[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 172/179: v2v: vmware: Use 'curl --config' to pass arguments securely to curl.

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 31 19:08:52 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bengen pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository libguestfs.

commit b35b84684c845ceefd3c0ec519caf80366a798ea
Author: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 30 09:02:00 2014 +0000

    v2v: vmware: Use 'curl --config' to pass arguments securely to curl.
    Instead of making up an ordinary curl command line, write a temporary
    config file and use 'curl --config tmpfile' to pass the arguments.
    The advantage is that it's more secure if we want to supply passwords
    to curl, since a '--user username:password' parameter on the command
    line could be read (eg. by 'ps ax'), but the temporary file has mode
    0600 and cannot be read by other users.
    This is mostly code motion, but it also passes the '-q' option to curl
    to stop it from reading default configuration files.
 v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml b/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml
index c7a6012..ac373d3 100644
--- a/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml
@@ -36,23 +36,45 @@ let readahead_for_copying = Some (64 * 1024 * 1024)
 (* Return the session cookie.  It is memoized, so you can call this
  * as often as required.
-let get_session_cookie =
+let rec get_session_cookie =
   let session_cookie = ref "" in
   fun verbose scheme uri sslverify url ->
     if !session_cookie <> "" then
       Some !session_cookie
     else (
-      let cmd =
-        sprintf "curl -s%s%s%s -I %s ||:"
-          (if not sslverify then " --insecure" else "")
-          (match uri.uri_user with Some _ -> " -u" | None -> "")
-          (match uri.uri_user with Some user -> " " ^ quote user | None -> "")
-          (quote url) in
-      let lines = external_command ~prog cmd in
+      let curl_args = [
+        "head", None;
+        "silent", None;
+        "url", Some url;
+      ] in
+      let curl_args =
+        match uri.uri_user with
+        | Some user -> ("user", Some user) :: curl_args
+        | None -> curl_args in
+      let curl_args =
+        if not sslverify then ("insecure", None) :: curl_args else curl_args in
+      let lines = run_curl_get_lines curl_args in
       let dump_response chan =
-        fprintf chan "%s\n" cmd;
-        List.iter (fun x -> fprintf chan "%s\n" x) lines
+        (* Don't print passwords in the debug output. *)
+        let curl_args =
+          List.map (
+            function
+            | ("user", Some _) -> ("user", Some "<hidden>")
+            | x -> x
+          ) curl_args in
+        (* Dump out the approximate curl command that was run. *)
+        fprintf chan "curl -q";
+        List.iter (
+          function
+          | name, None -> fprintf chan " --%s" name
+          | name, Some value -> fprintf chan " --%s %s" name (quote value)
+        ) curl_args;
+        fprintf chan "\n";
+        (* Dump out the output of the command. *)
+        List.iter (fun x -> fprintf chan "%s\n" x) lines;
+        flush chan
       if verbose then dump_response stdout;
@@ -109,6 +131,39 @@ let get_session_cookie =
         Some !session_cookie
+(* Run 'curl' and pass the arguments securely through the --config
+ * option and an external file.
+ *)
+and run_curl_get_lines curl_args =
+  let config_file, chan = Filename.open_temp_file "v2vcurl" ".conf" in
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | name, None -> fprintf chan "%s\n" name
+    | name, Some value ->
+      fprintf chan "%s = \"" name;
+      (* Write the quoted value.  See 'curl' man page for what is
+       * allowed here.
+       *)
+      let len = String.length value in
+      for i = 0 to len-1 do
+        match value.[i] with
+        | '\\' -> output_string chan "\\\\"
+        | '"' -> output_string chan "\\\""
+        | '\t' -> output_string chan "\\t"
+        | '\n' -> output_string chan "\\n"
+        | '\r' -> output_string chan "\\r"
+        | '\x0b' -> output_string chan "\\v"
+        | c -> output_char chan c
+      done;
+      fprintf chan "\"\n"
+  ) curl_args;
+  close_out chan;
+  let cmd = sprintf "curl -q --config %s" (quote config_file) in
+  let lines = external_command ~prog cmd in
+  Unix.unlink config_file;
+  lines
 (* Helper function to extract the datacenter from a URI. *)
 let get_datacenter uri scheme =
   let default_dc = "ha-datacenter" in

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