[Pkg-libvirt-commits] [libguestfs] 193/384: customize: add --commands-from-file

Hilko Bengen bengen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Mar 29 16:56:55 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bengen pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository libguestfs.

commit eda41268689f824901d6c209ffd91c27ce9695b9
Author: Pino Toscano <ptoscano at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 22 17:07:02 2015 +0100

    customize: add --commands-from-file
    Pass to --commands-from-file the name of a file containing customization
    commands in each line, as if they were specified as command line
    This eases the reuse of commands among different
    builder/customize/sysprep invocations.
 builder/cmdline.ml         |   3 +-
 customize/customize_run.ml |   5 +++
 generator/customize.ml     | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builder/cmdline.ml b/builder/cmdline.ml
index bb7b1d0..1c6ab98 100644
--- a/builder/cmdline.ml
+++ b/builder/cmdline.ml
@@ -308,7 +308,8 @@ read the man page virt-builder(1).
           | `Delete _ | `Edit _ | `FirstbootCommand _ | `FirstbootPackages _
           | `FirstbootScript _ | `Hostname _ | `Link _ | `Mkdir _
           | `Password _ | `RootPassword _ | `Scrub _ | `SSHInject _
-          | `Timezone _ | `Upload _ | `Write _ | `Chmod _ -> false
+          | `Timezone _ | `Upload _ | `Write _ | `Chmod _
+          | `CommandsFromFile _ -> false
         ) ops.ops in
         if requires_execute_on_guest then
           error (f_"sorry, cannot run commands on a guest with a different architecture");
diff --git a/customize/customize_run.ml b/customize/customize_run.ml
index 19b7a7d..fed905b 100644
--- a/customize/customize_run.ml
+++ b/customize/customize_run.ml
@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@ exec >>%s 2>&1
       msg (f_"Running: %s") cmd;
       do_run ~display:cmd cmd
+    | `CommandsFromFile _ ->
+      (* Nothing to do, the files with customize commands are already
+       * read when their arguments are met. *)
+      ()
     | `Delete path ->
       msg (f_"Deleting: %s") path;
       g#rm_rf path
diff --git a/generator/customize.ml b/generator/customize.ml
index 82ecb79..2ba2ae7 100644
--- a/generator/customize.ml
+++ b/generator/customize.ml
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ and op_type =
 | PasswordSelector of string            (* password selector *)
 | UserPasswordSelector of string        (* user:selector *)
 | SSHKeySelector of string              (* user:selector *)
+| StringFn of (string * string)         (* string, function name *)
 let ops = [
   { op_name = "chmod";
@@ -56,6 +57,34 @@ I<Note>: C<PERMISSIONS> by default would be decimal, unless you prefix
 it with C<0> to get octal, ie. use C<0700> not C<700>.";
+  { op_name = "commands-from-file";
+    op_type = StringFn ("FILENAME", "customize_read_from_file");
+    op_discrim = "`CommandsFromFile";
+    op_shortdesc = "Read customize commands from file";
+    op_pod_longdesc = "\
+Read the customize commands from a file, one (and its arguments)
+each line.
+Each line contains a single customization command and its arguments,
+for example:
+ delete /some/file
+ install some-package
+ password some-user:password:its-new-password
+Empty lines are ignored, and lines starting with C<#> are comments
+and are ignored as well.  Furthermore, arguments can be spread across
+multiple lines, by adding a C<\\> (continuation character) at the of
+a line, for example
+ edit /some/file:\\
+   s/^OPT=.*/OPT=ok/
+The commands are handled in the same order as they are in the file,
+as if they were specified as I<--delete /some/file> on the command
+  };
   { op_name = "delete";
     op_type = String "PATH";
     op_discrim = "`Delete";
@@ -474,7 +503,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
     | target :: lns -> target, lns
-  let argspec = [
+  let rec argspec = [
