[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#763287: Package Differences

David L. Craig dlc.usa at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 22:33:57 UTC 2014

I have attached a list of the packages installed in the
failing and working systems, including versions and
(when a package is common to both), a "<", ">", or "="
prefix to the second version to indicate the relationship
between the two.
<not cent from sell>
May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."
-------------- next part --------------
Package                               Works_version                         Fails_version
acl                                   2.2.52-2                             =2.2.52-2                             
acpi                                  1.7-1                                =1.7-1                                
acpi-support-base                     0.142-4                               -- not-installed                     
acpid                                 1:2.0.23-1                            -- not-installed                     
adduser                               3.113+nmu3                           =3.113+nmu3                           
adwaita-icon-theme                    3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
aglfn                                 -- not-installed                      1.7-3                                
alsa-base                             -- not-installed                      1.0.27+1                             
alsa-utils                            -- not-installed                      1.0.28-1                             
alsaplayer-alsa                       -- not-installed                      0.99.81-1                            
alsaplayer-common                     -- not-installed                      0.99.81-1                            
alsaplayer-gtk                        -- not-installed                      0.99.81-1                            
alsaplayer-jack                       -- not-installed                      0.99.81-1                            
alsaplayer-text                       -- not-installed                      0.99.81-1                            
amb-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.8.1-4                              
ambdec                                -- not-installed                      0.5.1-3                              
amd64-microcode                       -- not-installed                      2.20131007.1+really20130710.1        
ant                                   -- not-installed                      1.9.4-1                              
ant-doc                               -- not-installed                      1.9.4-1                              
ant-gcj                               -- not-installed                      1.9.4-1                              
ant-optional                          -- not-installed                      1.9.4-1                              
ant-optional-gcj                      -- not-installed                      1.9.4-1                              
antlr                                 -- not-installed                      2.7.7+dfsg-5                         
appstream-index                       -- not-installed                      0.7.2-1                              
apt                                                       =                              
apt-listbugs                          -- not-installed                      0.1.15                               
apt-listchanges                       -- not-installed                      2.85.13                              
apt-utils                                                 =                              
apt-xapian-index                      -- not-installed                      0.47                                 
aptitude                              0.6.11-1                             =0.6.11-1                             
aptitude-common                       0.6.11-1                             =0.6.11-1                             
aptitude-doc-en                       -- not-installed                      0.6.11-1                             
arj                                   -- not-installed                      3.10.22-12                           
at                                    -- not-installed                      3.1.15-1                             
at-spi2-core                          -- not-installed                      2.12.0-2                             
atmel-firmware                        -- not-installed                      1.3-4                                
attr                                  -- not-installed                      1:2.4.47-2                           
audacity                              -- not-installed                      2.0.5-2+b1                           
audacity-data                         -- not-installed                      2.0.5-2                              
augeas-lenses                         1.2.0-0.2                            =1.2.0-0.2                            
autoconf                              -- not-installed                      2.69-8                               
autoconf-archive                      -- not-installed                      20140228-1.1                         
autoconf-doc                          -- not-installed                      2.69-8                               
automake1.11                          -- not-installed                      1:1.11.6-2                           
autopoint                             -- not-installed                      0.19.2-2                             
autotalent                            -- not-installed                      0.2-4                                
autotools-dev                         -- not-installed                      20140911.1                           
avahi-daemon                          -- not-installed                      0.6.31-4                             
base-files                            7.5                                  =7.5                                  
base-passwd                           3.5.36                               =3.5.36                               
bash                                  4.3-9.2                              =4.3-9.2                              
bash-completion                       -- not-installed                      1:2.1-4                              
bc                                    -- not-installed                      1.06.95-9                            
beep                                  -- not-installed                      1.3-3+b1                             
bind9-host                            -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
binfmt-support                        -- not-installed                      2.1.5-1                              
binutils                              -- not-installed                               
binutils-dev                          -- not-installed                               
binutils-doc                          -- not-installed                               
binutils-multiarch                    -- not-installed                               
binutils-source                       -- not-installed                               
bison                                 -- not-installed                      2:3.0.2.dfsg-2                       
bison-doc                             -- not-installed                      1:3.0.2-1                            
blepvco                               -- not-installed                      0.1.0-3                              
blop                                  -- not-installed                      0.2.8-6                              
blt                                   -- not-installed                      2.5.3-4                              
bluez                                 -- not-installed                      5.23-1                               
bluez-firmware                        -- not-installed                      1.2-3                                
bridge-utils                          1.5-9                                =1.5-9                                
bs2b-ladspa                           -- not-installed                      0.9.1-3                              
bsd-mailx                             -- not-installed                      8.1.2-0.20140825cvs-1                
bsdmainutils                          9.0.5                                =9.0.5                                
bsdutils                              1:2.20.1-5.9                         =1:2.20.1-5.9                         
btrfs-tools                           -- not-installed                      3.16-1                               
build-essential                       -- not-installed                      11.7                                 
busybox                               1:1.22.0-9                           >1:1.22.0-8                           
bvi                                   -- not-installed                      1.3.2-2                              
bzip2                                 1.0.6-7                              =1.0.6-7                              
bzip2-doc                             -- not-installed                      1.0.6-7                              
ca-certificates                       -- not-installed                      20140325                             
ca-certificates-java                  -- not-installed                      20140324                             
cabextract                            -- not-installed                      1.4-4                                
caps                                  -- not-installed                      0.9.23-1                             
cdrkit-doc                            -- not-installed                      9:1.1.11-3                           
chromium                              -- not-installed                      37.0.2062.120-2                      
chromium-inspector                    -- not-installed                      37.0.2062.120-2                      
chromium-l10n                         -- not-installed                      37.0.2062.120-2                      
clang-3.5                             -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
clang-3.5-doc                         -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
clang-format-3.5                      -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
clang-modernize-3.5                   -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
cmt                                   -- not-installed                      1.16-1                               
colord                                -- not-installed                      1.2.1-1                              
colord-data                           -- not-installed                      1.2.1-1                              
console-setup                         1.113                                =1.113                                
console-setup-linux                   1.113                                =1.113                                
coreutils                             8.23-2                               =8.23-2                               
cowbuilder                            -- not-installed                      0.73                                 
cowdancer                             -- not-installed                      0.73                                 
cpio                                  2.11+dfsg-2                          =2.11+dfsg-2                          
cpp                                   4:4.9.1-4                            =4:4.9.1-4                            
cpp-4.8                               -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
cpp-4.9                               4.9.1-15                             =4.9.1-15                             
cpp-4.9-doc                           -- not-installed                      4.9.1-2                              
cpp-doc                               -- not-installed                      5:4.9.1-2                            
cpp11-migrate-3.5                     -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
cpufrequtils                          -- not-installed                      008-1                                
crafty                                -- not-installed                      23.4-6                               
crafty-books-medtosmall               -- not-installed                      1.0.debian1-2                        
crda                                  -- not-installed                      3.13-1                               
cron                                  3.0pl1-124.2                         =3.0pl1-124.2                         
cryptsetup                            -- not-installed                      2:1.6.6-1                            
cryptsetup-bin                        -- not-installed                      2:1.6.6-1                            
cscope                                -- not-installed                      15.8a-2                              
csladspa                              -- not-installed                      1:6.03.2~dfsg-1                      
csound                                -- not-installed                      1:6.03.2~dfsg-1                      
csound-data                           -- not-installed                      1:6.03.2~dfsg-1                      
csound-utils                          -- not-installed                      1:6.03.2~dfsg-1                      
cups                                  -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-bsd                              -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-client                           -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-common                           -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-core-drivers                     -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-daemon                           -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-filters                          -- not-installed                      1.0.58-1                             
cups-filters-core-drivers             -- not-installed                      1.0.58-1                             
cups-pdf                              -- not-installed                      2.6.1-13                             
cups-pk-helper                        -- not-installed                      0.2.5-2                              
cups-ppdc                             -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
cups-server-common                    -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
curl                                  -- not-installed                      7.38.0-2                             
cyrus-doc                             -- not-installed                      2.4.17+caldav~beta10-5               
dash                                  0.5.7-4                              =0.5.7-4                              
db-util                               -- not-installed                      5.3.0                                
db5.3-doc                             -- not-installed                      5.3.28-6                             
db5.3-util                            -- not-installed                      5.3.28-6                             
dbus                                  1.8.8-1                              =1.8.8-1                              
dbus-x11                              1.8.8-1                              =1.8.8-1                              
dc                                    -- not-installed                      1.06.95-9                            
dconf-gsettings-backend:amd64         0.22.0-1                             =0.22.0-1                             
dconf-service                         0.22.0-1                             =0.22.0-1                             
dctrl-tools                           -- not-installed                      2.23                                 
debconf                               1.5.53                               =1.5.53                               
debconf-i18n                          1.5.53                               =1.5.53                               
debhelper                             -- not-installed                      9.20140817                           
debian-archive-keyring                2014.1                               =2014.1                               
debian-faq                            -- not-installed                      5.0.2                                
debian-kernel-handbook                -- not-installed                      1.0.15                               
debian-keyring                        -- not-installed                      2014.08.31                           
debianutils                           4.4                                  =4.4                                  
debootstrap                           -- not-installed                      1.0.63                               
debugedit                             -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
default-jre                           -- not-installed                      2:1.7-52                             
default-jre-headless                  -- not-installed                      2:1.7-52                             
denemo-data                           -- not-installed                      1.1.8-2                              
denemo-doc                            -- not-installed                      1.1.8-2                              
desktop-base                          7.0.3                                =7.0.3                                
desktop-file-utils                    0.22-1                               =0.22-1                               
devscripts                            -- not-installed                      2.14.7                               
dh-make                               -- not-installed                      1.20140617                           
dh-python                             -- not-installed                      1.20140511-1                         
dictionaries-common                   -- not-installed                      1.23.12                              
diffstat                              -- not-installed                      1.58-1                               
diffutils                             1:3.3-1                              =1:3.3-1                              
discover                              2.1.2-7                              =2.1.2-7                              
discover-data                         2.2013.01.11                         =2.2013.01.11                         
distro-info-data                      -- not-installed                      0.21                                 
dkms                                  -- not-installed                                      
dmeventd                              -- not-installed                      2:1.02.90-2                          
dmidecode                             2.12-3                               =2.12-3                               
dmsetup                               2:1.02.90-2                          =2:1.02.90-2                          
dnsmasq-base                          -- not-installed                      2.72-1                               
dnsutils                              -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
doc-debian                            -- not-installed                      6.2                                  
docbook-xml                           -- not-installed                      4.5-7.2                              
docbook-xsl                           -- not-installed                      1.78.1+dfsg-1                        
docutils-common                       -- not-installed                      0.12+dfsg-1                          
dosfstools                            3.0.26-3                             =3.0.26-3                             
doxygen                               -- not-installed                      1.8.8-3                              
dpkg                                  1.17.13                              =1.17.13                              
dpkg-dev                              -- not-installed                      1.17.13                              
dput-ng                               -- not-installed                      1.8                                  
drawterm                              20110822-1                           =20110822-1                           
dupload                               -- not-installed                      2.7.0                                
e2fslibs:amd64                        1.42.12-1                            =1.42.12-1                            
e2fsprogs                             1.42.12-1                            =1.42.12-1                            
eboard                                -- not-installed                      1.1.1-6                              
eboard-extras-pack1                   -- not-installed                      2-3                                  
ebtables                              -- not-installed                                       
ed                                    1.10-2                               =1.10-2                               
efivar                                -- not-installed                      0.10-5                               
eject                                 2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1          =2.1.5+deb1+cvs20081104-13.1          
elfutils                              -- not-installed                      0.159-4                              
emacsen-common                        -- not-installed                      2.0.8                                
enscript                              -- not-installed                                       
equivs                                -- not-installed                      2.0.9                                
esound-common                         -- not-installed                      0.2.41-11                            
ethtool                               -- not-installed                      1:3.16-1                             
evince-common                         -- not-installed                      3.14.0-2                             
evince-gtk                            -- not-installed                      3.14.0-2                             
exo-utils                             0.10.2-4                             =0.10.2-4                             
extlinux                              -- not-installed                      3:6.03~pre20+dfsg-4                  
exuberant-ctags                       -- not-installed                      1:5.9~svn20110310-8                  
fakeroot                              -- not-installed                      1.20.1-1.1                           
faketime                              -- not-installed                      0.9.6-3                              
fetchmail                             -- not-installed                      6.3.26-1                             
ffmpeg                                -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
ffmpeg-dbg:amd64                      -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
ffmpeg-doc                            -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
fil-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.3.0-3                              
file                                  -- not-installed                      1:5.19-2                             
findutils                             4.4.2-9                              =4.4.2-9                              
firebird2.5-common                    -- not-installed                                
firebird2.5-common-doc                -- not-installed                                
firmware-adi                          -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-atheros                      -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-bnx2                         -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-bnx2x                        -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-brcm80211                    -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-crystalhd                    -- not-installed                      0.0~git20120110.fdd2f19-1            
firmware-intelwimax                   -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-ipw2x00                      -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-ivtv                         -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-iwlwifi                      -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-libertas                     -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-linux                        -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-linux-free                   3.3                                  =3.3                                  
firmware-linux-nonfree                -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-myricom                      -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-netxen                       -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-qlogic                       -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-ralink                       -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-realtek                      -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-ti-connectivity              -- not-installed                      0.43                                 
firmware-zd1211                       -- not-installed                                       
flac                                  -- not-installed                      1.3.0-2                              
flite1-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.4-release-11                       
fluid-soundfont-gm                    -- not-installed                      3.1-5                                
fluid-soundfont-gs                    -- not-installed                      3.1-5                                
fluidsynth                            -- not-installed                      1.1.6-2                              
fontconfig                            2.11.0-6.1                           =2.11.0-6.1                           
fontconfig-config                     2.11.0-6.1                           =2.11.0-6.1                           
fonts-arphic-ukai                     -- not-installed                      0.2.20080216.2-4                     
fonts-arphic-uming                    -- not-installed                      0.2.20080216.2-7                     
fonts-dejavu                          -- not-installed                      2.34-1                               
fonts-dejavu-core                     2.34-1                               =2.34-1                               
fonts-dejavu-extra                    -- not-installed                      2.34-1                               
fonts-droid                           -- not-installed                      1:4.4.4r2-2                          
fonts-freefont-ttf                    -- not-installed                      20120503-4                           
fonts-ipaexfont-gothic                -- not-installed                      00201-4                              
fonts-ipaexfont-mincho                -- not-installed                      00201-4                              
fonts-ipafont                         -- not-installed                      00303-12                             
fonts-ipafont-gothic                  -- not-installed                      00303-12                             
fonts-ipafont-mincho                  -- not-installed                      00303-12                             
fonts-ipafont-nonfree-jisx0208        -- not-installed                      1:00103-2                            
fonts-liberation                      -- not-installed                      1.07.4-1                             
fonts-lmodern                         -- not-installed                      2.004.4-3                            
fonts-lyx                             -- not-installed                      2.1.2-1                              
fonts-mathjax                         -- not-installed                      2.4-1                                
fonts-oflb-asana-math                 -- not-installed                      000.907-6                            
fonts-opensymbol                      -- not-installed                      2:102.6+LibO4.3.1-2                  
fonts-sil-gentium                     -- not-installed                      20081126:1.02-13                     
fonts-sil-gentium-basic               -- not-installed                      1.1-7                                
fonts-stix                            -- not-installed                      1.1.1-1                              
fonts-takao-gothic                    -- not-installed                      003.02.01-9                          
fonts-takao-mincho                    -- not-installed                      003.02.01-9                          
fonts-unfonts-core                    -- not-installed                      1.0.2-080608-12                      
fonts-vlgothic                        -- not-installed                      20140801-1                           
fonts-wqy-microhei                    -- not-installed                      0.2.0-beta-2                         
fonts-wqy-zenhei                      -- not-installed                      0.9.45-6                             
freepats                              -- not-installed                      20060219-1                           
freetds-common                        -- not-installed                      0.91-6                               
frei0r-plugins-dev                    -- not-installed                      1.4-3                                
ftp                                   -- not-installed                      0.17-31                              
fuse                                  -- not-installed                      2.9.3-15                             
g++                                   -- not-installed                      4:4.9.1-4                            
g++-4.9                               -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gawk                                  -- not-installed                      1:4.1.1+dfsg-1                       
gawk-doc                              -- not-installed                      4.0.1+ds-1                           
gcc                                   -- not-installed                      4:4.9.1-4                            
gcc-4.7-base:amd64                    4.7.4-3                              =4.7.4-3                              
gcc-4.8                               -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
gcc-4.8-base:amd64                    4.8.3-11                             =4.8.3-11                             
gcc-4.8-doc                           -- not-installed                      4.8.3-1                              
gcc-4.8-locales                       -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
gcc-4.8-multilib                      -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
gcc-4.8-plugin-dev                    -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
gcc-4.9                               -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gcc-4.9-base:amd64                    4.9.1-15                             =4.9.1-15                             
gcc-4.9-base:i386                     -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gcc-4.9-doc                           -- not-installed                      4.9.1-2                              
gcc-4.9-locales                       -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gcc-4.9-multilib                      -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gcc-doc                               -- not-installed                      5:4.9.1-2                            
gcc-doc-base                          -- not-installed                      4.8.3-4                              
gcc-multilib                          -- not-installed                      4:4.9.1-4                            
gccgo-4.9-doc                         -- not-installed                      4.9.1-2                              
gcj-4.9-doc                           -- not-installed                      4.9.1-2                              
gcj-4.9-jre-lib                       -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gconf-service                         3.2.6-3                              =3.2.6-3                              
gconf2                                3.2.6-3                              =3.2.6-3                              
gconf2-common                         3.2.6-3                              =3.2.6-3                              
gcr                                   -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1+b1                          
gdb                                   -- not-installed                      7.7.1+dfsg-3                         
gdb-doc                               -- not-installed                      7.7.1-1                              
gdbserver                             -- not-installed                      7.7.1+dfsg-3                         
gdebi-core                            -- not-installed                                          
gdigi                                 -- not-installed                      0.4.0-1+b1                           
