[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 17/61: v2v: Refactor Xen and vCenter code.

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 31 19:09:36 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bengen pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/1%1.28.2-1
in repository libguestfs.

commit 8e79fcb0506707ab4c24c47097508ed534a4d4a7
Author: Richard W.M. Jones <rjones at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 20 19:35:23 2014 +0100

    v2v: Refactor Xen and vCenter code.
    This refactors the code into more logical units, based on the previous
    commits.  So Xen + the input_libvirt Xen code is grouped and moved
    into a new module called Input_libvirt_xen_ssh.  Similarly VCenter +
    input_libvirt vCenter code is moved to Input_libvirt_vcenter_https.
    There is no change here, purely code motion.
    (cherry picked from commit a468fde01687914de501f0a95cd5a40986daec29)
 po/POTFILES-ml                                     |   5 +-
 v2v/Makefile.am                                    |  10 +-
 v2v/input_libvirt.ml                               | 145 +--------------------
 v2v/input_libvirt_other.ml                         |  76 +++++++++++
 v2v/{vCenter.mli => input_libvirt_other.mli}       |  15 ++-
 v2v/{vCenter.ml => input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml} |  61 ++++++++-
 v2v/{xen.mli => input_libvirt_vcenter_https.mli}   |   5 +-
 v2v/{xen.ml => input_libvirt_xen_ssh.ml}           |  36 ++++-
 v2v/{vCenter.mli => input_libvirt_xen_ssh.mli}     |   6 +-
 9 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

diff --git a/po/POTFILES-ml b/po/POTFILES-ml
index d919b6f..7403497 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES-ml
+++ b/po/POTFILES-ml
@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -107,6 +110,4 @@ v2v/stringMap.ml
diff --git a/v2v/Makefile.am b/v2v/Makefile.am
index c311623..921fb93 100644
--- a/v2v/Makefile.am
+++ b/v2v/Makefile.am
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ SOURCES_MLI = \
 	domainxml.mli \
 	input_disk.mli \
 	input_libvirt.mli \
+	input_libvirt_other.mli \
+	input_libvirt_vcenter_https.mli \
+	input_libvirt_xen_ssh.mli \
 	input_libvirtxml.mli \
 	input_ova.mli \
 	kvmuid.mli \
@@ -57,8 +60,6 @@ SOURCES_MLI = \
 	OVF.mli \
 	stringMap.mli \
 	types.mli \
-	vCenter.mli \
-	xen.mli \
@@ -69,13 +70,14 @@ SOURCES_ML = \
 	domainxml.ml \
 	DOM.ml \
 	kvmuid.ml \
-	vCenter.ml \
-	xen.ml \
 	OVF.ml \
 	linux.ml \
 	modules_list.ml \
 	input_disk.ml \
 	input_libvirtxml.ml \
+	input_libvirt_other.ml \
+	input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml \
+	input_libvirt_xen_ssh.ml \
 	input_libvirt.ml \
 	input_ova.ml \
 	convert_linux.ml \
diff --git a/v2v/input_libvirt.ml b/v2v/input_libvirt.ml
index 93d96b7..60e88ac 100644
--- a/v2v/input_libvirt.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt.ml
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+(** [-i libvirt] source. *)
 open Printf
 open Common_gettext.Gettext
@@ -24,144 +26,11 @@ open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
-(* Check the backend is not libvirt.  Works around a libvirt bug
- * (RHBZ#1134592).  This can be removed once the libvirt bug is fixed.
- *)
-let error_if_libvirt_backend () =
-  let libguestfs_backend = (new Guestfs.guestfs ())#get_backend () in
-  if libguestfs_backend = "libvirt" then (
-    error (f_"because of libvirt bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1134592 you must set this environment variable:\n\nexport LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct\n\nand then rerun the virt-v2v command.")
