_prefix op_name "-" then
+            `Remove (String.sub op_name 1 (String.length op_name - 1))
+          else
+            `Add op_name in
+        match op with
+        | `Add "" | `Remove "" ->
+          eprintf (f_"%s: --operations: empty operation name\n")
+            prog;
+          exit 1
+        | `Add "defaults" -> Sysprep_operation.add_defaults_to_set opset
+        | `Remove "defaults" -> Sysprep_operation.remove_defaults_from_set opset
+        | `Add "all" -> Sysprep_operation.add_all_to_set opset
+        | `Remove "all" -> Sysprep_operation.remove_all_from_set opset
+        | `Add n | `Remove n ->
+          let f = match op with
+          | `Add n -> Sysprep_operation.add_to_set
+          | `Remove n -> Sysprep_operation.remove_from_set in
+          try f n opset with
+          | Not_found ->
+            eprintf (f_"%s: --operations: '%s' is not a known operation\n")
+              prog n;
+            exit 1
+    ) currentopset ops in
+    operations := Some opset
   and force_selinux_relabel () =
     selinux_relabel := `Force
   and no_force_selinux_relabel () =
@@ -114,6 +148,8 @@ let debug_gc, operations, g, selinux_relabel, quiet, mount_opts =
     "--list-operations", Arg.Unit list_operations, " " ^ s_"List supported operations";
     "--long-options", Arg.Unit display_long_options, " " ^ s_"List long options";
     "--mount-options", Arg.Set_string mount_opts, s_"opts" ^ " " ^ s_"Set mount options (eg /:noatime;/var:rw,noatime)";
+    "--operation",  Arg.String set_operations, " " ^ s_"Enable/disable specific operations";
+    "--operations", Arg.String set_operations, " " ^ s_"Enable/disable specific operations";
     "-q",        Arg.Set quiet,             " " ^ s_"Don't print log messages";
     "--quiet",   Arg.Set quiet,             " " ^ s_"Don't print log messages";
     "--selinux-relabel", Arg.Unit force_selinux_relabel, " " ^ s_"Force SELinux relabel";
diff --git a/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml b/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml
index 1fb4f17..572a65f 100644
--- a/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml
+++ b/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml
@@ -68,10 +68,34 @@ type set = OperationSet.t
 let empty_set = OperationSet.empty
+let opset_of_oplist li =
+  List.fold_left (
+    fun acc elem ->
+      OperationSet.add elem acc
+  ) empty_set li
 let add_to_set name set =
   let op = List.find (fun { name = n } -> name = n) !all_operations in
   OperationSet.add op set
+let add_defaults_to_set set =
+  OperationSet.union set (opset_of_oplist !enabled_by_default_operations)
+let add_all_to_set set =
+  opset_of_oplist !all_operations
+let remove_from_set name set =
+  let name_filter = fun { name = n } -> name = n in
+  if List.exists name_filter !all_operations <> true then
+    raise Not_found;
+  OperationSet.diff set (OperationSet.filter name_filter set)
+let remove_defaults_from_set set =
+  OperationSet.diff set (opset_of_oplist !enabled_by_default_operations)
+let remove_all_from_set set =
+  empty_set
 let register_operation op =
   all_operations := op :: !all_operations;
   if op.enabled_by_default then
diff --git a/sysprep/sysprep_operation.mli b/sysprep/sysprep_operation.mli
index 16eee64..61dde72 100644
--- a/sysprep/sysprep_operation.mli
+++ b/sysprep/sysprep_operation.mli
@@ -128,6 +128,27 @@ val add_to_set : string -> set -> set
     Note that this will raise [Not_found] if [name] is not
     a valid operation name. *)
+val add_defaults_to_set : set -> set
+(** [add_defaults_to_set set] adds to [set] all the operations enabled
+    by default. *)
+val add_all_to_set : set -> set
+(** [add_all_to_set set] adds to [set] all the available operations. *)
+val remove_from_set : string -> set -> set
+(** [remove_from_set name set] remove the operation named [name] from [set].
+    Note that this will raise [Not_found] if [name] is not
+    a valid operation name. *)
+val remove_defaults_from_set : set -> set
+(** [remove_defaults_from_set set] removes from [set] all the operations
+    enabled by default. *)
+val remove_all_from_set : set -> set
+(** [remove_all_from_set set] removes from [set] all the available
+    operations. *)
 val perform_operations_on_filesystems : ?operations:set -> ?quiet:bool -> Guestfs.guestfs -> string -> flag list
 (** Perform all operations, or the subset listed in the [operations] set. *)
diff --git a/sysprep/virt-sysprep.pod b/sysprep/virt-sysprep.pod
index afabcc9..a042db4 100755
--- a/sysprep/virt-sysprep.pod
+++ b/sysprep/virt-sysprep.pod
@@ -107,6 +107,47 @@ version of virt-sysprep.
 See L</OPERATIONS> below for a list and an explanation of each
+=item B<--operation> operations
+=item B<--operations> operations
+Choose which sysprep operations to perform.  Give a comma-separated
+list of operations, for example:
+ --operations ssh-hostkeys,udev-persistent-net
+would enable ONLY C<ssh-hostkeys> and C<udev-persistent-net> operations.
+I<--operations> allows you to enable and disable any operation, including
+the default ones (which would be tried when specifying neither
+I<--operations> nor I<--enable>) and all the available ones; prepending
+a C<-> in front of an operation name removes it from the list of enabled
+operations, while the meta-names C<defaults> and C<all> represent
+respectively the operations enabled by default and all the available ones.
+For example:
+ --operations delete,defaults,-hostname
+would enable the C<delete> operation (regardless whether it is enabled by
+default), all the default ones, and disable the C<hostname> operation.
+I<--operations> can be specified multiple times; the first time the set
+of enabled operations is empty, while any further I<--operations> affects
+the operations enabled so far.
+If the I<--operations> option is not given, then we default to trying most
+sysprep operations (see I<--list-operations> to show which are
+Regardless of the I<--operations> option, sysprep operations are skipped
+for some guest types.
+Use I<--list-operations> to list operations supported by a particular
+version of virt-sysprep.
+See L</OPERATIONS> below for a list and an explanation of each
 =item B<--format> raw|qcow2|..
 =item B<--format> auto
@@ -209,24 +250,26 @@ __EXTRA_OPTIONS__
-If the I<--enable> option is I<not> given, then most sysprep
-operations are enabled.
+If the I<--enable>/I<--operations> option is I<not> given,
+then most sysprep operations are enabled.
 Use C<virt-sysprep --list-operations> to list all operations for your
 virt-sysprep binary.  The ones which are enabled by default are marked
-with a C<*> character.  Regardless of the I<--enable> option, sysprep
-operations are skipped for some guest types.
+with a C<*> character.  Regardless of the I<--enable>/I<--operations>
+options, sysprep operations are skipped for some guest types.
-Operations can be individually enabled using the I<--enable> option.
+Operations can be individually enabled using the
+I<--enable>/I<--operations> options.
 Use a comma-separated list, for example:
- virt-sysprep --enable=ssh-hostkeys,udev-persistent-net [etc..]
+ virt-sysprep --operations=ssh-hostkeys,udev-persistent-net [etc..]
 Future versions of virt-sysprep may add more operations.  If you are
 using virt-sysprep and want predictable behaviour, specify only the
 operations that you want to have enabled.
-C<*> = enabled by default when no I<--enable> option is given.
+C<*> = enabled by default when no I<--enable>/I<--operations> option
+is given.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-libvirt/libguestfs.git

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