gdisk                                 -- not-installed                      0.8.10-1                             
geany                                 -- not-installed                      1.24.1+dfsg-1                        
geany-common                          -- not-installed                      1.24.1+dfsg-1                        
geany-plugin-addons                   -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-autoclose                -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-codenav                  -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-debugger                 -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-defineformat             -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-devhelp                  -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-doc                      -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-extrasel                 -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-gendoc                   -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-geniuspaste              -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-gproject                 -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-insertnum                -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-latex                    -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-lipsum                   -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-lua                      -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-macro                    -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-miniscript               -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-multiterm                -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-numberedbookmarks        -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-pairtaghighlighter       -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-pg                       -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-pohelper                 -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-prettyprinter            -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-prj                      -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-py                       -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-scope                    -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-sendmail                 -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-shiftcolumn              -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-spellcheck               -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-tableconvert             -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-treebrowser              -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-updatechecker            -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-vc                       -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-webhelper                -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugin-xmlsnippets              -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugins                         -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
geany-plugins-common                  -- not-installed                      1.24+dfsg-2                          
genisoimage                           -- not-installed                      9:1.1.11-3                           
geoip-database                        -- not-installed                      20140908-1                           
gettext                               -- not-installed                      0.19.2-2                             
gettext-base                          0.19.2-2                             =0.19.2-2                             
gettext-doc                           -- not-installed                      0.19.2-2                             
gfortran                              -- not-installed                      4:4.9.1-4                            
gfortran-4.8                          -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
gfortran-4.8-doc                      -- not-installed                      4.8.3-1                              
gfortran-4.8-multilib                 -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
gfortran-4.9                          -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gfortran-4.9-doc                      -- not-installed                      4.9.1-2                              
gfortran-4.9-multilib                 -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
gfortran-doc                          -- not-installed                      5:4.9.1-2                            
gfortran-multilib                     -- not-installed                      4:4.9.1-4                            
ghostscript                           -- not-installed                      9.06~dfsg-1                          
ghostscript-x                         -- not-installed                      9.06~dfsg-1                          
gimp                                  -- not-installed                      2.8.14-1                             
gimp-data                             -- not-installed                      2.8.14-1                             
gimp-data-extras                      -- not-installed                      1:2.0.1-3                            
gimp-gutenprint                       -- not-installed                      5.2.10-3                             
gimp-help-common                      -- not-installed                      2.6.1-1                              
gimp-help-en                          -- not-installed                      2.6.1-1                              
gir1.2-atk-1.0                        2.14.0-1                             =2.14.0-1                             
gir1.2-freedesktop:amd64              1.42.0-1                             =1.42.0-1                             
gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0                  2.30.8-1+b1                          >2.30.8-1                             
gir1.2-glib-2.0:amd64                 1.42.0-1                             =1.42.0-1                             
gir1.2-gmenu-3.0                      -- not-installed                      3.13.3-2                             
gir1.2-gnomekeyring-1.0               -- not-installed                      3.12.0-1                             
gir1.2-gtk-2.0                        -- not-installed                      2.24.24-1                            
gir1.2-gtk-3.0                        3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
gir1.2-gtk-vnc-2.0                    0.5.3-1.2                            =0.5.3-1.2                            
gir1.2-libvirt-glib-1.0               0.1.7-2.1                            =0.1.7-2.1                            
gir1.2-notify-0.7                     -- not-installed                      0.7.6-2                              
gir1.2-packagekitglib-1.0             -- not-installed                      1.0.0-2                              
gir1.2-pango-1.0                      1.36.7-1                             =1.36.7-1                             
gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0          0.25-1                               =0.25-1                               
gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0           0.25-1                               =0.25-1                               
gir1.2-vte-2.90                       1:0.36.3-1                           =1:0.36.3-1                           
git                                   -- not-installed                      1:2.1.1-1                            
git-buildpackage                      -- not-installed                      0.6.19                               
git-doc                               -- not-installed                      1:2.1.1-1                            
git-man                               -- not-installed                      1:2.1.1-1                            
git-svn                               -- not-installed                      1:2.1.1-1                            
gksu                                  -- not-installed                      2.0.2-6                              
glib-networking:amd64                 2.42.0-1                             =2.42.0-1                             
glib-networking-common                2.42.0-1                             =2.42.0-1                             
glib-networking-services              2.42.0-1                             =2.42.0-1                             
glibc-doc                             -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
glibc-doc-reference                   -- not-installed                      2.19-1                               
gnat-4.9-doc                          -- not-installed                      4.9.1-2                              
gnome-icon-theme                      3.12.0-1                             =3.12.0-1                             
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic             -- not-installed                      3.12.0-1                             
gnome-keyring                         -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
gnome-menus                           -- not-installed                      3.13.3-2                             
gnome-mime-data                       -- not-installed                      2.18.0-1                             
gnu-standards                         -- not-installed                      2010.03.11-1                         
gnuchess                              -- not-installed                      6.1.2-1                              
gnuchess-book                         -- not-installed                      1.02-1                               
gnupg                                 1.4.18-4                             =1.4.18-4                             
gnupg-agent                           -- not-installed                      2.0.26-2                             
gnupg-curl                            -- not-installed                      1.4.18-4                             
gnupg2                                -- not-installed                      2.0.26-2                             
gnuplot                               -- not-installed                      4.6.5-10                             
gnuplot-data                          -- not-installed                      4.6.5-10                             
gnuplot-doc                           -- not-installed                      4.6.5-10                             
gnuplot-tex                           -- not-installed                      4.6.5-10                             
gnuplot-x11                           -- not-installed                      4.6.5-10                             
gnutls-bin                            -- not-installed                      3.3.8-2                              
gpgv                                  1.4.18-4                             =1.4.18-4                             
gpm                                   -- not-installed                      1.20.4-6.1                           
graphviz                              -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
graphviz-doc                          -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
grep                                  2.20-3                               =2.20-3                               
groff                                 -- not-installed                      1.22.2-8                             
groff-base                            1.22.2-8                             =1.22.2-8                             
grub-common                           2.02~beta2-14                        =2.02~beta2-14                        
grub-pc                               2.02~beta2-14                        =2.02~beta2-14                        
grub-pc-bin                           2.02~beta2-14                        =2.02~beta2-14                        
grub2-common                          2.02~beta2-14                        =2.02~beta2-14                        
gsettings-desktop-schemas             3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
gsfonts                               -- not-installed                      1:8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre44-4.2         
gstreamer0.10-alsa:amd64              0.10.36-2                            =0.10.36-2                            
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base:amd64      0.10.36-2                            =0.10.36-2                            
gstreamer0.10-tools                   -- not-installed                      0.10.36-1.4                          
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:amd64       -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good:amd64       -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly:amd64       -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
gstreamer1.0-tools                    -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
gstreamer1.0-x:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
gtk2-engines-pixbuf:amd64             -- not-installed                      2.24.24-1                            
gtk2-engines-xfce                     3.0.1-2                              =3.0.1-2                              
gtk3-engines-xfce                     -- not-installed                      3.0.1-2                              
guile-1.8                             -- not-installed                      1.8.8+1-9                            
guile-1.8-doc                         -- not-installed                      1.8.8+1-9                            
guile-1.8-libs                        -- not-installed                      1.8.8+1-9                            
gutenprint-doc                        -- not-installed                      5.2.10-3                             
gutenprint-locales                    -- not-installed                      5.2.10-3                             
gv                                    -- not-installed                      1:3.7.4-1                            
gyp                                   -- not-installed                      0.1~svn1729-3                        
gzip                                  1.6-4                                =1.6-4                                
hardening-includes                    -- not-installed                      2.6                                  
hddtemp                               -- not-installed                      0.3-beta15-52                        
hdparm                                -- not-installed                      9.43-1.1                             
hicolor-icon-theme                    0.13-1                               =0.13-1                               
host                                  -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
hostname                              3.15                                 =3.15                                 
hplip                                 -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
hplip-data                            -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
hplip-doc                             -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
hplip-gui                             -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
html2ps                               -- not-installed                      1.0b7-1                              
hwdata                                -- not-installed                      0.267-1                              
hydrogen                              -- not-installed                      0.9.6~beta3-1                        
hydrogen-drumkits                     -- not-installed                                 
hyphen-en-us                          -- not-installed                      2.8.8-1                              
i2c-tools                             -- not-installed                      3.1.1-1                              
i965-va-driver:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1                              
icedtea-7-jre-jamvm:amd64             -- not-installed                      7u65-2.5.2-4                         
icedtea-7-plugin:amd64                -- not-installed                      1.5.1-1                              
icedtea-netx:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.5.1-1                              
icedtea-netx-common                   -- not-installed                      1.5.1-1                              
iceweasel                             31.1.0esr-1                          =31.1.0esr-1                          
ifupdown                              0.7.49                               =0.7.49                               
imagemagick                           -- not-installed                      8:                          
imagemagick-6.q16                     -- not-installed                      8:                          
imagemagick-common                    -- not-installed                      8:                          
imagemagick-doc                       -- not-installed                      8:                          
indent                                -- not-installed                      2.2.11-4                             
indent-doc                            -- not-installed                      2.2.11-4                             
info                                  5.2.0.dfsg.1-4                       =5.2.0.dfsg.1-4                       
init                                  1.21                                 =1.21                                 
init-system-helpers                   1.21                                 =1.21                                 
initramfs-tools                       0.117                                =0.117                                
initscripts                           2.88dsf-53.4                         =2.88dsf-53.4                         
insserv                               1.14.0-5                             =1.14.0-5                             
install-info                          5.2.0.dfsg.1-4                       =5.2.0.dfsg.1-4                       
installation-report                   2.57                                 =2.57                                 
intel-microcode                       -- not-installed                      2.20140624.1                         
intltool-debian                       -- not-installed                      0.35.0+20060710.1                    
invada-studio-plugins-ladspa          -- not-installed                      0.3.1-3                              
iproute                               -- not-installed                      1:3.16.0-2                           
iproute2                              3.16.0-2                             =3.16.0-2                             
iptables                              1.4.21-2                             =1.4.21-2                             
iputils-ping                          3:20121221-5+b1                      =3:20121221-5+b1                      
ipxe-qemu                             1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2.1       =1.0.0+git-20131111.c3d1e78-2.1       
isc-dhcp-client                       4.3.1-3                              =4.3.1-3                              
isc-dhcp-common                       4.3.1-3                              =4.3.1-3                              
iso-codes                             3.56-1                               =3.56-1                               
isolinux                              -- not-installed                      3:6.03~pre20+dfsg-4                  
iucode-tool                           -- not-installed                      1.1-1                                
iw                                    -- not-installed                      3.14-1                               
jack-tools                            -- not-installed                      20101210-2.1                         
jackd                                 -- not-installed                      5                                    
jackd2                                -- not-installed                      1.9.10+20140719git3eb0ae6a~dfsg-2    
jackd2-firewire                       -- not-installed                      1.9.10+20140719git3eb0ae6a~dfsg-2    
jamin                                 -- not-installed                      0.97.14~cvs~81203-4                  
java-common                           -- not-installed                      0.52                                 
javascript-common                     -- not-installed                      11                                   
kate-data                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
katepart                              -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
kbd                                   1.15.5-1                             =1.15.5-1                             
kde-runtime                           -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
kde-runtime-data                      -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
kdelibs-bin                           -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
kdelibs5-data                         -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
kdelibs5-plugins                      -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
kdiff3-doc                            -- not-installed                      0.9.98-1                             
kdiff3-qt                             -- not-installed                      0.9.98-1                             
kdoctools                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
keyboard-configuration                1.113                                =1.113                                
klibc-utils                           2.0.4-1.1                            =2.0.4-1.1                            
kmod                                  18-3                                 =18-3                                 
krb5-locales                          -- not-installed                      1.12.1+dfsg-10                       
ladspa-sdk                            -- not-installed                      1.13-2                               
laptop-detect                         0.13.7                               =0.13.7                               
less                                  -- not-installed                      458-3                                
lhasa                                 -- not-installed                      0.2.0+git-3                          
lib32asan0                            -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
lib32asan1                            -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32atomic1                          -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32cilkrts5                         -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32gcc-4.8-dev                      -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
lib32gcc-4.9-dev                      -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32gcc1                             -- not-installed                      1:4.9.1-15                           
lib32gfortran-4.8-dev                 -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
lib32gfortran-4.9-dev                 -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32gfortran3                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32gomp1                            -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32itm1                             -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32quadmath0                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32stdc++6                          -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
lib32ubsan0                           -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
liba52-0.7.4                          -- not-installed                      0.7.4-17                             
libaa1:amd64                          -- not-installed                      1.4p5-43                             
libaacs0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.7.1-1+b1                           
libabw-0.1-1                          -- not-installed                      0.1.0-2                              
libacl1:amd64                         2.2.52-2                             =2.2.52-2                             
libacl1:i386                          -- not-installed                      2.2.52-2                             
libaio1:amd64                         0.3.109-4                            =0.3.109-4                            
libalgorithm-c3-perl                  0.09-1                               =0.09-1                               
libalgorithm-diff-perl                -- not-installed                      1.19.02-3                            
libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl             -- not-installed                      0.04-3+b1                            
libalgorithm-merge-perl               -- not-installed                      0.08-2                               
libalsaplayer0                        -- not-installed                      0.99.81-1                            
libamd2.3.1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1:4.2.1-3                            
libantlr-java                         -- not-installed                      2.7.7+dfsg-5                         
libao-common                          -- not-installed                      1.1.0-3                              
libao4                                -- not-installed                      1.1.0-3                              
libapache-pom-java                    -- not-installed                      10-2                                 
libapparmor1:amd64                    2.8.0-8                              =2.8.0-8                              
libappstream1:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.7.2-1                              
libapr1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.5.1-3                              
libaprutil1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.5.3-3                              
libapt-inst1.5:amd64                                      =                              
libapt-pkg-perl                       -- not-installed                      0.1.29+b2                            
libapt-pkg4.12:amd64                                      =                              
libarchive-extract-perl               -- not-installed                      0.72-1                               
libarchive-zip-perl                   -- not-installed                      1.38-1                               
libarchive13:amd64                    -- not-installed                      3.1.2-9                              
libart-2.0-2:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.3.21-2                             
libasan0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libasan0-dbg:amd64                    -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libasan1:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libasm1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.159-4                              
libasn1-8-heimdal:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libasound2:amd64                      1.0.28-1                             =1.0.28-1                             
libasound2-data                       1.0.28-1                             =1.0.28-1                             
libasound2-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.0.28-1                             
libasound2-plugins:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.0.28-1+b1                          
libaspell15                           -- not-installed                      0.60.7~20110707-1.1                  
libasprintf-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.19.2-2                             
libasprintf0c2:amd64                  0.19.2-2                             =0.19.2-2                             
libass-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.10.2-3                             
libass5:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.10.2-3                             
libassuan0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.1.2-2                              
libasyncns0:amd64                     0.8-5                                =0.8-5                                
libatk-bridge2.0-0:amd64              2.12.1-1+b1                          =2.12.1-1+b1                          
libatk-wrapper-java                   -- not-installed                      0.30.5-1                             
libatk-wrapper-java-jni:amd64         -- not-installed                      0.30.5-1                             
libatk1.0-0:amd64                     2.14.0-1                             =2.14.0-1                             
libatk1.0-data                        2.14.0-1                             =2.14.0-1                             
libatk1.0-dev                         -- not-installed                      2.14.0-1                             
libatkmm-1.6-1:amd64                  -- not-installed                      2.22.7-2.1                           
libatm1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1:2.5.1-1.5                          
libatomic1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libatomic1-dbg:amd64                  -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libatspi2.0-0:amd64                   2.12.0-2                             =2.12.0-2                             
libattica0.4:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.4.2-1                              
libattr1:amd64                        1:2.4.47-2                           =1:2.4.47-2                           
libattr1:i386                         -- not-installed                      1:2.4.47-2                           
libaudio2:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.9.4-1                              
libaudiofile1:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.3.6-2                              
libaudit-common                       1:2.4-1                              =1:2.4-1                              
libaudit1:amd64                       1:2.4-1                              =1:2.4-1                              
libaudit1:i386                        -- not-installed                      1:2.4-1                              
libaugeas0                            1.2.0-0.2                            =1.2.0-0.2                            
libauthen-sasl-perl                   -- not-installed                      2.1600-1                             
libautodie-perl                       -- not-installed                      2.25-1                               
libav-doc                             -- not-installed                      6:11-1                               
libavahi-client-dev                   -- not-installed                      0.6.31-4                             
libavahi-client3:amd64                0.6.31-4                             =0.6.31-4                             
libavahi-common-data:amd64            0.6.31-4                             =0.6.31-4                             
libavahi-common-dev                   -- not-installed                      0.6.31-4                             
libavahi-common3:amd64                0.6.31-4                             =0.6.31-4                             
libavahi-core7:amd64                  -- not-installed                      0.6.31-4                             
libavahi-glib1:amd64                  -- not-installed                      0.6.31-4                             
libavc1394-0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.5.4-2                              
libavc1394-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      0.5.4-2                              
libavcodec-ffmpeg-dev:amd64           -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavcodec-ffmpeg56:amd64             -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavcodec56:amd64                    -- not-installed                      6:11-1                               
libavdevice-ffmpeg-dev:amd64          -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavdevice-ffmpeg56:amd64            -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavfilter-ffmpeg-dev:amd64          -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavfilter-ffmpeg5:amd64             -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavformat-ffmpeg-dev:amd64          -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavformat-ffmpeg56:amd64            -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavformat56:amd64                   -- not-installed                      6:11-1                               
libavresample-ffmpeg-dev:amd64        -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavresample-ffmpeg2:amd64           -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavresample2:amd64                  -- not-installed                      6:11-1                               
libavutil-ffmpeg-dev:amd64            -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavutil-ffmpeg54:amd64              -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libavutil54:amd64                     -- not-installed                      6:11-1                               
libbabl-0.1-0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.1.10-2                             