-  )
-(* xen+ssh URLs use the SSH driver in CURL.  Currently this requires
- * ssh-agent authentication.  Give a clear error if this hasn't been
- * set up (RHBZ#1139973).
- *)
-let error_if_no_ssh_agent () =
-  try ignore (Sys.getenv "SSH_AUTH_SOCK")
-  with Not_found ->
-    error (f_"ssh-agent authentication has not been set up ($SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set).  Please read \"INPUT FROM RHEL 5 XEN\" in the virt-v2v(1) man page.")
-(* Superclass. *)
-class virtual input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest =
-  inherit input verbose
-  method as_options =
-    sprintf "-i libvirt%s %s"
-      (match libvirt_uri with
-      | None -> ""
-      | Some uri -> " -ic " ^ uri)
-      guest
-(* Subclass specialized for handling anything that's *not* VMware vCenter
- * or Xen.
- *)
-class input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest =
-  inherit input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest
-  method source () =
-    if verbose then printf "input_libvirt_other: source()\n%!";
-    (* Get the libvirt XML.  This also checks (as a side-effect)
-     * that the domain is not running.  (RHBZ#1138586)
-     *)
-    let xml = Domainxml.dumpxml ?conn:libvirt_uri guest in
-    Input_libvirtxml.parse_libvirt_xml ~verbose xml
-(* Subclass specialized for handling VMware vCenter over https. *)
-class input_libvirt_vcenter_https
-  verbose libvirt_uri parsed_uri scheme server guest =
-  inherit input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest
-  val mutable mapf = fun ?readahead uri format -> uri, format
-  val saved_uri = Hashtbl.create 13
-  method source () =
-    if verbose then printf "input_libvirt_vcenter_https: source()\n%!";
-    error_if_libvirt_backend ();
-    (* Get the libvirt XML.  This also checks (as a side-effect)
-     * that the domain is not running.  (RHBZ#1138586)
-     *)
-    let xml = Domainxml.dumpxml ?conn:libvirt_uri guest in
-    let { s_disks = disks } as source =
-      Input_libvirtxml.parse_libvirt_xml ~verbose xml in
-    (* Save the mapf function and the original s_qemu_uri fields, so
-     * we can get them in the adjust_overlay_parameters method below.
-     *)
-    mapf <- VCenter.map_path_to_uri verbose parsed_uri scheme server;
-    List.iter (
-      fun disk ->
-        Hashtbl.add saved_uri disk.s_disk_id (disk.s_qemu_uri, disk.s_format)
-    ) disks;
-    let disks = List.map (
-      fun ({ s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format } as disk) ->
-        let uri, format = mapf uri format in
-        { disk with s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format }
-    ) disks in
-    { source with s_disks = disks }
-  (* See RHBZ#1151033 and RHBZ#1153589 for why this is necessary. *)
-  method adjust_overlay_parameters overlay =
-    let orig_uri, orig_format =
-      try Hashtbl.find saved_uri overlay.ov_source.s_disk_id
-      with Not_found -> failwith "internal error in adjust_overlay_parameters" in
-    let backing_file, _ =
-      mapf ~readahead:(64 * 1024 * 1024) orig_uri orig_format in
-    (* Rebase the qcow2 overlay to adjust the readahead parameter. *)
-    let cmd =
-      sprintf "qemu-img rebase -u -b %s %s"
-        (quote backing_file) (quote overlay.ov_overlay_file) in
-    if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
-    if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
-      warning ~prog (f_"qemu-img rebase failed, see earlier errors")
-(* Subclass specialized for handling Xen over SSH. *)
-class input_libvirt_xen_ssh
-  verbose libvirt_uri parsed_uri scheme server guest =
-  inherit input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest
-  method source () =
-    if verbose then printf "input_libvirt_xen_ssh: source()\n%!";
-    error_if_libvirt_backend ();
-    error_if_no_ssh_agent ();
-    (* Get the libvirt XML.  This also checks (as a side-effect)
-     * that the domain is not running.  (RHBZ#1138586)
-     *)
-    let xml = Domainxml.dumpxml ?conn:libvirt_uri guest in
