[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#492694: Restarting libvirtd loses domains

Guido Trotter ultrotter at debian.org
Mon Jul 28 09:07:49 UTC 2008

Package: libvirt
Version: 0.4.4-3
Severity: important


As discussed in another bug report, one should be able to restart
libvirtd without losing running domains. Cases such as upgrades, security
upgrades, the daemon dieing for unknown reasons (OOM?) should be
gracefully handled by being able to restart the daemon and having again
access to your virtual machines (it should be just a matter of saving
enough information about started vms to disk, and checking those upon
start). Not doing it is problematic in all the cases listed above.

There can be another command to shutdown all domains, useful perhaps on
system powerdown, that could try to first gracefully inform then, and
later terminate them if needed, but this should be detached from simply
restarting libvirtd. Simply terminating all kvms/qemus on libvirtd stop
is not a correct behavior, and creates too much disservice in a vm
hosting environment.



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