libbasicusageenvironment0             -- not-installed                      2014.01.13-1                         
libbind9-90                           -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
libbison-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2:3.0.2.dfsg-2                       
libblas-common                        -- not-installed                      1.2.20110419-9                       
libblas3                              -- not-installed                      1.2.20110419-9                       
libblkid1:amd64                       2.20.1-5.9                           =2.20.1-5.9                           
libblkid1:i386                        -- not-installed                      2.20.1-5.9                           
libbluetooth3:amd64                   5.23-1                               =5.23-1                               
libbluray-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1:0.6.2-1                            
libbluray1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:0.6.2-1                            
libbonobo2-0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.32.1-3                             
libbonobo2-common                     -- not-installed                      2.32.1-3                             
libbonoboui2-0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      2.24.5-2                             
libbonoboui2-common                   -- not-installed                      2.24.5-2                             
libboost-date-time1.55.0:amd64        -- not-installed                      1.55.0+dfsg-3                        
libboost-iostreams1.54.0:amd64        1.54.0-5+b1                           -- not-installed                     
libboost-iostreams1.55.0:amd64        1.55.0+dfsg-3                        =1.55.0+dfsg-3                        
libboost-system1.55.0:amd64           1.55.0+dfsg-3                        =1.55.0+dfsg-3                        
libboost-thread1.55.0:amd64           1.55.0+dfsg-3                        =1.55.0+dfsg-3                        
libbrlapi0.6:amd64                    5.0-3                                =5.0-3                                
libbs2b0                              -- not-installed                      3.1.0+dfsg-2                         
libbsd0:amd64                         0.7.0-2                              =0.7.0-2                              
libburn4                              1.3.2-1.1                            =1.3.2-1.1                            
libbz2-1.0:amd64                      1.0.6-7                              =1.0.6-7                              
libbz2-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.0.6-7                              
libc-ares-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.10.0-2                             
libc-ares2:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.10.0-2                             
libc-bin                              2.19-11                              =2.19-11                              
libc-dev-bin                          -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6:amd64                           2.19-11                              =2.19-11                              
libc6:i386                            -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6-dbg:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6-dev:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6-dev-i386                        -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6-dev-x32                         -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6-i386                            -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libc6-x32                             -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
libcaca-dev                           -- not-installed                      0.99.beta19-2                        
libcaca0:amd64                        0.99.beta19-2                        =0.99.beta19-2                        
libcairo-gobject2:amd64               1.12.16-5                            =1.12.16-5                            
libcairo-perl                         -- not-installed                      1.104-2                              
libcairo-script-interpreter2:amd64    -- not-installed                      1.12.16-5                            
libcairo2:amd64                       1.12.16-5                            =1.12.16-5                            
libcairo2-dev                         -- not-installed                      1.12.16-5                            
libcairomm-1.0-1                      -- not-installed                      1.10.0-1.1                           
libcamd2.3.1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1:4.2.1-3                            
libcanberra-gtk3-0:amd64              -- not-installed                      0.30-2.1                             
libcanberra-gtk3-module:amd64         -- not-installed                      0.30-2.1                             
libcanberra0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.30-2.1                             
libcap-ng0:amd64                      0.7.4-2                              =0.7.4-2                              
libcap2:amd64                         1:2.24-6                             =1:2.24-6                             
libcap2-bin                           1:2.24-6                             =1:2.24-6                             
libccolamd2.8.0:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1:4.2.1-3                            
libcddb2                              -- not-installed                      1.3.2-5                              
libcdio-cdda-dev                      -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libcdio-cdda1                         -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libcdio-dev                           -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libcdio-paranoia-dev                  -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libcdio-paranoia1                     -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libcdio13                             -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libcdparanoia0:amd64                  3.10.2+debian-11                     =3.10.2+debian-11                     
libcdr-0.1-1                          -- not-installed                      0.1.0-3                              
libcdt5                               -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
libcgi-fast-perl                      1:2.02-1                             =1:2.02-1                             
libcgi-pm-perl                        4.03-1                               =4.03-1                               
libcgraph6                            -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
libcholmod2.1.2:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1:4.2.1-3                            
libchromaprint0:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.2-1                                
libcilkrts5:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libclang-3.5-dev                      -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
libclang-common-3.5-dev               -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
libclang1-3.5:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
libclass-accessor-perl                -- not-installed                      0.34-1                               
libclass-c3-perl                      0.26-1                               =0.26-1                               
libclass-c3-xs-perl                   0.13-2+b1                            =0.13-2+b1                            
libclass-inspector-perl               -- not-installed                      1.28-1                               
libclass-isa-perl                     -- not-installed                      0.36-5                               
libclone-perl                         -- not-installed                      0.37-1+b1                            
libcloog-isl4:amd64                   0.18.2-1                             =0.18.2-1                             
libclthreads2:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2.4.0-5                              
libclucene-contribs1:amd64            -- not-installed                                        
libclucene-core1:amd64                -- not-installed                                        
libclxclient3:amd64                   -- not-installed                      3.9.0-2                              
libcmis-0.4-4                         -- not-installed                      0.4.1-7                              
libcob1                               -- not-installed                      1.1-1+b1                             
libcob1-dev                           -- not-installed                      1.1-1+b1                             
libcogl-common                        -- not-installed                      1.18.2-2                             
libcolamd2.8.0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1:4.2.1-3                            
libcolord2:amd64                      1.2.1-1                              =1.2.1-1                              
libcolorhug2:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.2.1-1                              
libcomerr2:amd64                      1.42.12-1                            =1.42.12-1                            
libcommons-logging-java               -- not-installed                      1.2-1                                
libcommons-parent-java                -- not-installed                      22-2                                 
libconfig++9:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.4.9-2                              
libconvert-binhex-perl                -- not-installed                      1.123-2                              
libcpan-meta-perl                     2.142690-1                           =2.142690-1                           
libcpufreq0                           -- not-installed                      008-1                                
libcroco3:amd64                       0.6.8-3                              =0.6.8-3                              
libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl          -- not-installed                      0.04-4+b2                            
libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl             -- not-installed                      0.28-2+b1                            
libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl               -- not-installed                      1.3-10                               
libcrypt-ssleay-perl                  -- not-installed                      0.58-1+b2                            
libcryptsetup4:amd64                  2:1.6.6-1                            =2:1.6.6-1                            
libcrystalhd-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                      1:0.0~git20110715.fdd2f19-11         
libcrystalhd3:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1:0.0~git20110715.fdd2f19-11         
libcsound64-6.0                       -- not-installed                      1:6.03.2~dfsg-1                      
libctpl2:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.3.3.dfsg-4                         
libcups2:amd64                        1.7.5-2                              =1.7.5-2                              
libcupscgi1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
libcupsfilters1:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.0.58-1                             
libcupsimage2:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
libcupsmime1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
libcupsppdc1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.7.5-2                              
libcurl3-gnutls:amd64                 7.38.0-2                              -- not-installed                     
libcurl3:amd64                        -- not-installed                      7.38.0-2                             
libcurl3-gnutls:amd64                 -- not-installed                      7.38.0-2                             
libcwidget3:amd64                     0.5.17-2                             >0.5.17-1                             
libdaemon0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.14-6                               
libdata-optlist-perl                  0.109-1                              =0.109-1                              
libdata-section-perl                  0.200006-1                           =0.200006-1                           
libdatrie1:amd64                      0.2.8-1                              =0.2.8-1                              
libdb-dev:amd64                       -- not-installed                      5.3.0                                
libdb5.3:amd64                        5.3.28-6                             =5.3.28-6                             
libdb5.3-dev                          -- not-installed                      5.3.28-6                             
libdbus-1-3:amd64                     1.8.8-1                              =1.8.8-1                              
libdbus-1-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.8.8-1                              
libdbus-glib-1-2:amd64                0.102-1                              =0.102-1                              
libdbusmenu-qt2:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.9.2-1                              
libdc1394-22:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.2.2-3                              
libdc1394-22-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.2.2-3                              
libdca0:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.0.5-7                              
libdconf1:amd64                       0.22.0-1                             =0.22.0-1                             
libdebconfclient0:amd64               0.192                                =0.192                                
libdevmapper-event1.02.1:amd64        -- not-installed                      2:1.02.90-2                          
libdevmapper1.02.1:amd64              2:1.02.90-2                          =2:1.02.90-2                          
libdigest-hmac-perl                   -- not-installed                      1.03+dfsg-1                          
libdirectfb-1.2-9:amd64                             =                        
libdirectfb-dev                       -- not-installed                                    
libdirectfb-extra:amd64               -- not-installed                                    
libdiscover2                          2.1.2-7                              =2.1.2-7                              
libdistro-info-perl                   -- not-installed                      0.13                                 
libdjvulibre-text                     -- not-installed                                       
libdjvulibre21:amd64                  -- not-installed                                       
libdlrestrictions1                    -- not-installed                      0.15.15                              
libdns100                             -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
libdpkg-perl                          -- not-installed                      1.17.13                              
libdrm-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.4.56-1                             
libdrm-intel1:amd64                   2.4.56-1                             =2.4.56-1                             
libdrm-nouveau2:amd64                 2.4.56-1                             =2.4.56-1                             
libdrm-radeon1:amd64                  2.4.56-1                             =2.4.56-1                             
libdrm2:amd64                         2.4.56-1                             =2.4.56-1                             
libdv4:amd64                          -- not-installed                      1.0.0-6                              
libdvbpsi9:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.2.0-1                              
libdvdnav4:amd64                      -- not-installed                      5.0.1-1                              
libdvdread4:amd64                     -- not-installed                      5.0.0-1                              
libdw1:amd64                          -- not-installed                      0.159-4                              
libe-book-0.1-1                       -- not-installed                      0.1.1-2                              
libebml4:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.3.0-2                              
libedit2:amd64                        3.1-20140620-2                       =3.1-20140620-2                       
libefivar0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.10-5                               
libegl1-mesa:amd64                    10.2.6-1                             =10.2.6-1                             
libegl1-mesa-drivers:amd64            -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
libelf1:amd64                         0.159-4                              =0.159-4                              
libelfg0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.8.13-5                             
libemail-valid-perl                   -- not-installed                      1.195-1                              
libenca-dev                           -- not-installed                      1.15-2                               
libenca0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.15-2                               
libenchant1c2a:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.6.0-10.1                           
libencode-locale-perl                 -- not-installed                      1.03-1                               
libeot0                               -- not-installed                      0.01-3                               
libepoxy0                             1.2-1                                =1.2-1                                
libept1.4.12:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.0.12                               
liberror-perl                         -- not-installed                      0.17-1.1                             
libesd0:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.2.41-11                            
libestr0                              0.1.9-1.1                            =0.1.9-1.1                            
libetonyek-0.1-1                      -- not-installed                      0.1.1-2                              
libevdev2                             1.3+dfsg-1                           =1.3+dfsg-1                           
libevdocument3-4                      -- not-installed                      3.14.0-2                             
libevent-2.0-5:amd64                  2.0.21-stable-1.1                    =2.0.21-stable-1.1                    
libevview3-3                          -- not-installed                      3.14.0-2                             
libexif12:amd64                       0.6.21-2                             =0.6.21-2                             
libexiv2-13:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.24-4                               
libexo-1-0:amd64                      0.10.2-4                             =0.10.2-4                             
libexo-common                         0.10.2-4                             =0.10.2-4                             
libexo-helpers                        0.10.2-4                             =0.10.2-4                             
libexpat1:amd64                       2.1.0-6                              =2.1.0-6                              
libexpat1-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2.1.0-6                              
libexporter-lite-perl                 -- not-installed                      0.06-1                               
libexttextcat-2.0-0                   -- not-installed                      3.4.4-1                              
libexttextcat-data                    -- not-installed                      3.4.4-1                              
libfaad2:amd64                        -- not-installed                      2.7-8                                
libfakeroot:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.20.1-1.1                           
libfaketime:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.9.6-3                              
libfam0                               -- not-installed                      2.7.0-17.1                           
libfbclient2:amd64                    -- not-installed                                
libfcgi-perl                          0.77-1+b1                            =0.77-1+b1                            
libfdt1:amd64                         1.4.0+dfsg-1                         =1.4.0+dfsg-1                         
libffado2                             -- not-installed                      2.2.1-2                              
libffi-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      3.1-2                                
libffi6:amd64                         3.1-2                                =3.1-2                                
libfftw3-3:amd64                      -- not-installed                      3.3.4-1                              
libfftw3-bin                          -- not-installed                      3.3.4-1                              
libfftw3-double3:amd64                -- not-installed                      3.3.4-1                              
libfftw3-long3:amd64                  -- not-installed                      3.3.4-1                              
libfftw3-quad3:amd64                  -- not-installed                      3.3.4-1                              
libfftw3-single3:amd64                -- not-installed                      3.3.4-1                              
libfile-basedir-perl                  -- not-installed                      0.03-1                               
libfile-copy-recursive-perl           -- not-installed                      0.38-1                               
libfile-desktopentry-perl             -- not-installed                      0.07-1                               
libfile-fcntllock-perl                -- not-installed                      0.22-1+b1                            
libfile-listing-perl                  -- not-installed                      6.04-1                               
libfile-mimeinfo-perl                 -- not-installed                      0.26-1                               
libflac++6:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.0-2                              
libflac8:amd64                        1.3.0-2                              =1.3.0-2                              
libflite1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.4-release-11                       
libfltk1.1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.1.10-19                            
libfluidsynth1:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.1.6-2                              
libfont-afm-perl                      -- not-installed                      1.20-1                               
libfontconfig1:amd64                  2.11.0-6.1                           =2.11.0-6.1                           
libfontconfig1-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.11.0-6.1                           
libfontembed1:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.0.58-1                             
libfontenc1:amd64                     1:1.1.2-1                            =1:1.1.2-1                            
libfreehand-0.1-1                     -- not-installed                      0.1.0-2                              
libfreerdp1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.1.0~git20140809.1.b07a5c1+dfsg-4+b1
libfreetype6:amd64                    2.5.2-2                              =2.5.2-2                              
libfreetype6-dev                      -- not-installed                      2.5.2-2                              
libfribidi-dev                        -- not-installed                      0.19.6-2                             
libfribidi0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.19.6-2                             
libfs6:amd64                          -- not-installed                      2:1.0.6-1                            
libfuse2:amd64                        2.9.3-15                             =2.9.3-15                             
libgail-3-0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
libgail18:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2.24.24-1                            
libgarcon-1-0                         0.2.1-2                              =0.2.1-2                              
libgarcon-common                      0.2.1-2                              =0.2.1-2                              
libgbm1:amd64                         10.2.6-1                             =10.2.6-1                             
libgc1c2:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1:7.2d-6.3                           
libgcc-4.8-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libgcc-4.9-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libgcc1:amd64                         1:4.9.1-15                           =1:4.9.1-15                           
libgcc1:i386                          -- not-installed                      1:4.9.1-15                           
libgcj-bc:amd64                       -- not-installed                      4.9.1-4                              
libgcj-common                         -- not-installed                      1:4.8.3-6                            
libgcj15:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libgck-1-0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1+b1                          
libgconf-2-4:amd64                    3.2.6-3                              =3.2.6-3                              
libgconf2-4:amd64                     -- not-installed                      3.2.6-3                              
libgconfmm-2.6-1c2                    -- not-installed                      2.28.0-1                             
libgcr-3-common                       -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
libgcr-base-3-1:amd64                 -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1+b1                          
libgcr-ui-3-1:amd64                   -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1+b1                          
libgcrypt11:amd64                     1.5.4-3                              =1.5.4-3                              
libgcrypt20:amd64                     1.6.2-4                              =1.6.2-4                              
libgd3:amd64                          -- not-installed                      2.1.0-4.1                            
libgdbm3:amd64                        1.8.3-13                             =1.8.3-13                             
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64              2.30.8-1+b1                          >2.30.8-1                             
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common               2.30.8-1                             =2.30.8-1                             
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev                  -- not-installed                      2.30.8-1                             
libgee-0.8-2:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.14.0-3                             
libgegl-0.2-0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.2.0-7                              
libgeoip1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.6.2-1                              
libgettextpo-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                      0.19.2-2                             
libgettextpo0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.19.2-2                             
libgfortran-4.8-dev:amd64             -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libgfortran-4.9-dev:amd64             -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libgfortran3:amd64                    -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libgif4:amd64                         -- not-installed                      4.1.6-11                             
libgimp2.0                            -- not-installed                      2.8.14-1                             
libgirepository-1.0-1:amd64           1.42.0-1                             =1.42.0-1                             
libgksu2-0                            -- not-installed                      2.0.13~pre1-8                        
libgl1-mesa-dev                       -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64                 10.2.6-1                             =10.2.6-1                             
libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64                 10.2.6-1                             =10.2.6-1                             
libglade2-0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1:2.6.4-2                            
libglademm-2.4-1c2a                   -- not-installed                      2.6.7-4                              
libglapi-mesa:amd64                   10.2.6-1                             =10.2.6-1                             
libgles1-mesa:amd64                   -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
libgles2-mesa:amd64                   -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
libglew1.10:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.10.0-3                             
libglib-perl                          -- not-installed                      3:1.305-2                            
libglib2.0-0:amd64                    2.42.0-1                             =2.42.0-1                             
libglib2.0-bin                        -- not-installed                      2.42.0-1                             
libglib2.0-data                       -- not-installed                      2.42.0-1                             
libglib2.0-dev                        -- not-installed                      2.42.0-1                             
libglib2.0-doc                        -- not-installed                      2.42.0-1                             
libglibmm-2.4-1c2a:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.42.0-1                             
libgltf-0.0-0                         -- not-installed                      0.0.1-2                              
libglu1-mesa:amd64                    9.0.0-2                              =9.0.0-2                              
libglu1-mesa-dev                      -- not-installed                      9.0.0-2                              
libgme-dev                            -- not-installed                      0.5.5-2                              
libgme0                               -- not-installed                      0.5.5-2                              
libgmp-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2:6.0.0+dfsg-6                       
libgmp10:amd64                        2:6.0.0+dfsg-6                       =2:6.0.0+dfsg-6                       
libgmp10-doc                          -- not-installed                      2:6.0.0+dfsg-6                       
libgmp3-dev                           -- not-installed                      2:6.0.0+dfsg-6                       
libgmpxx4ldbl:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2:6.0.0+dfsg-6                       
libgnome-2-0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.32.1-5                             
libgnome-keyring-common               -- not-installed                      3.12.0-1                             
libgnome-keyring0:amd64               -- not-installed                      3.12.0-1                             
libgnome-menu-3-0                     -- not-installed                      3.13.3-2                             
libgnome2-0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2.32.1-5                             
libgnome2-bin                         -- not-installed                      2.32.1-5                             
libgnome2-common                      -- not-installed                      2.32.1-5                             
libgnomecanvas2-0:amd64               -- not-installed                      2.30.3-2                             
libgnomecanvas2-common                -- not-installed                      2.30.3-2                             
libgnomeui-0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.24.5-3                             
libgnomeui-common                     -- not-installed                      2.24.5-3                             
libgnomevfs2-0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1:2.24.4-6                           
libgnomevfs2-common                   -- not-installed                      1:2.24.4-6                           
libgnomevfs2-extra:amd64              -- not-installed                      1:2.24.4-6                           
libgnuinet-java                       -- not-installed                      1.1.2-2                              
libgnumail-java                       -- not-installed                      1.1.2-9                              
libgnutls-deb0-28:amd64               3.3.8-2                              =3.3.8-2                              
libgnutls-openssl27:amd64             3.3.8-2                              =3.3.8-2                              
libgnutls26:amd64                     2.12.23-17                           =2.12.23-17                           
libgomp1:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libgpg-error0:amd64                   1.16-2                               =1.16-2                               
