[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#591551: Bug#591551: libvirt-bin: virsh did not show available configuration (virsh list --all

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Tue Aug 3 23:06:20 UTC 2010

Hi Andreas,
On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 11:04:41PM +0200, Andreas Jacob wrote:
> I do not know exactly when the problem arrived (which version). But
> actually when executing `virsh list --all` i get a blank table with no
> entrys - even when a virtual machine is allready running. Virt-Manager
> shows all availabe running and not running virtual machines. I've
> actually no idea where the problem comes from.
Are you passing the corret URI like:

virsh -c qemu:///system list --all
virsh -c qemu:///session list --all

The default is session if not running as root.
 -- Guido

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