-    let { s_disks = disks } as source =
-      Input_libvirtxml.parse_libvirt_xml ~verbose xml in
-    let mapf = Xen.map_path_to_uri verbose parsed_uri scheme server in
-    let disks = List.map (
-      fun ({ s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format } as disk) ->
-        let uri, format = mapf uri format in
-        { disk with s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format }
-    ) disks in
-    { source with s_disks = disks }
 (* Choose the right subclass based on the URI. *)
 let input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest =
   match libvirt_uri with
   | None ->
-    new input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest
+    Input_libvirt_other.input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest
   | Some orig_uri ->
     let { Xml.uri_server = server; uri_scheme = scheme } as parsed_uri =
@@ -176,14 +45,14 @@ let input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest =
     | Some _, None                      (* No scheme? *)
     | Some _, Some "" ->
-      new input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest
+      Input_libvirt_other.input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest
     | Some server, Some ("esx"|"gsx"|"vpx" as scheme) -> (* vCenter over https *)
-      new input_libvirt_vcenter_https
+      Input_libvirt_vcenter_https.input_libvirt_vcenter_https
         verbose libvirt_uri parsed_uri scheme server guest
     | Some server, Some ("xen+ssh" as scheme) -> (* Xen over SSH *)
-      new input_libvirt_xen_ssh
+      Input_libvirt_xen_ssh.input_libvirt_xen_ssh
         verbose libvirt_uri parsed_uri scheme server guest
     (* Old virt-v2v also supported qemu+ssh://.  However I am
@@ -194,6 +63,6 @@ let input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest =
     | Some _, Some _ ->             (* Unknown remote scheme. *)
       warning ~prog (f_"no support for remote libvirt connections to '-ic %s'.  The conversion may fail when it tries to read the source disks.")
-      new input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest
+      Input_libvirt_other.input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest
 let () = Modules_list.register_input_module "libvirt"
diff --git a/v2v/input_libvirt_other.ml b/v2v/input_libvirt_other.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a771aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_other.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+(* virt-v2v
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Common_gettext.Gettext
+open Common_utils
+open Types
+open Utils
+(* Check the backend is not libvirt.  Works around a libvirt bug
+ * (RHBZ#1134592).  This can be removed once the libvirt bug is fixed.
+ *)
+let error_if_libvirt_backend () =
+  let libguestfs_backend = (new Guestfs.guestfs ())#get_backend () in
+  if libguestfs_backend = "libvirt" then (
+    error (f_"because of libvirt bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1134592 you must set this environment variable:\n\nexport LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct\n\nand then rerun the virt-v2v command.")
+  )
+(* xen+ssh URLs use the SSH driver in CURL.  Currently this requires
+ * ssh-agent authentication.  Give a clear error if this hasn't been
+ * set up (RHBZ#1139973).
+ *)
+let error_if_no_ssh_agent () =
+  try ignore (Sys.getenv "SSH_AUTH_SOCK")
+  with Not_found ->
+    error (f_"ssh-agent authentication has not been set up ($SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set).  Please read \"INPUT FROM RHEL 5 XEN\" in the virt-v2v(1) man page.")
+(* Superclass. *)
+class virtual input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest =
+  inherit input verbose
+  method as_options =
+    sprintf "-i libvirt%s %s"
+      (match libvirt_uri with
+      | None -> ""
+      | Some uri -> " -ic " ^ uri)
+      guest
+(* Subclass specialized for handling anything that's *not* VMware vCenter
+ * or Xen.