libgpgme++2                           -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libgpgme11:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.5.1-6                              
libgphoto2-6:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.5.4-1.1                            
libgphoto2-l10n                       -- not-installed                      2.5.4-1.1                            
libgphoto2-port10:amd64               -- not-installed                      2.5.4-1.1                            
libgpm2:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.20.4-6.1                           
libgraphite2-3:amd64                  1.2.4-3                              =1.2.4-3                              
libgroupsock1                         -- not-installed                      2014.01.13-1                         
libgs9                                -- not-installed                      9.06~dfsg-1                          
libgs9-common                         -- not-installed                      9.06~dfsg-1                          
libgsm1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.0.13-4                             
libgsm1-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.0.13-4                             
libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64                1.12.1+dfsg-10                       =1.12.1+dfsg-10                       
libgssapi-perl                        -- not-installed                      0.28-2+b2                            
libgssapi3-heimdal:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0:amd64   -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0:amd64 0.10.36-2                            =0.10.36-2                            
libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:amd64  -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
libgstreamer0.10-0:amd64              0.10.36-1.4                          =0.10.36-1.4                          
libgstreamer1.0-0:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.4.3-1                              
libgtk-3-0:amd64                      3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
libgtk-3-bin                          3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
libgtk-3-common                       3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
libgtk-vnc-2.0-0                      0.5.3-1.2                            =0.5.3-1.2                            
libgtk2-perl                          -- not-installed                      2:1.2492-3                           
libgtk2.0-0:amd64                     2.24.24-1                            =2.24.24-1                            
libgtk2.0-bin                         -- not-installed                      2.24.24-1                            
libgtk2.0-common                      2.24.24-1                            =2.24.24-1                            
libgtk2.0-dev                         -- not-installed                      2.24.24-1                            
libgtkglext1                          -- not-installed                      1.2.0-3.2                            
libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a:amd64               -- not-installed                      1:2.24.4-1.1                         
libgtkmm-3.0-1:amd64                  -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
libgtksourceview2.0-0                 2.10.5-2                             =2.10.5-2                             
libgtksourceview2.0-common            2.10.5-2                             =2.10.5-2                             
libgtkspell0                          -- not-installed                      2.0.16-1.1                           
libgtop2-7                            -- not-installed                      2.28.5-2                             
libgtop2-common                       -- not-installed                      2.28.5-2                             
libgudev-1.0-0:amd64                  215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libguestfs-rescue:amd64               -- not-installed                      1:1.26.9-1                           
libguestfs-rsync:amd64                -- not-installed                      1:1.26.9-1                           
libguestfs0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1:1.26.9-1                           
libgusb2:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.1.6-5                              
libgutenprint2                        -- not-installed                      5.2.10-3                             
libgutenprintui2-1                    -- not-installed                      5.2.10-3                             
libgvc6                               -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
libgvnc-1.0-0                         0.5.3-1.2                            =0.5.3-1.2                            
libgvpr2                              -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
libgxps2:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.2.2-3                              
libharfbuzz-dev                       -- not-installed                      0.9.35-1                             
libharfbuzz-gobject0:amd64            -- not-installed                      0.9.35-1                             
libharfbuzz-icu0:amd64                -- not-installed                      0.9.35-1                             
libharfbuzz0b:amd64                   0.9.35-1                             =0.9.35-1                             
libhcrypto4-heimdal:amd64             -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libheimbase1-heimdal:amd64            -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libheimntlm0-heimdal:amd64            -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libhivex0:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.3.10-2+b1                          
libhogweed2:amd64                     2.7.1-3                              =2.7.1-3                              
libhpmud0                             -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
libhsqldb1.8.0-java                   -- not-installed                                  
libhtml-form-perl                     -- not-installed                      6.03-1                               
libhtml-format-perl                   -- not-installed                      2.11-1                               
libhtml-parser-perl                   -- not-installed                      3.71-1+b2                            
libhtml-tagset-perl                   -- not-installed                      3.20-2                               
libhtml-template-perl                 -- not-installed                      2.95-1                               
libhtml-tree-perl                     -- not-installed                      5.03-1                               
libhttp-cookies-perl                  -- not-installed                      6.01-1                               
libhttp-daemon-perl                   -- not-installed                      6.01-1                               
libhttp-date-perl                     -- not-installed                      6.02-1                               
libhttp-message-perl                  -- not-installed                      6.06-1                               
libhttp-negotiate-perl                -- not-installed                      6.00-2                               
libhunspell-1.3-0:amd64               1.3.3-2                              =1.3.3-2                              
libhx509-5-heimdal:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libhyphen0                            -- not-installed                      2.8.8-1                              
libical1                              1.0-1                                =1.0-1                                
libice-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2:1.0.9-1                            
libice6:amd64                         2:1.0.9-1                            =2:1.0.9-1                            
libicu52:amd64                        -- not-installed                      52.1-5                               
libid3tag0                            -- not-installed                      0.15.1b-11                           
libidl0:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.8.14-0.4                           
libidn11:amd64                        1.29-1                               =1.29-1                               
libiec61883-0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.2.0-0.2                            
libiec61883-dev                       -- not-installed                      1.2.0-0.2                            
libieee1284-3:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.2.11-12                            
libijs-0.35:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.35-10                              
libilmbase-dev                        -- not-installed                      1.0.1-6.1                            
libilmbase6:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.0.1-6.1                            
libimage-magick-perl                  -- not-installed                      8:                          
libimage-magick-q16-perl              -- not-installed                      8:                          
libimobiledevice4:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.1.6+dfsg-3.1                       
libintl-perl                          -- not-installed                      1.23-1                               
libio-html-perl                       -- not-installed                      1.001-1                              
libio-pty-perl                        -- not-installed                      1:1.08-1+b4                          
libio-sessiondata-perl                -- not-installed                      1.03-1                               
libio-socket-inet6-perl               -- not-installed                      2.72-1                               
libio-socket-ip-perl                  0.32-1                               =0.32-1                               
libio-socket-ssl-perl                 -- not-installed                      1.998-1                              
libio-string-perl                     -- not-installed                      1.08-3                               
libio-stringy-perl                    -- not-installed                      2.110-5                              
libiodbc2:amd64                       -- not-installed                      3.52.9-2                             
libipc-run-perl                       -- not-installed                      0.92-1                               
libipc-sharedcache-perl               -- not-installed                      1.3-8                                
libipc-sharelite-perl                 -- not-installed                      0.17-3+b2                            
libipc-system-simple-perl             -- not-installed                      1.25-2                               
libisc95                              -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
libisccc90                            -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
libisccfg90                           -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
libiscsi2:amd64                       1.12.0-2                             =1.12.0-2                             
libisl10:amd64                        0.12.2-2                             =0.12.2-2                             
libiso9660-8                          -- not-installed                      0.83-4.2                             
libisoburn1                           -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1.1                            
libisofs6                             1.3.2-1.1                            =1.3.2-1.1                            
libitm1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libiw30:amd64                         -- not-installed                      30~pre9-8                            
libjack-jackd2-0:amd64                -- not-installed                      1.9.10+20140719git3eb0ae6a~dfsg-2    
libjack-jackd2-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.9.10+20140719git3eb0ae6a~dfsg-2    
libjasper-dev                         -- not-installed                      1.900.1-debian1-2+b1                 
libjasper1:amd64                      1.900.1-debian1-2+b1                 =1.900.1-debian1-2+b1                 
libjavascriptcoregtk-1.0-0:amd64      -- not-installed                      2.4.5-2                              
libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0:amd64      -- not-installed                      2.4.5-2                              
libjbig-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2.1-3                                
libjbig0:amd64                        2.1-3                                =2.1-3                                
libjbig2dec0                          -- not-installed                      0.11+20120125-1                      
libjpeg-progs                         -- not-installed                      1:1.3.1-3                            
libjpeg-turbo-progs                   -- not-installed                      1:1.3.1-3                            
libjpeg62:amd64                       1:1.3.1-3                            =1:1.3.1-3                            
libjpeg8:amd64                        8d1-1                                =8d1-1                                
libjpeg8-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      8d1-1                                
libjs-jquery                          -- not-installed                      1.7.2+dfsg-3.2                       
libjs-node-uuid                       -- not-installed                      1.4.0-1                              
libjs-sphinxdoc                       -- not-installed                      1.2.3+dfsg-1                         
libjs-underscore                      -- not-installed                      1.4.4-2                              
libjson-c2:amd64                      0.11-4                               =0.11-4                               
libjson-glib-1.0-0:amd64              1.0.2-1                              =1.0.2-1                              
libjson-glib-1.0-common               1.0.2-1                              =1.0.2-1                              
libjson-perl                          -- not-installed                      2.61-1                               
libjsoncpp0                           -- not-installed                      0.6.0~rc2-3                          
libjte1                               1.20-1                               =1.20-1                               
libk5crypto3:amd64                    1.12.1+dfsg-10                       =1.12.1+dfsg-10                       
libkactivities-bin                    -- not-installed                      4:4.13.3-1                           
libkactivities-models1                -- not-installed                      4:4.13.3-1                           
libkactivities6                       -- not-installed                      4:4.13.3-1                           
libkate1                              -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1.1                            
libkatepartinterfaces4                -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkcmutils4                          -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkde3support4                       -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkdeclarative5                      -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkdecore5                           -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkdesu5                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkdeui5                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkdewebkit5                         -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkdnssd4                            -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkemoticons4                        -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkeybinder0                         0.3.0-3                              =0.3.0-3                              
libkeyutils1:amd64                    1.5.9-5                              =1.5.9-5                              
libkfile4                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkhtml5                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkio5                               -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkjsapi4                            -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkjsembed4                          -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libklibc                              2.0.4-1.1                            =2.0.4-1.1                            
libkmediaplayer4                      -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkmod2:amd64                        18-3                                 =18-3                                 
libknewstuff3-4                       -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libknotifyconfig4                     -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkntlm4                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkparts4                            -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkpathsea6                          -- not-installed                      2014.20140926.35254-1                
libkpty4                              -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkrb5-26-heimdal:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libkrb5-3:amd64                       1.12.1+dfsg-10                       =1.12.1+dfsg-10                       
libkrb5support0:amd64                 1.12.1+dfsg-10                       =1.12.1+dfsg-10                       
libkrosscore4                         -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libksba8:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.3.1-1                              
libktexteditor4                       -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libkxmlrpcclient4                     -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
liblangtag-common                     -- not-installed                      0.5.1-3                              
liblangtag1                           -- not-installed                      0.5.1-3                              
liblapack3                            -- not-installed                      3.5.0-3                              
liblcms2-2:amd64                      2.6-3+b1                             =2.6-3+b1                             
libldap-2.4-2:amd64                   2.4.39-1.1+b1                        =2.4.39-1.1+b1                        
libldb1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1:1.1.17-1                           
liblhasa0:amd64                       -- not-installed                      0.2.0+git-3                          
liblightdm-gobject-1-0                1.10.2-2                              -- not-installed                     
liblircclient0                        -- not-installed                      0.9.0~pre1-1.1                       
liblist-moreutils-perl                -- not-installed                      0.33-2+b1                            
liblivemedia23                        -- not-installed                      2014.01.13-1                         
liblldb-3.5                           -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
liblldb-3.5-dev                       -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
libllvm3.4:amd64                      1:3.4.2-10                           =1:3.4.2-10                           
libllvm3.5:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
liblo7                                -- not-installed                      0.28-3                               
liblocale-gettext-perl                1.05-8+b1                            =1.05-8+b1                            
liblockfile-bin                       -- not-installed                      1.09-6                               
liblockfile1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.09-6                               
liblog-message-perl                   -- not-installed                      0.8-1                                
liblog-message-simple-perl            -- not-installed                      0.10-2                               
liblog4j1.2-java                      -- not-installed                      1.2.17-4                             
liblogging-stdlog0:amd64              1.0.4-1                              =1.0.4-1                              
liblognorm1:amd64                     1.0.1-3                              =1.0.1-3                              
liblqr-1-0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.4.2-2                              
liblrdf0                              -- not-installed                      0.4.0-5                              
liblsan0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libltdl-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2.4.2-1.10+b1                        
libltdl7:amd64                        -- not-installed                      2.4.2-1.10+b1                        
liblua5.1-0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      5.1.5-7                              
liblua5.2-0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      5.2.3-1                              
libluajit-5.1-2:amd64                 -- not-installed                      2.0.3+dfsg-3                         
libluajit-5.1-common                  -- not-installed                      2.0.3+dfsg-3                         
liblvm2cmd2.02:amd64                  -- not-installed                      2.02.111-2                           
liblwp-mediatypes-perl                -- not-installed                      6.02-1                               
liblwp-protocol-https-perl            -- not-installed                      6.06-2                               
liblwres90                            -- not-installed                      1:9.9.5.dfsg-4.1                     
liblzma-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      5.1.1alpha+20120614-2                
liblzma5:amd64                        5.1.1alpha+20120614-2                =5.1.1alpha+20120614-2                
liblzma5:i386                         -- not-installed                      5.1.1alpha+20120614-2                
liblzo2-2:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2.08-1                               
libmad0:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.15.1b-8                            
libmagic1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1:5.19-2                             
libmagickcore-6.q16-2:amd64           -- not-installed                      8:                          
libmagickcore-6.q16-2-extra:amd64     -- not-installed                      8:                          
libmagickwand-6.q16-2:amd64           -- not-installed                      8:                          
libmailtools-perl                     -- not-installed                      2.13-1                               
libmatroska6:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.4.1-2                              
libmenu-cache-doc                     -- not-installed                      0.7.0-1                              
libmhash2:amd64                       -- not-installed                                        
libmikmod3:amd64                      -- not-installed                      3.3.7-1                              
libmime-tools-perl                    -- not-installed                      5.505-1                              
libmimic0                             -- not-installed                      1.0.4-2.2                            
libmjpegutils-2.1-0                   -- not-installed                      1:2.1.0+debian-2.1                   
libmms0:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.6.2-4                              
libmng1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.0.10+dfsg-3.1                      
libmnl0:amd64                         1.0.3-5                              =1.0.3-5                              
libmodplug-dev                        -- not-installed                      1:                        
libmodplug1                           -- not-installed                      1:                        
libmodule-build-perl                  0.421000-2                           =0.421000-2                           
libmodule-pluggable-perl              -- not-installed                      5.1-1                                
libmodule-signature-perl              0.73-1                               =0.73-1                               
libmount1                             2.20.1-5.9                           =2.20.1-5.9                           
libmp3lame-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      3.99.5+repack1-5                     
libmp3lame0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      3.99.5+repack1-5                     
libmpc-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.0.2-1                              
libmpc3:amd64                         1.0.2-1                              =1.0.2-1                              
libmpcdec6:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2:0.1~r459-4.1                       
libmpdec2:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2.4.1-1                              
libmpeg2-4:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.5.1-6                              
libmpfr-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      3.1.2-1                              
libmpfr-doc                           -- not-installed                      3.1.2-1                              
libmpfr4:amd64                        3.1.2-1                              =3.1.2-1                              
libmpg123-0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.20.1-2                             
libmplex2-2.1-0                       -- not-installed                      1:2.1.0+debian-2.1                   
libmro-compat-perl                    0.12-1                               =0.12-1                               
libmspub-0.1-1                        -- not-installed                      0.1.1-2                              
libmtdev1:amd64                       1.1.5-1                              =1.1.5-1                              
libmtp-common                         -- not-installed                      1.1.8-1                              
libmtp-runtime                        -- not-installed                      1.1.8-1+b1                           
libmtp9:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.1.8-1+b1                           
libmwaw-0.3-3                         -- not-installed                      0.3.1-2                              
libmyodbc:amd64                       -- not-installed                      5.1.10-3                             
libmysqlclient18:amd64                -- not-installed                      5.5.39-1                             
libmythes-1.2-0                       -- not-installed                      2:1.2.4-1                            
libncurses5:amd64                     5.9+20140913-1                       =5.9+20140913-1                       
libncurses5-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      5.9+20140913-1                       
libncursesw5:amd64                    5.9+20140913-1                       =5.9+20140913-1                       
libncursesw5-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                      5.9+20140913-1                       
libneon27-gnutls                      -- not-installed                      0.30.0-4                             
libnepomuk4                           -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libnepomukcore4                       -- not-installed                      4:4.14.0-1+b2                        
libnepomukquery4a                     -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libnepomukutils4                      -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libnet-dbus-perl                      -- not-installed                      1.0.0-2+b2                           
libnet-dns-perl                       -- not-installed                      0.80-1                               
libnet-domain-tld-perl                -- not-installed                      1.72-1                               
libnet-http-perl                      -- not-installed                      6.07-1                               
libnet-ip-perl                        -- not-installed                      1.26-1                               
libnet-smtp-ssl-perl                  -- not-installed                      1.01-3                               
libnet-ssleay-perl                    -- not-installed                      1.65-1+b1                            
libnetcf1                             1:0.2.3-4.1                          =1:0.2.3-4.1                          
libnetfilter-acct1:amd64              1.0.2-1.1                            =1.0.2-1.1                            
libnetfilter-conntrack3:amd64         -- not-installed                      1.0.4-1                              
libnetpbm10                           -- not-installed                      2:10.0-15+b3                         
libnettle4:amd64                      2.7.1-3                              =2.7.1-3                              
libnewt0.52:amd64                     0.52.17-1                            =0.52.17-1                            
libnfnetlink0:amd64                   1.0.1-3                              =1.0.1-3                              
libnfsidmap2:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.25-5                               
libnl-3-200:amd64                     3.2.24-2                             =3.2.24-2                             
libnl-genl-3-200:amd64                -- not-installed                      3.2.24-2                             
libnl-route-3-200:amd64               3.2.24-2                             =3.2.24-2                             
libnotify-bin                         -- not-installed                      0.7.6-2                              
libnotify4:amd64                      0.7.6-2                              =0.7.6-2                              
libnspr4:amd64                        2:4.10.7-1                           =2:4.10.7-1                           
libnss-mdns:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.10-6                               
libnss3:amd64                         2:3.17.1-1                           =2:3.17.1-1                           
libntdb1:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.0-5                                
libntrack-qt4-1                       -- not-installed                      016-1.3                              
libntrack0                            -- not-installed                      016-1.3                              
libnuma1:amd64                        2.0.10~rc2-3                         =2.0.10~rc2-3                         
libobjc-4.9-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libobjc4:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libodbc1:amd64                        -- not-installed                      2.3.1-3                              
libodbcinstq4-1:amd64                 -- not-installed                      2.3.0-4                              
libodfgen-0.1-1                       -- not-installed                      0.1.1-2                              
libofa0                               -- not-installed                      0.9.3-6                              
libogg-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1                              
libogg0:amd64                         1.3.2-1                              =1.3.2-1                              
libopenal-data                        -- not-installed                      1:1.15.1-5                           
libopenal-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1:1.15.1-5                           
libopenal1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:1.15.1-5                           
libopencore-amrnb0:amd64              -- not-installed                      0.1.3-2.1                            
libopencore-amrwb0:amd64              -- not-installed                      0.1.3-2.1                            
libopencv-core-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-core2.4:amd64               -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-flann-dev:amd64             -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-flann2.4:amd64              -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-gpu-dev:amd64               -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-imgproc-dev:amd64           -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-imgproc2.4:amd64            -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-ml-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-ml2.4:amd64                 -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-photo-dev:amd64             -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-photo2.4:amd64              -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-video-dev:amd64             -- not-installed                                   
libopencv-video2.4:amd64              -- not-installed                                   
