[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#507583: Bug#507583: weird window placement/handling

Dan Poltawski talktodan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 13:01:41 UTC 2009

On Sun, Dec 07, 2008 at 12:15:01PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Guido Günther <agx at sigxcpu.org> [2008.12.06.1148 +0100]:
> > I think I just found the dialog problem you describe. Basically
> > the dialogs show  up correctly the first time but not there after.
> > They also stay in the window list. Seems vmm isn't tearing down
> > the dialogs.
> Nope. The problem I am seeing is that the virt-manager main window
> pops up at +0+0 (above the awesome status bar) and cannot be moved
> or resized.
> Instead of describing this, I've recorded the following video of the
> problem. I am a little tired, so please excuse the non-enthusiastic
> narrator. :)

I've been experiencing this same problem, although with a pervious
configuration I could: 
 - Open new virtual windows and run them
 - Inconsistently be able rearrange virtual machine/manager windows and grab

With my current (basically deafult) awesome configuration I try and start a 
virtual machine from the menu I loose the ability to focus or move any of the 
virt-manager related windows.

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