+ *)
+class input_libvirt_other verbose libvirt_uri guest =
+  inherit input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest
+  method source () =
+    if verbose then printf "input_libvirt_other: source()\n%!";
+    (* Get the libvirt XML.  This also checks (as a side-effect)
+     * that the domain is not running.  (RHBZ#1138586)
+     *)
+    let xml = Domainxml.dumpxml ?conn:libvirt_uri guest in
+    Input_libvirtxml.parse_libvirt_xml ~verbose xml
+let input_libvirt_other = new input_libvirt_other
diff --git a/v2v/vCenter.mli b/v2v/input_libvirt_other.mli
similarity index 66%
copy from v2v/vCenter.mli
copy to v2v/input_libvirt_other.mli
index 06ba452..013d3bb 100644
--- a/v2v/vCenter.mli
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_other.mli
@@ -16,8 +16,15 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(** Functions for dealing with ESX. *)
+(** [-i libvirt] source. *)
-val map_path_to_uri : bool -> Xml.uri -> string -> string -> ?readahead:int -> string -> string option -> string * string option
-(** Map a VMware path like "[datastore1] guest/guest.vmdk" to the
-    URL where we can fetch the data. *)
+val error_if_libvirt_backend : unit -> unit
+val error_if_no_ssh_agent : unit -> unit
+class virtual input_libvirt : bool -> string option -> string -> object
+  method as_options : string
+  method virtual source : unit -> Types.source
+  method adjust_overlay_parameters : Types.overlay -> unit
+val input_libvirt_other : bool -> string option -> string -> Types.input
diff --git a/v2v/vCenter.ml b/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml
similarity index 75%
rename from v2v/vCenter.ml
rename to v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml
index dc29863..7dde9be 100644
--- a/v2v/vCenter.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.ml
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(** Functions for dealing with ESX. *)
+(** [-i libvirt] when the source is VMware vCenter *)
 open Common_gettext.Gettext
 open Common_utils
+open Types
 open Xml
 open Utils
+open Input_libvirt_other
 open Printf
@@ -209,3 +211,60 @@ and get_session_cookie verbose scheme uri sslverify url =
       Some !session_cookie
+(* Subclass specialized for handling VMware vCenter over https. *)
+class input_libvirt_vcenter_https
+  verbose libvirt_uri parsed_uri scheme server guest =
+  inherit input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest
+  val mutable mapf = fun ?readahead uri format -> uri, format
+  val saved_uri = Hashtbl.create 13
+  method source () =
+    if verbose then printf "input_libvirt_vcenter_https: source()\n%!";
+    error_if_libvirt_backend ();
+    (* Get the libvirt XML.  This also checks (as a side-effect)
+     * that the domain is not running.  (RHBZ#1138586)
+     *)
+    let xml = Domainxml.dumpxml ?conn:libvirt_uri guest in
+    let { s_disks = disks } as source =
+      Input_libvirtxml.parse_libvirt_xml ~verbose xml in
+    (* Save the mapf function and the original s_qemu_uri fields, so
+     * we can get them in the adjust_overlay_parameters method below.