libopenexr-dev                        -- not-installed                      1.6.1-8                              
libopenexr6:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.6.1-8                              
libopenjpeg-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.5.2-2                              
libopenjpeg5:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.5.2-2                              
libopenraw1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.0.9-3.5+b1                         
libopenvg1-mesa:amd64                 -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
libopts25:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1:5.18.4-3                           
libopus-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.1-2                                
libopus0:amd64                        1.1-2                                =1.1-2                                
liborbit-2-0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1:2.14.19-0.3                        
liborbit2:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1:2.14.19-0.3                        
liborc-0.4-0:amd64                    1:0.4.22-1                           =1:0.4.22-1                           
liborc-0.4-dev                        -- not-installed                      1:0.4.22-1                           
liborcus-0.8-0                        -- not-installed                      0.7.0+dfsg-7                         
libossp-uuid-perl                     -- not-installed                      1.6.2-1.5+b1                         
libossp-uuid16:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.6.2-1.5+b1                         
libp11-kit0:amd64                     0.20.7-1                             =0.20.7-1                             
libpackage-constants-perl             0.04-1                               =0.04-1                               
libpackagekit-glib2-18:amd64          -- not-installed                      1.0.0-2                              
libpam-cap:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:2.24-6                             
libpam-gnome-keyring                  -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
libpam-modules:amd64                  1.1.8-3.1                            =1.1.8-3.1                            
libpam-modules-bin                    1.1.8-3.1                            =1.1.8-3.1                            
libpam-runtime                        1.1.8-3.1                            =1.1.8-3.1                            
libpam-systemd:amd64                  215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libpam0g:amd64                        1.1.8-3.1                            =1.1.8-3.1                            
libpam0g:i386                         -- not-installed                      1.1.8-3.1                            
libpango-1.0-0:amd64                  1.36.7-1                             =1.36.7-1                             
libpango-perl                         -- not-installed                      1.226-2                              
libpango1.0-0:amd64                   1.36.7-1                             =1.36.7-1                             
libpango1.0-dev                       -- not-installed                      1.36.7-1                             
libpangocairo-1.0-0:amd64             1.36.7-1                             =1.36.7-1                             
libpangoft2-1.0-0:amd64               1.36.7-1                             =1.36.7-1                             
libpangomm-1.4-1:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.34.0-1.1                           
libpangox-1.0-0:amd64                 0.0.2-5                              =0.0.2-5                              
libpangoxft-1.0-0:amd64               1.36.7-1                             =1.36.7-1                             
libpaper-utils                        -- not-installed                      1.1.24+nmu3                          
libpaper1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.1.24+nmu3                          
libparams-util-perl                   1.07-2+b1                            =1.07-2+b1                            
libparse-debcontrol-perl              -- not-installed                      2.005-4                              
libparse-debianchangelog-perl         -- not-installed                      1.2.0-1.1                            
libparted2:amd64                      3.2-6                                =3.2-6                                
libpathplan4                          -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
libpcap0.8:amd64                      1.6.2-1                              =1.6.2-1                              
libpci3:amd64                         1:3.2.1-3                            =1:3.2.1-3                            
libpciaccess0:amd64                   0.13.2-3                             =0.13.2-3                             
libpcre3:amd64                        1:8.35-3                             =1:8.35-3                             
libpcre3:i386                         -- not-installed                      1:8.35-3                             
libpcre3-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1:8.35-3                             
libpcrecpp0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1:8.35-3                             
libpcsclite1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.8.12-1                             
libperl4-corelibs-perl                -- not-installed                      0.003-1                              
libperl5.20                           -- not-installed                      5.20.1-1                             
libperlio-gzip-perl                   -- not-installed                      0.18-3+b1                            
libpgm-5.1-0                          -- not-installed                      5.1.118-1~dfsg-0.2                   
libphonon4:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4:4.8.0-2                            
libphysfs1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.0.3-2                              
libpipeline1:amd64                    1.3.1-1                              =1.3.1-1                              
libpixman-1-0:amd64                   0.32.6-3                             =0.32.6-3                             
libpixman-1-dev                       -- not-installed                      0.32.6-3                             
libplasma3                            -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libplist2:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.11-3                               
libpng12-0:amd64                      1.2.50-2                             =1.2.50-2                             
libpng12-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.2.50-2                             
libpod-latex-perl                     -- not-installed                      0.61-1                               
libpod-readme-perl                    0.11-1                               =0.11-1                               
libpolkit-agent-1-0:amd64             -- not-installed                      0.105-7                              
libpolkit-backend-1-0:amd64           -- not-installed                      0.105-7                              
libpolkit-gobject-1-0:amd64           0.105-7                              =0.105-7                              
libpolkit-qt-1-1                      -- not-installed                      0.103.0-1                            
libpoppler-glib8:amd64                -- not-installed                      0.26.5-1                             
libpoppler46:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.26.5-1                             
libpopt0:amd64                        1.16-10                              =1.16-10                              
libportaudio2:amd64                   -- not-installed                      19+svn20140130-1                     
libportmidi0                          -- not-installed                      1:184-2.1                            
libportsmf0:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.1~svn20101010-4                    
libpostproc-ffmpeg-dev:amd64          -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libpostproc-ffmpeg53:amd64            -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libpostproc52                         -- not-installed                      6:0.git20120821-4                    
libpotrace0                           -- not-installed                      1.11-2                               
libpq5:amd64                          -- not-installed                      9.4~beta2-1+b1                       
libprocps3:amd64                      2:3.3.9-8                            =2:3.3.9-8                            
libproxy-tools                        -- not-installed                      0.4.11-4                             
libproxy1:amd64                       0.4.11-4                             =0.4.11-4                             
libptexenc1                           -- not-installed                      2014.20140926.35254-1                
libpth20:amd64                        -- not-installed                      2.0.7-20                             
libpthread-stubs0-dev:amd64           -- not-installed                      0.3-4                                
libpulse-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
libpulse-mainloop-glib0:amd64         5.0-6                                =5.0-6                                
libpulse0:amd64                       5.0-6                                =5.0-6                                
libpulsedsp:amd64                     -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
libpython-dbg:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
libpython-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
libpython-stdlib:amd64                2.7.8-1                              =2.7.8-1                              
libpython2.7:amd64                    2.7.8-7                              =2.7.8-7                              
libpython2.7-dbg:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.7.8-7                              
libpython2.7-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.7.8-7                              
libpython2.7-minimal:amd64            2.7.8-7                              =2.7.8-7                              
libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64             2.7.8-7                              =2.7.8-7                              
libpython3-stdlib:amd64               -- not-installed                      3.4.1-1                              
libpython3.4:amd64                    -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
libpython3.4-minimal:amd64            -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
libpython3.4-stdlib:amd64             -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
libqca2:amd64                         -- not-installed                      2.0.3-6                              
libqpdf13:amd64                       -- not-installed                      5.1.2-1                              
libqt4-dbus:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-declarative:amd64              -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-designer:amd64                 -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-dev                            -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-dev-bin                        -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-help:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-network:amd64                  -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-opengl:amd64                   -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-opengl-dev                     -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-qt3support:amd64               -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-script:amd64                   -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-scripttools:amd64              -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql-ibase:amd64                -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql-mysql:amd64                -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql-odbc:amd64                 -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql-psql:amd64                 -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql-sqlite:amd64               -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-sql-sqlite2:amd64              -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-svg:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-test:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-xml:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqt4-xmlpatterns:amd64              -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqtassistantclient4:amd64           -- not-installed                      4.6.3-6                              
libqtcore4:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqtdbus4:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqtgui4:amd64                       -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
libqtscript4-core:amd64               -- not-installed                      0.2.0-1                              
libqtscript4-gui:amd64                -- not-installed                      0.2.0-1                              
libqtscript4-network:amd64            -- not-installed                      0.2.0-1                              
libqtscript4-uitools:amd64            -- not-installed                      0.2.0-1                              
libqtscript4-xml:amd64                -- not-installed                      0.2.0-1                              
libqtwebkit-dev                       -- not-installed                      2.3.2.dfsg-4                         
libqtwebkit4:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.3.2.dfsg-4                         
libquadmath0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
librados2                             0.80.5-2                             =0.80.5-2                             
libraptor1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.4.21-11                            
libraptor2-0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2.0.14-1                             
librarian0                            -- not-installed                      0.8.1-6                              
librasqal3:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.9.32-1                             
libraw1394-11:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2.1.0-3                              
libraw1394-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      2.1.0-3                              
libraw1394-tools                      -- not-installed                      2.1.0-3                              
librbd1                               0.80.5-2                             =0.80.5-2                             
librdf0:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.0.17-1+b1                          
libreadline5:amd64                    -- not-installed                      5.2+dfsg-2                           
libreadline6:amd64                    6.3-8                                =6.3-8                                
libregexp-common-perl                 2013031301-1                         =2013031301-1                         
libregina3                            -- not-installed                      3.6-2                                
libreoffice                           -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-avmedia-backend-gstreamer -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-base                      -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-base-core                 -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-base-drivers              -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-calc                      -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-common                    -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-core                      -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-draw                      -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-help-en-us                -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-impress                   -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-java-common               -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-math                      -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-report-builder-bin        -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-style-crystal             -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-style-galaxy              -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-style-hicontrast          -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-style-oxygen              -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-style-tango               -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libreoffice-writer                    -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
libresid-builder0c2a                  -- not-installed                      2.1.1-14                             
librest-0.7-0:amd64                   0.7.92-1                             =0.7.92-1                             
librevenge-0.0-0                      -- not-installed                      0.0.1-3                              
libroken18-heimdal:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
librpm3                               -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
librpmbuild3                          -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
librpmio3                             -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
librpmsign1                           -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
librsvg2-2:amd64                      2.40.4-1                             =2.40.4-1                             
librsvg2-common:amd64                 2.40.4-1                             =2.40.4-1                             
librtaudio5:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4.1.1~ds0-2                          
librtmidi2:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.1.0~ds0-3                          
librtmp-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2.4+20131018.git79459a2-4            
librtmp1:amd64                        2.4+20131018.git79459a2-4            =2.4+20131018.git79459a2-4            
libruby2.1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.1.3-1                              
libsamplerate0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      0.1.8-8                              
libsane:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.0.24-1.2                           
libsane-common                        -- not-installed                      1.0.24-1.2                           
libsane-extras:amd64                  -- not-installed                                         
libsane-extras-common                 -- not-installed                                         
libsane-hpaio                         -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
libsasl2-2:amd64                      2.1.26.dfsg1-11                      =2.1.26.dfsg1-11                      
libsasl2-modules-db:amd64             2.1.26.dfsg1-11                       -- not-installed                     
libsasl2-modules:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.1.26.dfsg1-11                      
libsasl2-modules-db:amd64             -- not-installed                      2.1.26.dfsg1-11                      
libsbc1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.2-3                                
libsbsms10:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.0.2-1                              
libschroedinger-1.0-0:amd64           -- not-installed                      1.0.11-2.1                           
libschroedinger-dev:amd64             -- not-installed                      1.0.11-2.1                           
libsctp-dev                           -- not-installed                      1.0.16+dfsg-2                        
libsctp1:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.0.16+dfsg-2                        
libsdl-gfx1.2-5:amd64                 -- not-installed                      2.0.25-4                             
libsdl-image1.2:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.2.12-5+b2                          
libsdl-mixer1.2:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.2.12-11+b1                         
libsdl-ttf2.0-0:amd64                 -- not-installed                      2.0.11-3                             
libsdl1.2-dev                         -- not-installed                      1.2.15-10                            
libsdl1.2debian:amd64                 1.2.15-10                            =1.2.15-10                            
libseccomp2:amd64                     2.1.1-1                              =2.1.1-1                              
libsecret-1-0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.18-1+b1                            
libsecret-common                      -- not-installed                      0.18-1                               
libselinux1:amd64                     2.3-2                                =2.3-2                                
libselinux1:i386                      -- not-installed                      2.3-2                                
libsemanage-common                    2.3-1                                =2.3-1                                
libsemanage1:amd64                    2.3-1                                =2.3-1                                
libsensors4:amd64                     1:3.3.5-2                            =1:3.3.5-2                            
libsepol1:amd64                       2.3-2                                =2.3-2                                
libserf-1-1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.3.7-1                              
libservlet2.5-java                    -- not-installed                      6.0.41-2                             
libsexy2                              -- not-installed                      0.1.11-2+b1                          
libshine3:amd64                       -- not-installed                      3.1.0-2                              
libshout3:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2.3.1-3                              
libsidplay1                           -- not-installed                      1.36.59-6                            
libsidplay2                           -- not-installed                      2.1.1-14                             
libsigc++-2.0-0c2a:amd64              2.2.11-4                             =2.2.11-4                             
libsigsegv2:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2.10-4                               
libslang2:amd64                       2.3.0-1                              =2.3.0-1                              
libslang2-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2.3.0-1                              
libsm-dev:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2:1.2.2-1                            
libsm6:amd64                          2:1.2.2-1                            =2:1.2.2-1                            
libsmbclient:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2:4.1.11+dfsg-1                      
libsmf0                               -- not-installed                      1.3-2                                
libsmi2ldbl:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.4.8+dfsg2-10                       
libsndfile1:amd64                     1.0.25-9                             =1.0.25-9                             
libsnmp-base                          -- not-installed                                   
libsnmp30:amd64                       -- not-installed                                   
libsoap-lite-perl                     -- not-installed                      1.11-1                               
libsocket6-perl                       -- not-installed                      0.25-1+b1                            
libsoftware-license-perl              0.103010-3                           =0.103010-3                           
libsolid4                             -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libsoprano4                           -- not-installed                      2.9.4+dfsg-1.1                       
libsoundtouch0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.8.0-1                              
libsoup-gnome2.4-1:amd64              2.48.0-1                             =2.48.0-1                             
libsoup2.4-1:amd64                    2.48.0-1                             =2.48.0-1                             
libsox-fmt-all:amd64                  -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox-fmt-alsa:amd64                 -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox-fmt-ao:amd64                   -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox-fmt-base:amd64                 -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox-fmt-mp3:amd64                  -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox-fmt-oss:amd64                  -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox-fmt-pulse:amd64                -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsox2:amd64                         -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
libsoxr-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.1.1-1                              
libsoxr-lsr0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.1.1-1                              
libsoxr0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.1.1-1                              
libspandsp2:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.0.6-2                              
libspectre1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.2.7-3                              
libspeechd2:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.8-6                                
libspeex-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.2~rc1.2-1                          
libspeex1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.2~rc1.2-1                          
libspeexdsp1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1.2~rc1.2-1                          
libspice-client-glib-2.0-8:amd64      0.25-1                               =0.25-1                               
libspice-client-gtk-2.0-4:amd64       -- not-installed                      0.25-1                               
libspice-client-gtk-3.0-4:amd64       0.25-1                               =0.25-1                               
libspice-server1:amd64                0.12.5-1                             =0.12.5-1                             
libsqlite0                            -- not-installed                      2.8.17-12                            
libsqlite3-0:amd64                    3.8.6-1                              =3.8.6-1                              
libsrtp0                              -- not-installed                      1.4.5~20130609~dfsg-1                
libss2:amd64                          1.42.12-1                            =1.42.12-1                            
libssh-4:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.6.3-3+b1                           
libssh-dev                            -- not-installed                      0.6.3-3+b1                           
libssh-gcrypt-4:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.6.3-3+b1                           
libssh2-1:amd64                       1.4.3-4                              =1.4.3-4                              
libssl-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.0.1i-2                             
libssl-doc                            -- not-installed                      1.0.1i-2                             
libssl1.0.0:amd64                     1.0.1i-2                             =1.0.1i-2                             
libstartup-notification0:amd64        0.12-4                               =0.12-4                               
libstdc++-4.8-dev:amd64               -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libstdc++-4.9-dev:amd64               -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libstdc++-4.9-doc                     -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libstdc++6:amd64                      4.9.1-15                             =4.9.1-15                             
libstk0c2a:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4.4.4-5+b1                           
libstreamanalyzer0                    -- not-installed                      0.7.8-1.2+b2                         
libstreams0                           -- not-installed                      0.7.8-1.2+b2                         
libsub-exporter-perl                  0.986-1                              =0.986-1                              
libsub-identify-perl                  -- not-installed                      0.04-2+b1                            
libsub-install-perl                   0.928-1                              =0.928-1                              
libsub-name-perl                      -- not-installed                      0.07-1+b1                            
libsvn-doc                            -- not-installed                      1.8.10-2                             
libsvn-perl                           -- not-installed                      1.8.10-2                             
libsvn1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.8.10-2                             
libsvncpp3                            -- not-installed                      0.12.1dfsg-2                         
libswitch-perl                        -- not-installed                      2.17-2                               
libswresample-ffmpeg-dev:amd64        -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libswresample-ffmpeg1:amd64           -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libswscale-ffmpeg-dev:amd64           -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libswscale-ffmpeg3:amd64              -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
libswscale3:amd64                     -- not-installed                      6:11-1                               
libsynctex1                           -- not-installed                      2014.20140926.35254-1                
libsystemd-daemon0:amd64              215-5+b1                              -- not-installed                     
libsystemd-id128-0:amd64              215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libsystemd-journal0:amd64             215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libsystemd-login0:amd64               215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libsystemd0:amd64                     215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libtag1-vanilla:amd64                 1.9.1-2.1                            =1.9.1-2.1                            
libtag1c2a:amd64                      1.9.1-2.1                            =1.9.1-2.1                            
libtagc0:amd64                        1.9.1-2.1                            =1.9.1-2.1                            
libtalloc2:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.1.1-2                              
libtar0                               -- not-installed                      1.2.20-4                             
libtask-weaken-perl                   -- not-installed                      1.04-1                               
libtasn1-6:amd64                      4.2-1                                =4.2-1                                
libtbb2                               -- not-installed                      4.2~20140122-3                       
libtcl8.6:amd64                       -- not-installed                      8.6.2+dfsg-1                         
libtdb1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1.3.1-1                              
libterm-readkey-perl                  -- not-installed                      2.32-1+b1                            
libterm-size-perl                     -- not-installed                      0.207-1+b2                           
libterm-ui-perl                       -- not-installed                      0.42-1                               
libtevent0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      0.9.21-1                             
libtext-charwidth-perl                0.04-7+b3                            =0.04-7+b3                            
libtext-iconv-perl                    1.7-5+b2                             =1.7-5+b2                             
libtext-levenshtein-perl              -- not-installed                      0.09-1                               
libtext-soundex-perl                  -- not-installed                      3.4-1+b2                             
libtext-template-perl                 1.46-1                               =1.46-1                               
libtext-unidecode-perl                -- not-installed                      0.04-2                               
libtext-wrapi18n-perl                 0.06-7                               =0.06-7                               
libthai-data                          0.1.21-1                             =0.1.21-1                             
libthai0:amd64                        0.1.21-1                             =0.1.21-1                             
libtheora-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.1.1+dfsg.1-3.2                     
