[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#623222: Bug#623222: CVE-2011-1486: Error handling not thread-safe

Moritz Muehlenhoff jmm at inutil.org
Wed Apr 27 19:51:55 UTC 2011

Hi Guido,

> Just for the record: upstream's fix is in 0.9.0 already. 

Ok, I've updated the tracker.

> BTW Does tagging
> the bugs as found/notfound update the affected versions at
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=693391

We don't update the Red Hat bugzilla, no :-)

Did you mean http://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2011-1486 ?

If you want to update version-specific entries (like "Squeeze is not
affected, since the code isn't there yet") simply use

Alternatively we can also give you write access to the Debian Security
Tracker as described here:


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