+     *)
+    mapf <- map_path_to_uri verbose parsed_uri scheme server;
+    List.iter (
+      fun disk ->
+        Hashtbl.add saved_uri disk.s_disk_id (disk.s_qemu_uri, disk.s_format)
+    ) disks;
+    let disks = List.map (
+      fun ({ s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format } as disk) ->
+        let uri, format = mapf uri format in
+        { disk with s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format }
+    ) disks in
+    { source with s_disks = disks }
+  (* See RHBZ#1151033 and RHBZ#1153589 for why this is necessary. *)
+  method adjust_overlay_parameters overlay =
+    let orig_uri, orig_format =
+      try Hashtbl.find saved_uri overlay.ov_source.s_disk_id
+      with Not_found -> failwith "internal error in adjust_overlay_parameters" in
+    let backing_file, _ =
+      mapf ~readahead:(64 * 1024 * 1024) orig_uri orig_format in
+    (* Rebase the qcow2 overlay to adjust the readahead parameter. *)
+    let cmd =
+      sprintf "qemu-img rebase -u -b %s %s"
+        (quote backing_file) (quote overlay.ov_overlay_file) in
+    if verbose then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+    if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
+      warning ~prog (f_"qemu-img rebase failed, see earlier errors")
+let input_libvirt_vcenter_https = new input_libvirt_vcenter_https
diff --git a/v2v/xen.mli b/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.mli
similarity index 78%
rename from v2v/xen.mli
rename to v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.mli
index 440d226..82dce53 100644
--- a/v2v/xen.mli
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_vcenter_https.mli
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(** Functions for dealing with Xen. *)
+(** [-i libvirt] when the source is VMware vCenter *)
-val map_path_to_uri : bool -> Xml.uri -> string -> string -> string -> string option -> string * string option
-(** Map a Xen path to the SSH URL where we can fetch the data. *)
+val input_libvirt_vcenter_https : bool -> string option -> Xml.uri -> string -> string -> string -> Types.input
diff --git a/v2v/xen.ml b/v2v/input_libvirt_xen_ssh.ml
similarity index 64%
rename from v2v/xen.ml
rename to v2v/input_libvirt_xen_ssh.ml
index 332cdd6..081317d 100644
--- a/v2v/xen.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_xen_ssh.ml
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(** Functions for dealing with Xen. *)
+(** [-i libvirt] when the source is Xen *)
 open Common_gettext.Gettext
 open Common_utils
+open Types
 open Xml
 open Utils
+open Input_libvirt_other
 open Printf
@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ open Printf
  *   "file.host_key_check": "no"
  * }
-let rec map_path_to_uri verbose uri scheme server path format =
+let map_path_to_uri verbose uri scheme server path format =
   (* Construct the JSON parameters. *)
   let json_params = [
     "file.driver", JSON.String "ssh";
@@ -69,3 +71,33 @@ let rec map_path_to_uri verbose uri scheme server path format =
   let qemu_uri = "json: " ^ JSON.string_of_doc json_params in
   qemu_uri, format
+(* Subclass specialized for handling Xen over SSH. *)
+class input_libvirt_xen_ssh verbose libvirt_uri parsed_uri scheme server guest =
+  inherit input_libvirt verbose libvirt_uri guest
+  method source () =
+    if verbose then printf "input_libvirt_xen_ssh: source()\n%!";
+    error_if_libvirt_backend ();
+    error_if_no_ssh_agent ();
+    (* Get the libvirt XML.  This also checks (as a side-effect)
+     * that the domain is not running.  (RHBZ#1138586)
+     *)
+    let xml = Domainxml.dumpxml ?conn:libvirt_uri guest in
+    let { s_disks = disks } as source =
+      Input_libvirtxml.parse_libvirt_xml ~verbose xml in
+    let mapf = map_path_to_uri verbose parsed_uri scheme server in
+    let disks = List.map (
+      fun ({ s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format } as disk) ->
+        let uri, format = mapf uri format in
+        { disk with s_qemu_uri = uri; s_format = format }
+    ) disks in
+    { source with s_disks = disks }
+let input_libvirt_xen_ssh = new input_libvirt_xen_ssh
diff --git a/v2v/vCenter.mli b/v2v/input_libvirt_xen_ssh.mli
similarity index 73%
rename from v2v/vCenter.mli
rename to v2v/input_libvirt_xen_ssh.mli
index 06ba452..85473ed 100644
--- a/v2v/vCenter.mli
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_xen_ssh.mli
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-(** Functions for dealing with ESX. *)
+(** [-i libvirt] when the source is Xen *)
-val map_path_to_uri : bool -> Xml.uri -> string -> string -> ?readahead:int -> string -> string option -> string * string option
-(** Map a VMware path like "[datastore1] guest/guest.vmdk" to the
-    URL where we can fetch the data. *)
+val input_libvirt_xen_ssh : bool -> string option -> Xml.uri -> string -> string -> string -> Types.input

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-libvirt/libguestfs.git

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