libtheora0:amd64                      1.1.1+dfsg.1-3.2                     =1.1.1+dfsg.1-3.2                     
libthreadweaver4                      -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
libthunarx-2-0                        1.6.3-1                              =1.6.3-1                              
libtie-ixhash-perl                    -- not-installed                      1.23-1                               
libtiff5:amd64                        4.0.3-10                             =4.0.3-10                             
libtiff5-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      4.0.3-10                             
libtiffxx5:amd64                      -- not-installed                      4.0.3-10                             
libtimedate-perl                      -- not-installed                      2.3000-2                             
libtinfo-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      5.9+20140913-1                       
libtinfo5:amd64                       5.9+20140913-1                       =5.9+20140913-1                       
libtirpc1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      0.2.5-1                              
libtk8.6:amd64                        -- not-installed                      8.6.2-1                              
libtokyocabinet9:amd64                -- not-installed                      1.4.48-2                             
libtool                               -- not-installed                      2.4.2-1.10                           
libtool-bin                           -- not-installed                      2.4.2-1.10+b1                        
libtool-doc                           -- not-installed                      2.4.2-1.10                           
libts-0.0-0:amd64                     1.0-12                               =1.0-12                               
libtsan0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libturbojpeg1:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1:1.3.1-3                            
libtwolame-dev                        -- not-installed                      0.3.13-1.1                           
libtwolame0                           -- not-installed                      0.3.13-1.1                           
libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:amd64               -- not-installed                      0~git20131104-1.1                    
libubsan0:amd64                       -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libudev1:amd64                        215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
libumfpack5.6.2:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1:4.2.1-3                            
libunique-1.0-0                       1.1.6-5                              =1.1.6-5                              
libunistring0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.9.3-5.2                            
libunwind8                            -- not-installed                      1.1-3                                
libupnp6                              -- not-installed                      1:1.6.17-1.2                         
libupower-glib3:amd64                 0.99.1-3                             =0.99.1-3                             
liburi-perl                           -- not-installed                      1.64-1                               
libusageenvironment1                  -- not-installed                      2014.01.13-1                         
libusb-0.1-4:amd64                    2:0.1.12-24                          =2:0.1.12-24                          
libusb-1.0-0:amd64                    2:1.0.19-1                           =2:1.0.19-1                           
libusbmuxd2:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.0.9-1                              
libusbredirhost1:amd64                0.7-1                                =0.7-1                                
libusbredirparser1:amd64              0.7-1                                =0.7-1                                
libustr-1.0-1:amd64                   1.0.4-3                              =1.0.4-3                              
libutempter0                          1.1.5-4                              =1.1.5-4                              
libuuid-perl                          0.05-1+b1                            =0.05-1+b1                            
libuuid1:amd64                        2.20.1-5.9                           =2.20.1-5.9                           
libuuid1:i386                         -- not-installed                      2.20.1-5.9                           
libv4l-0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.4.0-1                              
libv4lconvert0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.4.0-1                              
libv8-3.14-dev                        -- not-installed                                       
libv8-3.14.5                          -- not-installed                                       
libva-dev:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva-drm1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva-egl1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva-glx1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva-tpi1:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva-wayland1:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva-x11-1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libva1:amd64                          -- not-installed                      1.3.1-3                              
libvamp-hostsdk3:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.5+repack0-2                        
libvcdinfo0                           -- not-installed                      0.7.24+dfsg-0.2                      
libvdeplug2                           2.3.2-4.2                            =2.3.2-4.2                            
libvdpau-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.7-2                                
libvdpau1:amd64                       -- not-installed                      0.7-2                                
libvirt-clients                       1.2.8-3                              >1.2.8-2                              
libvirt-daemon                        1.2.8-3                              >1.2.8-2                              
libvirt-daemon-system                 1.2.8-3                              >1.2.8-2                              
libvirt-doc                           -- not-installed                      1.2.8-2                              
libvirt-glib-1.0-0                    0.1.7-2.1                            =0.1.7-2.1                            
libvirt0                              1.2.8-3                              >1.2.8-2                              
libvirtodbc0                          -- not-installed                      6.1.6+dfsg2-2                        
libvisio-0.1-1                        -- not-installed                      0.1.0-2                              
libvisual-0.4-0:amd64                 0.4.0-5                              =0.4.0-5                              
libvisual-0.4-plugins:amd64           -- not-installed                      0.4.0.dfsg.1-7                       
libvlc5                               -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
libvlccore8                           -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
libvncclient0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.9.9+dfsg-6+b1                      
libvncserver0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.9.9+dfsg-6+b1                      
libvo-aacenc0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.1.3-1                              
libvo-amrwbenc0:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.1.3-1                              
libvorbis-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1.4                            
libvorbis0a:amd64                     1.3.2-1.4                            =1.3.2-1.4                            
libvorbisenc2:amd64                   1.3.2-1.4                            =1.3.2-1.4                            
libvorbisfile3:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1.4                            
libvpx-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.3.0-2.1                            
libvpx1:amd64                         1.3.0-2.1                            =1.3.0-2.1                            
libvte-2.90-9                         1:0.36.3-1                           =1:0.36.3-1                           
libvte-2.90-common                    1:0.36.3-1                           =1:0.36.3-1                           
libvte-common                         1:0.28.2-5                           =1:0.28.2-5                           
libvte9                               1:0.28.2-5                           =1:0.28.2-5                           
libwavpack-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      4.70.0-1                             
libwavpack1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4.70.0-1                             
libwayland-client0:amd64              1.6.0-2                              =1.6.0-2                              
libwayland-cursor0:amd64              1.6.0-2                              =1.6.0-2                              
libwayland-dev                        -- not-installed                      1.6.0-2                              
libwayland-egl1-mesa:amd64            -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
libwayland-server0:amd64              1.6.0-2                              =1.6.0-2                              
libwbclient0:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2:4.1.11+dfsg-1                      
libwebkitgtk-1.0-0:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.4.5-2                              
libwebkitgtk-1.0-common               -- not-installed                      2.4.5-2                              
libwebkitgtk-3.0-0:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.4.5-2                              
libwebkitgtk-3.0-common               -- not-installed                      2.4.5-2                              
libwebp-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1.2+b1                         
libwebp5:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1.2+b1                         
libwebpdemux1:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1.2+b1                         
libwebpmux1:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1.2+b1                         
libwebrtc-audio-processing-0:amd64    -- not-installed                      0.1-3                                
libwildmidi-config                    -- not-installed                      0.3.7-1                              
libwildmidi1:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.3.7-1                              
libwind0-heimdal:amd64                -- not-installed                      1.6~rc2+dfsg-8                       
libwireshark-data                     -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
libwireshark5:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
libwiretap4:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
libwmf0.2-7:amd64                     -- not-installed                                     
libwnck-common                        2.30.7-2                             =2.30.7-2                             
libwnck22                             2.30.7-2                             =2.30.7-2                             
libwpd-0.10-10                        -- not-installed                      0.10.0-2                             
libwpg-0.3-3                          -- not-installed                      0.3.0-3                              
libwps-0.3-3                          -- not-installed                      0.3.0-2                              
libwrap0:amd64                        7.6.q-25                             =7.6.q-25                             
libwsutil4:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
libwww-perl                           -- not-installed                      6.08-1                               
libwww-robotrules-perl                -- not-installed                      6.01-1                               
libwxbase2.8-0:amd64                  -- not-installed                                 
libwxbase3.0-0:amd64                  -- not-installed                      3.0.1-3                              
libwxgtk2.8-0:amd64                   -- not-installed                                 
libwxgtk3.0-0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      3.0.1-3                              
libx11-6:amd64                        2:1.6.2-3                            =2:1.6.2-3                            
libx11-6-dbg:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2:1.6.2-3                            
libx11-data                           2:1.6.2-3                            =2:1.6.2-3                            
libx11-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2:1.6.2-3                            
libx11-doc                            -- not-installed                      2:1.6.2-3                            
libx11-protocol-perl                  -- not-installed                      0.56-6                               
libx11-xcb-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      2:1.6.2-3                            
libx11-xcb1:amd64                     2:1.6.2-3                            =2:1.6.2-3                            
libx264-142:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2:0.142.2431+gita5831aa-1+b1         
libx264-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2:0.142.2431+gita5831aa-1+b1         
libx32asan0                           -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libx32asan1                           -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32atomic1                         -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32cilkrts5                        -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32gcc-4.8-dev                     -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libx32gcc-4.9-dev                     -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32gcc1                            -- not-installed                      1:4.9.1-15                           
libx32gfortran-4.8-dev                -- not-installed                      4.8.3-11                             
libx32gfortran-4.9-dev                -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32gfortran3                       -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32gomp1                           -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32itm1                            -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32quadmath0                       -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32stdc++6                         -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx32ubsan0                          -- not-installed                      4.9.1-15                             
libx86-1:amd64                        -- not-installed                      1.1+ds1-10                           
libxapian-dev                         -- not-installed                      1.2.18-1.1                           
libxapian22                           1.2.18-1.1                           =1.2.18-1.1                           
libxatracker2:amd64                   10.2.6-1                              -- not-installed                     
libxau-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:1.0.8-1                            
libxau6:amd64                         1:1.0.8-1                            =1:1.0.8-1                            
libxaw7:amd64                         2:1.0.12-2                           =2:1.0.12-2                           
libxcb-composite0:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-doc                            -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-dri2-0:amd64                   1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-dri2-0-dev:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-dri3-0:amd64                   1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-dri3-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-glx0:amd64                     1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-glx0-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-icccm4:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1                              
libxcb-image0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      0.3.9-2                              
libxcb-keysyms1:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.3.9-2                              
libxcb-present-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-present0:amd64                 1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-randr0:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-randr0-dev:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-render0:amd64                  1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-render0-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-shape0:amd64                   1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-shape0-dev:amd64               -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-shm0:amd64                     1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-shm0-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-sync-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-sync1:amd64                    1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-util0:amd64                    0.3.8-3                              =0.3.8-3                              
libxcb-xf86dri0:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-xfixes0:amd64                  1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb-xfixes0-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb-xv0:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcb1:amd64                         1.10-3                               =1.10-3                               
libxcb1-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      1.10-3                               
libxcomposite-dev                     -- not-installed                      1:0.4.4-1                            
libxcomposite1:amd64                  1:0.4.4-1                            =1:0.4.4-1                            
libxcursor-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1:1.1.14-1                           
libxcursor1:amd64                     1:1.1.14-1                           =1:1.1.14-1                           
libxdamage-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1:1.1.4-2                            
libxdamage1:amd64                     1:1.1.4-2                            =1:1.1.4-2                            
libxdelta2                            -- not-installed                      1.1.3-9.1                            
libxdmcp-dev:amd64                    -- not-installed                      1:1.1.1-1                            
libxdmcp6:amd64                       1:1.1.1-1                            =1:1.1.1-1                            
libxdot4                              -- not-installed                      2.38.0-6                             
libxen-4.4:amd64                      4.4.1-2                              =4.4.1-2                              
libxenstore3.0:amd64                  4.4.1-2                              =4.4.1-2                              
libxerces2-java                       -- not-installed                      2.11.0-7                             
libxext-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2:1.3.2-1                            
libxext-doc                           -- not-installed                      2:1.3.2-1                            
libxext6:amd64                        2:1.3.2-1                            =2:1.3.2-1                            
libxfce4ui-1-0                        4.10.0-6                             =4.10.0-6                             
libxfce4ui-utils                      4.10.0-6                             =4.10.0-6                             
libxfce4util-bin                      -- not-installed                      4.10.1-2                             
libxfce4util-common                   4.10.1-2                             =4.10.1-2                             
libxfce4util6                         4.10.1-2                             =4.10.1-2                             
libxfcegui4-4                         4.10.0-2                             =4.10.0-2                             
libxfconf-0-2                         4.10.0-3                             =4.10.0-3                             
libxfixes-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      1:5.0.1-2                            
libxfixes3:amd64                      1:5.0.1-2                            =1:5.0.1-2                            
libxfont1:amd64                       1:                       =1:                       
libxft-dev                            -- not-installed                      2.3.2-1                              
libxft2:amd64                         2.3.2-1                              =2.3.2-1                              
libxi-dev                             -- not-installed                      2:1.7.4-1                            
libxi6:amd64                          2:1.7.4-1                            =2:1.7.4-1                            
libxinerama-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      2:1.1.3-1                            
libxinerama1:amd64                    2:1.1.3-1                            =2:1.1.3-1                            
libxkbcommon0:amd64                   0.4.3-2                              =0.4.3-2                              
libxkbfile1:amd64                     1:1.0.8-1                            =1:1.0.8-1                            
libxklavier16                         5.2.1-1                              =5.2.1-1                              
libxml++2.6-2                         -- not-installed                      2.36.0-2.1                           
libxml-commons-external-java          -- not-installed                      1.4.01-2                             
libxml-commons-resolver1.1-java       -- not-installed                      1.2-7                                
libxml-libxml-perl                    -- not-installed                      2.0116+dfsg-1+b1                     
libxml-namespacesupport-perl          -- not-installed                      1.11-1                               
libxml-parser-perl                    -- not-installed                      2.41-3                               
libxml-sax-base-perl                  -- not-installed                      1.07-1                               
libxml-sax-expat-perl                 -- not-installed                      0.40-2                               
libxml-sax-perl                       -- not-installed                      0.99+dfsg-2                          
libxml-simple-perl                    -- not-installed                      2.20-1                               
libxml-twig-perl                      -- not-installed                      1:3.44-1                             
libxml-xpath-perl                     -- not-installed                      1.13-7                               
libxml-xpathengine-perl               -- not-installed                      0.13-1                               
libxml2:amd64                         2.9.1+dfsg1-4                        =2.9.1+dfsg1-4                        
libxml2-utils                         -- not-installed                      2.9.1+dfsg1-4                        
libxmlrpc-lite-perl                   -- not-installed                      0.717-1                              
libxmu6:amd64                         2:1.1.2-1                            =2:1.1.2-1                            
libxmuu1:amd64                        2:1.1.2-1                            =2:1.1.2-1                            
libxpm-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:3.5.11-1                           
libxpm4:amd64                         1:3.5.11-1                           =1:3.5.11-1                           
libxrandr-dev:amd64                   -- not-installed                      2:1.4.2-1                            
libxrandr2:amd64                      2:1.4.2-1                            =2:1.4.2-1                            
libxrender-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1:0.9.8-1                            
libxrender1:amd64                     1:0.9.8-1                            =1:0.9.8-1                            
libxres1:amd64                        2:1.0.7-1                            =2:1.0.7-1                            
libxshmfence-dev:amd64                -- not-installed                      1.1-3                                
libxshmfence1:amd64                   1.1-3                                =1.1-3                                
libxslt1.1:amd64                      1.1.28-2+b1                          =1.1.28-2+b1                          
libxss1:amd64                         -- not-installed                      1:1.2.2-1                            
libxt-dev:amd64                       -- not-installed                      1:1.1.4-1                            
libxt6:amd64                          1:1.1.4-1                            =1:1.1.4-1                            
libxtables10                          1.4.21-2                             =1.4.21-2                             
libxtst6:amd64                        2:1.2.2-1                            =2:1.2.2-1                            
libxv-dev:amd64                       -- not-installed                      2:1.0.10-1                           
libxv1:amd64                          2:1.0.10-1                           =2:1.0.10-1                           
libxvidcore-dev:amd64                 -- not-installed                      2:1.3.3-1                            
libxvidcore4:amd64                    -- not-installed                      2:1.3.3-1                            
libxvmc-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2:1.0.8-2                            
libxvmc1:amd64                        2:1.0.8-2                            =2:1.0.8-2                            
libxxf86dga1:amd64                    2:1.1.4-1                            =2:1.1.4-1                            
libxxf86vm-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      1:1.1.3-1                            
libxxf86vm1:amd64                     1:1.1.3-1                            =1:1.1.3-1                            
libyajl2:amd64                        2.1.0-2                              =2.1.0-2                              
libyaml-0-2:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.1.6-2                              
libyaml-libyaml-perl                  -- not-installed                      0.41-5+b1                            
libyaml-perl                          -- not-installed                      1.12-1                               
libyaml-syck-perl                     -- not-installed                      1.27-2+b2                            
libzbar0                              -- not-installed                      0.10+doc-9+b3                        
libzmq3:amd64                         -- not-installed                      4.0.4+dfsg-2                         
libzmq3-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      4.0.4+dfsg-2                         
libzvbi-common                        -- not-installed                      0.2.35-3                             
libzvbi-dev:amd64                     -- not-installed                      0.2.35-3                             
libzvbi0:amd64                        -- not-installed                      0.2.35-3                             
libzzip-0-13:amd64                    -- not-installed                      0.13.62-3                            
lightdm                               1.10.2-2                              -- not-installed                     
lightdm-gtk-greeter                   1.8.5-1                               -- not-installed                     
lilypond                              -- not-installed                      2.18.2-3                             
lilypond-data                         -- not-installed                      2.18.2-3                             
lilypond-doc                          -- not-installed                      2.18.2-3                             
lilypond-doc-html                     -- not-installed                      2.18.2-3                             
lilypond-doc-pdf                      -- not-installed                      2.18.2-3                             
lincity-ng                            -- not-installed                      2.0-4+b1                             
lincity-ng-data                       -- not-installed                      2.0-4                                
links2                                -- not-installed                      2.8-2                                
lintian                               -- not-installed                      2.5.27                               
linux-base                            3.5                                  =3.5                                  
linux-compiler-gcc-4.8-x86            -- not-installed                      3.16.3-2                             
linux-doc-3.16                        -- not-installed                      3.16.3-2                             
linux-headers-3.16-2-amd64            -- not-installed                      3.16.3-2                             
linux-headers-3.16-2-common           -- not-installed                      3.16.3-2                             
linux-headers-amd64                   -- not-installed                      3.16+61                              
linux-image-3.16-2-amd64              3.16.3-2                             =3.16.3-2                             
linux-image-amd64                     3.16+61                              =3.16+61                              
linux-kbuild-3.16                     -- not-installed                      3.16-2                               
linux-libc-dev:amd64                  -- not-installed                      3.16.3-2                             
linux-tools-3.16                      -- not-installed                      3.16-2                               
lksctp-tools                          -- not-installed                      1.0.16+dfsg-2                        
lldb-3.5                              -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
lldb-3.5-dev                          -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
llvm-3.4                              -- not-installed                      1:3.4.2-10                           
llvm-3.4-dev                          -- not-installed                      1:3.4.2-10                           
llvm-3.4-doc                          -- not-installed                      1:3.4.2-10                           
llvm-3.4-runtime                      -- not-installed                      1:3.4.2-10                           
llvm-3.4-tools                        -- not-installed                      1:3.4.2-10                           
llvm-3.5                              -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
llvm-3.5-dev                          -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
llvm-3.5-doc                          -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
llvm-3.5-examples                     -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
llvm-3.5-runtime                      -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
lm-sensors                            -- not-installed                      1:3.3.5-2                            
lmodern                               -- not-installed                      2.004.4-3                            
loadlin                               -- not-installed                      1.6f-3                               
locales                               2.19-11                              =2.19-11                              
locales-all                           -- not-installed                      2.19-11                              
login                                 1:4.2-2+b1                           =1:4.2-2+b1                           
logrotate                             3.8.7-1                              =3.8.7-1                              
lp-solve                              -- not-installed                                    
lrzip                                 -- not-installed                      0.616-1                              
lsb-base                              4.1+Debian13                         =4.1+Debian13                         
lsb-release                           -- not-installed                      4.1+Debian13                         
lsof                                  -- not-installed                      4.86+dfsg-1                          
lsscsi                                -- not-installed                      0.27-3                               
luckybackup                           -- not-installed                      0.4.8-1                              
luckybackup-data                      -- not-installed                      0.4.8-1                              
lvm2                                  -- not-installed                      2.02.111-2                           