   List.iter (
@@ -569,6 +598,18 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "      s_\"%s\" ^ \" \" ^ s_\"%s\"\n" v shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
       pr "    Some %S, %S;\n" v longdesc
+    | { op_type = StringFn (v, fn); op_name = name; op_discrim = discrim;
+        op_shortdesc = shortdesc; op_pod_longdesc = longdesc } ->
+      pr "    (\n";
+      pr "      \"--%s\",\n" name;
+      pr "      Arg.String (\n";
+      pr "        fun s ->\n";
+      pr "          %s s;\n" fn;
+      pr "          ops := %s s :: !ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "      ),\n";
+      pr "      s_\"%s\" ^ \" \" ^ s_\"%s\"\n" v shortdesc;
+      pr "    ),\n";
+      pr "    Some %S, %S;\n" v longdesc
   ) ops;
   List.iter (
@@ -598,7 +639,57 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "    Some %S, %S;\n" v longdesc
   ) flags;
-  pr "  ] in
+  pr "  ]
+  and customize_read_from_file filename =
+    let forbidden_commands = [
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | { op_type = StringFn (_, _); op_name = name; } ->
+      pr "      \"%s\";\n" name
+    | { op_type = Unit; }
+    | { op_type = String _; }
+    | { op_type = StringPair _; }
+    | { op_type = StringList _; }
+    | { op_type = TargetLinks _; }
+    | { op_type = PasswordSelector _; }
+    | { op_type = UserPasswordSelector _; }
+    | { op_type = SSHKeySelector _; } -> ()
+  ) ops;
+pr "    ] in
+    let lines = read_whole_file filename in
+    let lines = string_lines_split lines in
+    let lines = List.filter (
+      fun line ->
+        String.length line > 0 && line.[0] <> '#'
+    ) lines in
+    let cmds = List.map (fun line -> string_split \" \" line) lines in
+    (* Check for commands not allowed in files containing commands. *)
+    List.iter (
+      fun (cmd, _) ->
+        if List.mem cmd forbidden_commands then
+          error (f_\"command '%%s' cannot be used in command files, see the man page\")
+            cmd
+    ) cmds;
+    List.iter (
+      fun (cmd, arg) ->
+        try
+          let ((_, spec, _), _, _) = List.find (
+            fun ((key, _, _), _, _) ->
+              key = \"--\" ^ cmd
+          ) argspec in
+          (match spec with
+          | Arg.Unit fn -> fn ()
+          | Arg.String fn -> fn arg
+          | _ -> error \"INTERNAL error: spec not handled for %%s\" cmd
+          )
+        with Not_found ->
+          error (f_\"command '%%s' not valid, see the man page\")
+            cmd
+    ) cmds
+  in
   argspec, get_ops
@@ -640,6 +731,8 @@ type ops = {
         op_name = name } ->
       pr "  | %s of string * Ssh_key.ssh_key_selector\n      (* --%s %s *)\n"
         discrim name v
+    | { op_type = StringFn (v, _); op_discrim = discrim; op_name = name } ->
+      pr "  | %s of string\n      (* --%s %s *)\n" discrim name v
   ) ops;
   pr "]\n";
@@ -665,7 +758,8 @@ let generate_customize_synopsis_pod () =
       | { op_type = Unit; op_name = n } ->
         n, sprintf "[--%s]" n
       | { op_type = String v | StringPair v | StringList v | TargetLinks v
-            | PasswordSelector v | UserPasswordSelector v | SSHKeySelector v;
+            | PasswordSelector v | UserPasswordSelector v | SSHKeySelector v
+            | StringFn (v, _);
           op_name = n } ->
         n, sprintf "[--%s %s]" n v
     ) ops @
@@ -705,7 +799,8 @@ let generate_customize_options_pod () =
       | { op_type = Unit; op_name = n; op_pod_longdesc = ld } ->
         n, sprintf "B<--%s>" n, ld
       | { op_type = String v | StringPair v | StringList v | TargetLinks v
-            | PasswordSelector v | UserPasswordSelector v | SSHKeySelector v;
+            | PasswordSelector v | UserPasswordSelector v | SSHKeySelector v
+            | StringFn (v, _);
           op_name = n; op_pod_longdesc = ld } ->
         n, sprintf "B<--%s> %s" n v, ld
     ) ops @

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