[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 03/61: v2v: -i ova: Allow directories and ZIP files to be used as input (RHBZ#1152998).
Hilko Bengen
bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 31 19:09:34 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
bengen pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/1%1.28.2-1
in repository libguestfs.
commit 288c3a50593554d7b74273772166c98a1bb16b46
Author: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com>
Date: Sat Oct 18 18:41:43 2014 +0100
v2v: -i ova: Allow directories and ZIP files to be used as input (RHBZ#1152998).
OVA is not a particularly well-specified format. The specification
allows a directory to be an OVA, so enable that. The spec doesn't
mention that ZIP can be used in place of tar, but since we have seen
these in the wild, allow that too.
(cherry picked from commit 60405e5aa1b89ce4ad8b27efb992e82e38d6dbeb)
README | 2 ++
configure.ac | 7 +++++++
v2v/input_ova.ml | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README b/README
index b88a67d..30e241a 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ The full requirements are described below.
| gtk2 | | O | Used by virt-p2v user interface. |
+| zip, unzip | | O | Used by virt-v2v for OVA files. |
| python-evtx | | O | Used by virt-log to parse Windows |
| | | | Event Log files. |
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index e11739d..74c72a1 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -720,6 +720,13 @@ if test "x$YACC" = "xyacc"; then
AC_MSG_FAILURE([GNU 'bison' is required (yacc won't work).])
+dnl zip/unzip, used by virt-v2v
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([ZIP],["$ZIP"],[Name of zip program.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_ZIP],[test "x$ZIP" != "xno"])
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([UNZIP],["$UNZIP"],[Name of unzip program.])
dnl Check for QEMU for running binaries on this $host_cpu, fall
dnl back to basic 'qemu'. Allow the user to override it.
diff --git a/v2v/input_ova.ml b/v2v/input_ova.ml
index 7088e32..4ad38a0 100644
--- a/v2v/input_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_ova.ml
@@ -36,13 +36,37 @@ object
method as_options = "-i ova " ^ ova
method source () =
- (* Extract ova (tar) file. *)
- let cmd = sprintf "tar -xf %s -C %s" (quote ova) (quote tmpdir) in
- if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
- if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
- error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") ova;
+ (* Extract ova file. *)
+ let exploded =
+ (* The spec allows a directory to be specified as an ova. This
+ * is also pretty convenient.
+ *)
+ if is_directory ova then ova
+ else (
+ match detect_file_type ova with
+ | `Tar ->
+ (* Normal ovas are tar file (not compressed). *)
+ let cmd = sprintf "tar -xf %s -C %s" (quote ova) (quote tmpdir) in
+ if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+ if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
+ error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") ova;
+ tmpdir
+ | `Zip ->
+ (* However, although not permitted by the spec, people ship
+ * zip files as ova too.
+ *)
+ let cmd = sprintf "unzip%s -j -d %s %s"
+ (if verbose then "" else " -q")
+ (quote tmpdir) (quote ova) in
+ if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+ if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
+ error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") ova;
+ tmpdir
+ | `GZip | `XZ | `Unknown ->
+ error (f_"%s: unsupported file format") ova
+ ) in
- let files = Sys.readdir tmpdir in
+ let files = Sys.readdir exploded in
let ovf = ref "" in
(* Search for the ovf file. *)
Array.iter (
@@ -58,13 +82,13 @@ object
Array.iter (
fun mf ->
if Filename.check_suffix mf ".mf" then (
- let chan = open_in (tmpdir // mf) in
+ let chan = open_in (exploded // mf) in
let rec loop () =
let line = input_line chan in
if Str.string_match rex line 0 then (
let disk = Str.matched_group 1 line in
let expected = Str.matched_group 2 line in
- let cmd = sprintf "sha1sum %s" (quote (tmpdir // disk)) in
+ let cmd = sprintf "sha1sum %s" (quote (exploded // disk)) in
let out = external_command ~prog cmd in
match out with
| [] ->
@@ -86,7 +110,7 @@ object
) files;
(* Parse the ovf file. *)
- let xml = read_whole_file (tmpdir // ovf) in
+ let xml = read_whole_file (exploded // ovf) in
let doc = Xml.parse_memory xml in
(* Handle namespaces. *)
@@ -164,7 +188,7 @@ object
let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id='%s']/@ovf:href" file_ref in
let file_name = xpath_to_string expr "" in
let disk = {
- s_qemu_uri= tmpdir // file_name;
+ s_qemu_uri= exploded // file_name;
s_format = Some "vmdk";
s_target_dev = Some target_dev;
} in
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-libvirt/libguestfs.git
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