lzop                                  -- not-installed                      1.03-3                               
m4                                    -- not-installed                      1.4.17-4                             
make                                  -- not-installed                      4.0-8                                
make-doc                              -- not-installed                      4.0-2                                
makebootfat                           -- not-installed                      1.4-5                                
makedev                               -- not-installed                      2.3.1-93                             
man-db                                                  =                            
manpages                              3.71-1                               =3.71-1                               
manpages-dev                          -- not-installed                      3.71-1                               
mawk                                  1.3.3-17                             =1.3.3-17                             
mcp-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.4.0-2                              
mdadm                                 -- not-installed                      3.3-2                                
memtest86                             -- not-installed                      4.3.6-1                              
memtest86+                            -- not-installed                      5.01-2                               
menu                                  -- not-installed                      2.1.47                               
menu-l10n                             -- not-installed                      0.20120730                           
menulibre                             -- not-installed                      2.0.5-1                              
mercurial                             -- not-installed                      3.1.1-1                              
mercurial-common                      -- not-installed                      3.1.1-1                              
mesa-common-dev                       -- not-installed                      10.2.6-1                             
mesa-utils                            -- not-installed                      8.2.0-1                              
meterbridge                           -- not-installed                      0.9.2-11                             
mime-support                          3.56                                 =3.56                                 
mlocate                               -- not-installed                      0.26-1                               
module-init-tools                     -- not-installed                      18-3                                 
molly-guard                           -- not-installed                      0.4.5-1.1                            
monkeysphere                          -- not-installed                      0.37-1                               
moon-lander                           -- not-installed                      1:1.0-5                              
moon-lander-data                      -- not-installed                      1:1.0-5                              
mount                                 2.20.1-5.9                           =2.20.1-5.9                           
mousepad                              0.3.0-2                              =0.3.0-2                              
mtools                                -- not-installed                      4.0.18-2                             
multiarch-support                     2.19-11                              =2.19-11                              
muse                                  -- not-installed                      2.1.2-1                              
musescore                             -- not-installed                      1.3+dfsg-2                           
musescore-common                      -- not-installed                      1.3+dfsg-2                           
musescore-soundfont-gm                -- not-installed                      1.3+dfsg-2                           
mutt                                  -- not-installed                      1.5.23-1.1                           
myspell-en-us                         -- not-installed                      1:3.3.0-4                            
mysql-common                          -- not-installed                      5.5.39-1                             
nano                                  2.2.6-3                              =2.2.6-3                              
ncurses-base                          5.9+20140913-1                       =5.9+20140913-1                       
ncurses-bin                           5.9+20140913-1                       =5.9+20140913-1                       
ncurses-doc                           -- not-installed                      5.9+20140913-1                       
ncurses-examples                      -- not-installed                      5.9+20140913-1                       
ncurses-term                          -- not-installed                      5.9+20140913-1                       
nepomuk-core-data                     -- not-installed                      4:4.14.0-1                           
net-tools                             1.60-26                              =1.60-26                              
netbase                               5.2                                  =5.2                                  
netcat-openbsd                        -- not-installed                      1.105-7                              
netcat-traditional                    1.10-41                              =1.10-41                              
netpbm                                -- not-installed                      2:10.0-15+b3                         
nettle-dev                            -- not-installed                      2.7.1-3                              
nfacct                                1.0.1-1                              =1.0.1-1                              
nfs-common                            -- not-installed                      1:1.2.8-9                            
node-abbrev                           -- not-installed                      1.0.5-2                              
node-ansi                             -- not-installed                      0.3.0-2                              
node-ansi-color-table                 -- not-installed                      1.0.0-1                              
node-archy                            -- not-installed                      0.0.2-1                              
node-async                            -- not-installed                      0.8.0-1                              
node-block-stream                     -- not-installed                      0.0.7-1                              
node-combined-stream                  -- not-installed                      0.0.5-1                              
node-cookie-jar                       -- not-installed                      0.3.1-1                              
node-delayed-stream                   -- not-installed                      0.0.5-1                              
node-forever-agent                    -- not-installed                      0.5.1-1                              
node-form-data                        -- not-installed                      0.1.0-1                              
node-fstream                          -- not-installed                      0.1.24-1                             
node-fstream-ignore                   -- not-installed                      0.0.6-2                              
node-github-url-from-git              -- not-installed                      1.1.1-1                              
node-glob                             -- not-installed                      4.0.5-1                              
node-graceful-fs                      -- not-installed                      3.0.2-1                              
node-gyp                              -- not-installed                      0.12.2+ds-1                          
node-inherits                         -- not-installed                      2.0.0-1                              
node-ini                              -- not-installed                      1.1.0-1                              
node-json-stringify-safe              -- not-installed                      5.0.0-1                              
node-lockfile                         -- not-installed                      0.4.1-1                              
node-lru-cache                        -- not-installed                      2.3.1-1                              
node-mime                             -- not-installed                      1.2.11-1                             
node-minimatch                        -- not-installed                      1.0.0-1                              
node-mkdirp                           -- not-installed                      0.5.0-1                              
node-mute-stream                      -- not-installed                      0.0.4-1                              
node-node-uuid                        -- not-installed                      1.4.0-1                              
node-nopt                             -- not-installed                      3.0.1-1                              
node-normalize-package-data           -- not-installed                      0.2.2-1                              
node-npmlog                           -- not-installed                      0.0.4-1                              
node-oauth-sign                       -- not-installed                      0.3.1-1                              
node-once                             -- not-installed                      1.1.1-1                              
node-osenv                            -- not-installed                      0.1.0-1                              
node-qs                               -- not-installed                      0.6.5-1                              
node-read                             -- not-installed                      1.0.5-1                              
node-read-package-json                -- not-installed                      1.2.4-1                              
node-request                          -- not-installed                      2.26.1-1                             
node-retry                            -- not-installed                      0.6.0-1                              
node-rimraf                           -- not-installed                      2.2.8-1                              
node-semver                           -- not-installed                      2.1.0-2                              
node-sha                              -- not-installed                      1.2.3-1                              
node-sigmund                          -- not-installed                      1.0.0-1                              
node-slide                            -- not-installed                      1.1.4-1                              
node-tar                              -- not-installed                      0.1.18-1                             
node-tunnel-agent                     -- not-installed                      0.3.1-1                              
node-underscore                       -- not-installed                      1.4.4-2                              
node-which                            -- not-installed                      1.0.5-2                              
nodejs                                -- not-installed                      0.10.29~dfsg-1                       
nodejs-dev                            -- not-installed                      0.10.29~dfsg-1                       
nodejs-legacy                         -- not-installed                      0.10.29~dfsg-1                       
npm                                   -- not-installed                      1.4.21+ds-2                          
ntfs-3g                               -- not-installed                      1:2014.2.15AR.1-5                    
ntp                                   -- not-installed                      1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3.1                  
ntp-doc                               -- not-installed                      1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3.1                  
ntrack-module-libnl-0                 -- not-installed                      016-1.3                              
ocl-icd-libopencl1:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.1.3-5                              
ocl-icd-opencl-dev:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.1.3-5                              
odbc-postgresql:amd64                 -- not-installed                      1:09.03.0300-1                       
odbcinst                              -- not-installed                      2.3.1-3                              
odbcinst1debian2:amd64                -- not-installed                      2.3.1-3                              
omins                                 -- not-installed                      0.2.0-7.1                            
open-cobol                            -- not-installed                      1.1-1+b1                             
opencl-headers                        -- not-installed                      1.2-2014.04.13-1.1                   
openclipart-libreoffice               -- not-installed                      1:0.18+dfsg-14                       
openclipart-png                       -- not-installed                      1:0.18+dfsg-14                       
openclipart2-libreoffice              -- not-installed                      2.0+dfsg-1                           
openclipart2-png                      -- not-installed                      2.0+dfsg-1                           
opencv-data                           -- not-installed                                   
openjdk-7-demo                        -- not-installed                      7u65-2.5.2-4                         
openjdk-7-doc                         -- not-installed                      7u65-2.5.2-4                         
openjdk-7-jdk:amd64                   -- not-installed                      7u65-2.5.2-4                         
openjdk-7-jre:amd64                   -- not-installed                      7u65-2.5.2-4                         
openjdk-7-jre-headless:amd64          -- not-installed                      7u65-2.5.2-4                         
openssh-blacklist                     -- not-installed                      0.4.1+nmu1                           
openssh-blacklist-extra               -- not-installed                      0.4.1+nmu1                           
openssh-client                        1:6.6p1-7                            =1:6.6p1-7                            
openssh-server                        1:6.6p1-7                            =1:6.6p1-7                            
openssh-sftp-server                   1:6.6p1-7                            =1:6.6p1-7                            
openssl                               -- not-installed                      1.0.1i-2                             
openssl-blacklist                     -- not-installed                      0.5-3                                
orage                                 4.10.0-1+b1                          =4.10.0-1+b1                          
os-prober                             1.64                                 =1.64                                 
ovmf                                  -- not-installed                      0~20131112.2590861a-2                
oxygen-icon-theme                     -- not-installed                      4:4.14.0-1                           
p11-kit                               -- not-installed                      0.20.7-1                             
p11-kit-modules:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.20.7-1                             
p7zip-full                            -- not-installed                      9.20.1~dfsg.1-4.1                    
p7zip-rar                             -- not-installed                      9.20.1~ds.1-3                        
packagekit                            -- not-installed                      1.0.0-2                              
packagekit-tools                      -- not-installed                      1.0.0-2                              
paman                                 -- not-installed                      0.9.4-1                              
paprefs                               -- not-installed                      0.9.10-1                             
parted                                3.2-6                                =3.2-6                                
parted-doc                            -- not-installed                      3.2-6                                
passwd                                1:4.2-2+b1                           =1:4.2-2+b1                           
patch                                 -- not-installed                      2.7.1-6                              
patchutils                            -- not-installed                      0.3.3-1                              
pavucontrol                           -- not-installed                      2.0-2                                
pavumeter                             -- not-installed                      0.9.3-4                              
pbuilder                              -- not-installed                      0.215+nmu3                           
pbuilder-uml                          -- not-installed                      0.215+nmu3                           
pbzip2                                -- not-installed                      1.1.9-1                              
pciutils                              1:3.2.1-3                            =1:3.2.1-3                            
pepperflashplugin-nonfree             -- not-installed                      1.7                                  
perl                                  5.20.1-1                             =5.20.1-1                             
perl-base                             5.20.1-1                             =5.20.1-1                             
perl-modules                          5.20.1-1                             =5.20.1-1                             
perl-tk                               -- not-installed                      1:804.032-3+b2                       
perlmagick                            -- not-installed                      8:                          
phonon:amd64                          -- not-installed                      4:4.8.0-2                            
phonon-backend-gstreamer:amd64        -- not-installed                      4:4.8.0-1                            
pinentry-gtk2                         -- not-installed                      0.8.3-2                              
pkg-config                            -- not-installed                      0.28-1                               
plasma-scriptengine-javascript        -- not-installed                      4:4.14.1-1                           
pm-utils                              -- not-installed                      1.4.1-15                             
pmidi                                 -- not-installed                      1.6.0-5                              
po-debconf                            -- not-installed                      1.0.16+nmu3                          
policykit-1                           -- not-installed                      0.105-7                              
poppler-data                          -- not-installed                      0.4.7-1                              
poppler-utils                         -- not-installed                      0.26.5-1                             
popularity-contest                    -- not-installed                      1.61                                 
postfix                               -- not-installed                      2.11.1-1                             
postfix-doc                           -- not-installed                      2.11.1-1                             
powermgmt-base                        -- not-installed                      1.31+nmu1                            
printer-driver-cups-pdf               -- not-installed                      2.6.1-13                             
printer-driver-gutenprint             -- not-installed                      5.2.10-3                             
printer-driver-hpcups                 -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
printer-driver-postscript-hp          -- not-installed                      3.14.6-1                             
pristine-tar                          -- not-installed                      1.32                                 
procmail                              -- not-installed                      3.22-22                              
procps                                2:3.3.9-8                            =2:3.3.9-8                            
psmisc                                22.21-2                              =22.21-2                              
psutils                               -- not-installed                      1.17.dfsg-2                          
pulseaudio                            -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
pulseaudio-module-gconf               -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
pulseaudio-module-x11                 -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
pulseaudio-module-zeroconf            -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
pulseaudio-utils                      -- not-installed                      5.0-6                                
python                                2.7.8-1                              =2.7.8-1                              
python-apt                            -- not-installed                                         
python-apt-common                     -- not-installed                                         
python-apt-doc                        -- not-installed                                         
python-cairo                          1.8.8-1+b2                           =1.8.8-1+b2                           
python-chardet                        -- not-installed                      2.2.1-2                              
python-crypto                         -- not-installed                      2.6.1-5+b1                           
python-cups                           -- not-installed                      1.9.63-1                             
python-cupshelpers                    -- not-installed                      1.4.3-4                              
python-dateutil                       -- not-installed                      1.5+dfsg-1                           
python-dbg                            -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-dbus                           1.2.0-2+b3                           =1.2.0-2+b3                           
python-dbus-dbg                       -- not-installed                      1.2.0-2+b3                           
python-dbus-dev                       1.2.0-2                              =1.2.0-2                              
python-dbus-doc                       -- not-installed                      1.2.0-2                              
python-debian                         -- not-installed                      0.1.23                               
python-debianbts                      -- not-installed                      1.12                                 
python-defusedxml                     -- not-installed                      0.4.1-2                              
python-dev                            -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-distro-info                    -- not-installed                      0.13                                 
python-doc                            -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-docutils                       -- not-installed                      0.12+dfsg-1                          
python-dput                           -- not-installed                      1.8                                  
python-ecdsa                          -- not-installed                      0.11-1                               
python-editobj                        -- not-installed                      0.5.7-10                             
python-examples                       -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-gconf                          -- not-installed                      2.28.1+dfsg-1                        
python-gdbm                           -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-gdbm-dbg                       -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-gi                             3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
python-gi-cairo                       3.14.0-1                             =3.14.0-1                             
python-glade2                         -- not-installed                      2.24.0-4                             
python-gnomekeyring                   -- not-installed                      2.32.0+dfsg-3                        
python-gnuplot                        -- not-installed                      1.8-5                                
python-gobject                        -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
python-gobject-2                      -- not-installed                      2.28.6-12+b1                         
python-gobject-2-dbg                  -- not-installed                      2.28.6-12+b1                         
python-gtk2                           -- not-installed                      2.24.0-4                             
python-gtk2-doc                       -- not-installed                      2.24.0-4                             
python-guestfs                        -- not-installed                      1:1.26.9-1                           
python-imaging                        -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python-imaging-doc-html               -- not-installed                      1.1.2-1.1                            
python-imaging-doc-pdf                -- not-installed                      1.1.2-1.1                            
python-ipaddr                         2.1.11-2                             =2.1.11-2                             
python-ipy                            -- not-installed                      1:0.81-1                             
python-libvirt                        1.2.8-1                              =1.2.8-1                              
python-libxml2                        2.9.1+dfsg1-4                        =2.9.1+dfsg1-4                        
python-lldb-3.5                       -- not-installed                      1:3.5-4                              
python-minimal                        2.7.8-1                              =2.7.8-1                              
python-mysqldb                        -- not-installed                      1.2.3-2.1                            
python-notify                         -- not-installed                      0.1.1-3                              
python-numpy                          -- not-installed                      1:1.8.2-2                            
python-numpy-doc                      -- not-installed                      1:1.8.2-2                            
python-openssl-doc                    -- not-installed                      0.14-1                               
python-paramiko                       -- not-installed                      1.15.1-1                             
python-pexpect                        -- not-installed                      3.2-1                                
python-pexpect-doc                    -- not-installed                      3.2-1                                
python-pil:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python-pil-dbg:amd64                  -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python-pil-doc                        -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python-pil.imagetk:amd64              -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python-pkg-resources                  -- not-installed                      5.5.1-1                              
python-pycurl                                        =                         
python-pycurl-dbg                     -- not-installed                                     
python-pygments                       -- not-installed                      1.6+dfsg-1                           
python-pyorbit                        -- not-installed                      2.24.0-7                             
python-qt4                            -- not-installed                      4.11.2+dfsg-1                        
python-qt4-dbg                        -- not-installed                      4.11.2+dfsg-1                        
python-qt4-dbus                       -- not-installed                      4.11.2+dfsg-1                        
python-renderpm:amd64                 -- not-installed                      3.1.8-3                              
python-renderpm-dbg:amd64             -- not-installed                      3.1.8-3                              
python-reportbug                      -- not-installed                      6.5.1                                
python-reportlab                      -- not-installed                      3.1.8-3                              
python-reportlab-accel:amd64          -- not-installed                      3.1.8-3                              
python-reportlab-doc                  -- not-installed                      3.1.8-3                              
python-roman                          -- not-installed                      2.0.0-1                              
python-setuptools                     -- not-installed                      5.5.1-1                              
python-sip                            -- not-installed                      4.16.3+dfsg-1                        
python-sip-dbg                        -- not-installed                      4.16.3+dfsg-1                        
python-six                            -- not-installed                      1.8.0-1                              
python-soappy                         -- not-installed                      0.12.22-1                            
python-spice-client-gtk               -- not-installed                      0.25-1                               
python-support                        1.0.15                               =1.0.15                               
python-talloc                         -- not-installed                      2.1.1-2                              
python-tk                             -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-tk-dbg                         -- not-installed                      2.7.8-1                              
python-urlgrabber                     3.9.1-4                              =3.9.1-4                              
python-validictory                    -- not-installed                      0.8.3-2                              
python-vte                            -- not-installed                      1:0.28.2-5                           
python-wstools                        -- not-installed                      0.4.3-2                              
python-xapian                         -- not-installed                      1.2.18-1                             
python-xdg                            -- not-installed                      0.25-4                               
python2.7                             2.7.8-7                              =2.7.8-7                              
python2.7-dbg                         -- not-installed                      2.7.8-7                              
python2.7-dev                         -- not-installed                      2.7.8-7                              
python2.7-doc                         -- not-installed                      2.7.8-7                              
python2.7-examples                    -- not-installed                      2.7.8-7                              
python2.7-minimal                     2.7.8-7                              =2.7.8-7                              
python3                               -- not-installed                      3.4.1-1                              
python3-apt                           -- not-installed                                         
python3-chardet                       -- not-installed                      2.2.1-2                              
python3-dbus                          -- not-installed                      1.2.0-2+b3                           
python3-debian                        -- not-installed                      0.1.23                               
python3-doc                           -- not-installed                      3.4.1-1                              
python3-examples                      -- not-installed                      3.4.1-1                              
python3-gi                            -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
python3-magic                         -- not-installed                      1:5.19-2                             
python3-minimal                       -- not-installed                      3.4.1-1                              
python3-packagekit                    -- not-installed                      1.0.0-2                              
python3-pil:amd64                     -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python3-pil.imagetk:amd64             -- not-installed                      2.5.3-1                              
python3-pkg-resources                 -- not-installed                      5.5.1-1                              
python3-psutil                        -- not-installed                      2.1.1-1+b1                           
