[Pkg-libvirt-discuss] RFS: libvirt-dbus 1.3.0-1

Andrea Bolognani eof at kiyuko.org
Wed Jan 23 23:45:09 GMT 2019


I'm looking for someone willing to sponsor a libvirt-dbus upload,
as I don't have upload permissions myself.

I've uploaded the package to mentors


and the corresponding branch is available on salsa


I'll update the official git repo at libvirt-team/libvirt-dbus
and use the debian/sid branch once the new package has been
accepted into the archive.

The changes from the previous version are pretty straightforward,
and mainly involve updating to the latest upstream release and
bringing the packaging up to date with the latest standards, plus
some tweaks to package relationships.

A couple of notes: there is one Debian-specific patch that I could
have dropped by bumping the dependency on libvirt to 4.10.0-2, but
that would have gotten in the way of backports which is something
that's being considered; the debhelper compat level has not been
raised to 12 for the exact same reason. If the backport idea ends
up being abandoned, I'll take care of both in a subsequent version.

Thanks :)

P.S. Sending this to -discuss as -maintainers seems to be mostly
     used for automated messages rather than human-to-human
     interaction, but please let me know if I should have used the
     other list and I'll do so next time.
Andrea Bolognani <eof at kiyuko.org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.
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