[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#707201: Same problem

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Sat Jun 15 13:23:06 UTC 2013

On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 12:37:06PM +1000, Dean Hamstead wrote:
> I am experiencing the same problem.
> umounting cgroups solves the problem but almost certainly results in
> the machines having no cgroup enforced boundaries.
> perhaps this is a permissions problem and libvirt cant create a
> 'machines' group? or perhaps its not actually creating one at all
> and failing in its absence.
> i would poke through the code more but python makes me ill.
It's not python related at all.

It would be awesome if you guys would provide some information to
reproduce like:

* which version you were upgrading from
* which VMs were running
* content of /proc/mounts
* contents of /sys/fs/cgroup before the upgrade
* libvirtd messages see:


I do think this is related to libvirtd changing cgroup layout but
without any detail this is impossible to tell.
 -- Guido

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