python3-six                           -- not-installed                      1.8.0-1                              
python3-tk                            -- not-installed                      3.4.1-3                              
python3-uno                           -- not-installed                      1:4.3.1-2                            
python3.4                             -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
python3.4-doc                         -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
python3.4-examples                    -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
python3.4-minimal                     -- not-installed                      3.4.1-11                             
qct                                   -- not-installed                      1.7-3                                
qdbus                                 -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
qemu-kvm                              2.1+dfsg-5                           =2.1+dfsg-5                           
qemu-system-common                    2.1+dfsg-5                           =2.1+dfsg-5                           
qemu-system-x86                       2.1+dfsg-5                           =2.1+dfsg-5                           
qemu-utils                            -- not-installed                      2.1+dfsg-5                           
qjackctl                              -- not-installed                      0.3.11-1                             
qpdf                                  -- not-installed                      5.1.2-1                              
qsynth                                -- not-installed                      0.3.8-1                              
qt-faststart                          -- not-installed                      7:2.4.1-1                            
qt4-doc                               -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
qt4-linguist-tools                    -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
qt4-qmake                             -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
qt4-qmlviewer                         -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
qt4-qtconfig                          -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
qtchooser                             -- not-installed                      47-gd2b7997-2                        
qtcore4-l10n                          -- not-installed                      4:4.8.6+git64-g5dc8b2b+dfsg-2        
rapidsvn                              -- not-installed                      0.12.1dfsg-2                         
rar                                   -- not-installed                      2:4.2.0-1                            
rarian-compat                         -- not-installed                      0.8.1-6                              
rcs                                   -- not-installed                      5.9.3-1                              
rdist                                 -- not-installed                      6.1.5-18                             
read-edid                             -- not-installed                      3.0.1-2                              
readline-common                       6.3-8                                =6.3-8                                
regina-rexx                           -- not-installed                      3.6-2                                
rename                                -- not-installed                      0.20-3                               
reportbug                             -- not-installed                      6.5.1                                
resolvconf                            -- not-installed                      1.75                                 
rev-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.7.1-1                              
ristretto                             0.6.3-2                              =0.6.3-2                              
rng-tools                             -- not-installed                      2-unofficial-mt.14-1                 
rootstrap                             -- not-installed                      0.3.25-1                             
rosegarden                            -- not-installed                      1:14.02-2                            
rpcbind                               -- not-installed                      0.2.1-6                              
rpm                                   -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
rpm-common                            -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
rpm2cpio                              -- not-installed                      4.11.3-1                             
rssh                                  -- not-installed                      2.3.4-4                              
rsync                                 -- not-installed                      3.1.1-2                              
rsyslog                               8.4.0-2                              =8.4.0-2                              
rtkit                                 -- not-installed                      0.11-1                               
ruby                                  -- not-installed                      1:                            
ruby-debian                           -- not-installed                      0.3.9                                
ruby-gettext                          -- not-installed                      3.1.2-1                              
ruby-httpclient                       -- not-installed                      2.3.3-3                              
ruby-locale                           -- not-installed                      2.1.0-2                              
ruby-soap4r                           -- not-installed                      2.0.5-3                              
ruby-text                             -- not-installed                      1.2.1-1                              
ruby-unicode                          -- not-installed                      0.4.4-2+b2                           
ruby-xmlparser                        -- not-installed                      0.7.2-3+b2                           
ruby2.1                               -- not-installed                      2.1.3-1                              
rubygems-integration                  -- not-installed                      1.8                                  
samba-libs:amd64                      -- not-installed                      2:4.1.11+dfsg-1                      
sane-utils                            -- not-installed                      1.0.24-1.2                           
sasl2-bin                             -- not-installed                      2.1.26.dfsg1-11                      
scrub                                 -- not-installed                      2.6.1-1                              
seabios                               1.7.5-1                              =1.7.5-1                              
sed                                   4.2.2-4                              =4.2.2-4                              
sensible-utils                        0.0.9                                =0.0.9                                
sgabios                               -- not-installed                      0.0~svn8-3                           
sgml-base                             -- not-installed                      1.26+nmu4                            
sgml-data                             -- not-installed                      2.0.9-1                              
shared-mime-info                      1.3-1                                =1.3-1                                
sharutils                             -- not-installed                      1:4.14-2                             
sndfile-programs                      -- not-installed                      1.0.25-9                             
sndfile-tools                         -- not-installed                      1.03-7                               
songwrite                             -- not-installed                      0.14-10                              
soprano-daemon                        -- not-installed                      2.9.4+dfsg-1.1                       
sox                                   -- not-installed                      14.4.1-4                             
speedtest-cli                         -- not-installed                      0.3.0-1                              
spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper      0.25-1                               =0.25-1                               
ssh-askpass                           1:                          =1:                          
ssl-cert                              -- not-installed                      1.0.34                               
startpar                              0.59-3                               =0.59-3                               
stk                                   -- not-installed                      4.4.4-5+b1                           
strace                                -- not-installed                      4.9-2                                
stress-ng                             -- not-installed                      0.01.32-1                            
stunnel4                              -- not-installed                      3:5.03-1                             
subversion                            -- not-installed                      1.8.10-2                             
sudo                                  -- not-installed                      1.8.10p3-1                           
supermin                              -- not-installed                      5.1.10-1                             
swh-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.4.15+1-7                           
synaptic                              -- not-installed                      0.81.2                               
sysdig                                -- not-installed                      0.1.89-1                             
sysdig-dkms                           -- not-installed                      0.1.89-1                             
syslinux                              -- not-installed                      3:6.03~pre20+dfsg-4                  
syslinux-common                       -- not-installed                      3:6.03~pre20+dfsg-4                  
syslinux-themes-debian                -- not-installed                      12-3                                 
syslinux-themes-debian-wheezy         -- not-installed                      12-3                                 
system-config-printer                 -- not-installed                      1.4.3-4                              
systemd                               215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
systemd-sysv                          215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
systemd-ui                            -- not-installed                      3-2                                  
sysv-rc                               2.88dsf-53.4                         =2.88dsf-53.4                         
sysvinit                              -- not-installed                      2.88dsf-53.4                         
sysvinit-utils                        2.88dsf-53.4                         =2.88dsf-53.4                         
t1utils                               -- not-installed                      1.37-2.1                             
tango-icon-theme                      -- not-installed                      0.8.90-5                             
tap-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.7.3-1                              
tar                                   1.27.1-2                             =1.27.1-2                             
task-desktop                          3.28                                  -- not-installed                     
task-ssh-server                       3.28                                  -- not-installed                     
task-xfce-desktop                     3.28                                  -- not-installed                     
tasksel                               3.28                                 >3.27                                 
tasksel-data                          3.28                                 >3.27                                 
tcl                                   -- not-installed                      8.6.0+8                              
tcl8.6                                -- not-installed                      8.6.2+dfsg-1                         
tcpd                                  -- not-installed                      7.6.q-25                             
tdsodbc:amd64                         -- not-installed                      0.91-6+b1                            
telnet                                -- not-installed                      0.17-36                              
tex-common                            -- not-installed                      5.02                                 
texinfo                               -- not-installed                      5.2.0.dfsg.1-4                       
texlive-base                          -- not-installed                      2014.20140927-1                      
texlive-binaries                      -- not-installed                      2014.20140926.35254-1                
texlive-latex-base                    -- not-installed                      2014.20140927-1                      
texlive-latex-base-doc                -- not-installed                      2014.20140927-1                      
texlive-xetex                         -- not-installed                      2014.20140927-1                      
the                                   -- not-installed                      3.3~rc1-2                            
the-doc                               -- not-installed                      3.3~rc1-2                            
thunar                                1.6.3-1                              =1.6.3-1                              
thunar-archive-plugin                 0.3.1-3                              =0.3.1-3                              
thunar-data                           1.6.3-1                              =1.6.3-1                              
thunar-media-tags-plugin              0.2.1-1                              =0.2.1-1                              
time                                  -- not-installed                      1.7-25                               
timidity                              -- not-installed                      2.13.2-40.2                          
timidity-daemon                       -- not-installed                      2.13.2-40.2                          
tipa                                  -- not-installed                      2:1.3-19                             
tix                                   -- not-installed                      8.4.3-5                              
tk                                    -- not-installed                      8.6.0+8                              
tk8.6                                 -- not-installed                      8.6.2-1                              
traceroute                            1:2.0.20-2                           =1:2.0.20-2                           
tsconf                                1.0-12                               =1.0-12                               
tshark                                -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
ttf-bitstream-vera                    -- not-installed                      1.10-8                               
ttf-dejavu                            -- not-installed                      2.34-1                               
ttf-dejavu-core                       -- not-installed                      2.34-1                               
ttf-dejavu-extra                      -- not-installed                      2.34-1                               
ttf-denemo                            -- not-installed                      1.1.8-2                              
ttf-liberation                        -- not-installed                      1.07.4-1                             
ttf-mscorefonts-installer             -- not-installed                      3.5                                  
ttf-wqy-microhei                      -- not-installed                      0.2.0-beta-2                         
ttf-xfree86-nonfree                   -- not-installed                      4.2.1-3.1                            
tzdata                                2014h-1                              =2014h-1                              
tzdata-java                           -- not-installed                      2014h-1                              
ucf                                   3.0030                               =3.0030                               
udev                                  215-5+b1                             =215-5+b1                             
ufw                                   -- not-installed                      0.33-2                               
uml-utilities                         -- not-installed                      20070815-1.3                         
unetbootin                            -- not-installed                      603-1                                
unetbootin-translations               -- not-installed                      603-1                                
unixodbc-bin                          -- not-installed                      2.3.0-4                              
uno-libs3                             -- not-installed                      4.3.1-2                              
unrar                                 -- not-installed                      1:5.0.10-1                           
unrar-free                            -- not-installed                      1:0.0.1+cvs20140707-1                
unzip                                 -- not-installed                      6.0-12                               
update-inetd                          -- not-installed                      4.43                                 
upower                                -- not-installed                      0.99.1-3                             
ure                                   -- not-installed                      4.3.1-2                              
usbmuxd                               -- not-installed                      1.0.8+git20140527.e72f2f7-1          
usbutils                              1:007-2                              =1:007-2                              
user-mode-linux                       -- not-installed                      3.13-1um-0.1                         
user-mode-linux-doc                   -- not-installed                      20060501-1                           
util-linux                            2.20.1-5.9                           =2.20.1-5.9                           
uuid                                  -- not-installed                      1.6.2-1.5+b1                         
uuid-runtime                          -- not-installed                      2.20.1-5.9                           
vbetool                               -- not-installed                      1.1-3                                
vco-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.3.0-2                              
vdpau-va-driver:amd64                 -- not-installed                      0.7.4-3                              
videolan-doc                          -- not-installed                      20070626-1                           
vim                                   -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-addon-manager                     -- not-installed                      0.5.3                                
vim-athena                            -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-common                            2:7.4.430-1                          =2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-doc                               -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-gtk                               -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-gui-common                        -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-nox                               -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-runtime                           -- not-installed                      2:7.4.430-1                          
vim-scripts                           -- not-installed                      20130814                             
vim-syntax-gtk                        -- not-installed                      20110314-1                           
vim-tiny                              2:7.4.430-1                          =2:7.4.430-1                          
virt-manager                          1:1.0.1-2                            =1:1.0.1-2                            
virt-viewer                           -- not-installed                      0.6.0-1                              
virtinst                              1:1.0.1-2                            =1:1.0.1-2                            
virtuoso-minimal                      -- not-installed                      6.1.6+dfsg2-2                        
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin           -- not-installed                      6.1.6+dfsg2-2                        
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-common        -- not-installed                      6.1.6+dfsg2-2                        
vlc                                   -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-data                              -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-nox                               -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-plugin-fluidsynth                 -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-plugin-jack                       -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-plugin-notify                     -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-plugin-sdl                        -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-plugin-svg                        -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
vlc-plugin-vlsub                      -- not-installed                      0.9.12-1.1                           
vlc-plugin-zvbi                       -- not-installed                      2.2.0~pre3-1                         
w3m                                   -- not-installed                      0.5.3-17                             
wah-plugins                           -- not-installed                      0.1.0-1                              
wamerican                             -- not-installed                      7.1-1                                
wavpack                               -- not-installed                      4.70.0-1                             
wdiff                                 -- not-installed                      1.2.2-1                              
wget                                  1.15-1+b1                            =1.15-1+b1                            
whiptail                              0.52.17-1                            =0.52.17-1                            
whois                                 -- not-installed                      5.2.0                                
wireless-regdb                        -- not-installed                      2013.11.27-1                         
wireless-tools                        -- not-installed                      30~pre9-8                            
wireshark-common                      -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
wireshark-doc                         -- not-installed                      1.12.1+g01b65bf-1                    
wodim                                 -- not-installed                      9:1.1.11-3                           
x11-apps                              7.7+3                                =7.7+3                                
x11-common                            1:7.7+7                              =1:7.7+7                              
x11-session-utils                     7.7+1                                =7.7+1                                
x11-utils                             7.7+2                                =7.7+2                                
x11-xfs-utils                         -- not-installed                      7.7+1                                
x11-xkb-utils                         7.7+1                                =7.7+1                                
x11-xserver-utils                     7.7+3                                =7.7+3                                
x11proto-composite-dev                -- not-installed                      1:0.4.2-2                            
x11proto-core-dev                     -- not-installed                      7.0.26-1                             
x11proto-damage-dev                   -- not-installed                      1:1.2.1-2                            
x11proto-dri2-dev                     -- not-installed                      2.8-2                                
x11proto-fixes-dev                    -- not-installed                      1:5.0-2                              
x11proto-gl-dev                       -- not-installed                      1.4.17-1                             
x11proto-input-dev                    -- not-installed                      2.3.1-1                              
x11proto-kb-dev                       -- not-installed                      1.0.6-2                              
x11proto-randr-dev                    -- not-installed                      1.4.0-2                              
x11proto-render-dev                   -- not-installed                      2:0.11.1-2                           
x11proto-video-dev                    -- not-installed                      2.3.2-1                              
x11proto-xext-dev                     -- not-installed                      7.3.0-1                              
x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev              -- not-installed                      2.3.1-2                              
x11proto-xinerama-dev                 -- not-installed                      1.2.1-2                              
x11vnc                                -- not-installed                      0.9.13-1.2                           
x11vnc-data                           -- not-installed                      0.9.13-1.2                           
xapian-doc                            -- not-installed                      1.2.18-1.1                           
xapian-examples                       -- not-installed                      1.2.18-1.1                           
xarchiver                             -- not-installed                      1:0.5.3+dfsg-3                       
xauth                                 1:1.0.9-1                            =1:1.0.9-1                            
xaw3dg:amd64                          -- not-installed                      1.5+E-18.2                           
xbitmaps                              1.1.1-2                              =1.1.1-2                              
xchat                                 -- not-installed                      2.8.8-7.1+b2                         
xchat-common                          -- not-installed                      2.8.8-7.1                            
xdelta                                -- not-installed                      1.1.3-9.1                            
xdemineur                             -- not-installed                      2.1.1-18                             
xdg-utils                             -- not-installed                      1.1.0~rc1+git20111210-7.1            
xfburn                                0.5.2-1                              =0.5.2-1                              
xfce-keyboard-shortcuts               4.10.0-6                             =4.10.0-6                             
xfce4                                 4.10.1                               =4.10.1                               
xfce4-appfinder                       4.10.1-1                             =4.10.1-1                             
xfce4-artwork                         0.1.1a~git+20110420-1                =0.1.1a~git+20110420-1                
xfce4-battery-plugin                  1.0.5-2                              =1.0.5-2                              
xfce4-clipman                         2:1.2.6-1                            =2:1.2.6-1                            
xfce4-clipman-plugin                  2:1.2.6-1                            =2:1.2.6-1                            
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin                  1.1.0-1                              =1.1.0-1                              
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin                 1.0.5-1                              =1.0.5-1                              
xfce4-datetime-plugin                 0.6.2-1                              =0.6.2-1                              
xfce4-dict                            0.7.0-1                              =0.7.0-1                              
xfce4-diskperf-plugin                 2.5.4-2                              =2.5.4-2                              
xfce4-fsguard-plugin                  1.0.1-2                              =1.0.1-2                              
xfce4-genmon-plugin                   3.4.0-2                              =3.4.0-2                              
xfce4-goodies                         4.10                                 =4.10                                 
xfce4-linelight-plugin                -- not-installed                      0.1.7-3                              
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin                1.2.0-2                              =1.2.0-2                              
xfce4-messenger-plugin                -- not-installed                      0.1.0-6                              
xfce4-mixer                           4.10.0-3                             =4.10.0-3                             
xfce4-mount-plugin                    0.6.4-2                              =0.6.4-2                              
xfce4-mpc-plugin                      -- not-installed                      0.4.4-2                              
xfce4-netload-plugin                  1.2.0-1                              =1.2.0-1                              
xfce4-notes                           1.7.7-3                              =1.7.7-3                              
xfce4-notes-plugin                    1.7.7-3                              =1.7.7-3                              
xfce4-notifyd                         0.2.4-3                              =0.2.4-3                              
xfce4-panel                           4.10.1-1                             =4.10.1-1                             
xfce4-places-plugin                   1.6.0-1                              =1.6.0-1                              
xfce4-power-manager                   -- not-installed                      1.4.0-2                              
xfce4-power-manager-data              -- not-installed                      1.4.0-2                              
xfce4-power-manager-plugins           -- not-installed                      1.4.0-2                              
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin            1.9.4-10                             =1.9.4-10                             
xfce4-radio-plugin                    -- not-installed                      0.5.1-3                              
xfce4-screenshooter                   1.8.1-2                              =1.8.1-2                              
xfce4-sensors-plugin                  1.2.5-2                              =1.2.5-2                              
xfce4-session                         4.10.1-8                             =4.10.1-8                             
xfce4-settings                        4.10.1-2                             =4.10.1-2                             
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin            0.4.5-1                              =0.4.5-1                              
xfce4-systemload-plugin               1.1.1-3+b1                           =1.1.1-3+b1                           
xfce4-taskmanager                     1.0.1-1                              =1.0.1-1                              
xfce4-terminal                        0.6.3-1                              =0.6.3-1                              
xfce4-timer-plugin                    1.5.0-1                              =1.5.0-1                              
xfce4-verve-plugin                    1.0.0-2                              =1.0.0-2                              
xfce4-volumed                         0.1.13-5                             =0.1.13-5                             
xfce4-wavelan-plugin                  0.5.11-2                             =0.5.11-2                             
xfce4-weather-plugin                  0.8.3-1                              =0.8.3-1                              
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin              -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1                              
xfce4-xkb-plugin                      1:0.5.6-1                            =1:0.5.6-1                            
xfconf                                4.10.0-3                             =4.10.0-3                             
xfdesktop4                            4.10.2-3                             =4.10.2-3                             
xfdesktop4-data                       4.10.2-3                             =4.10.2-3                             
xfonts-100dpi                         1:1.0.3                              =1:1.0.3                              
xfonts-75dpi                          1:1.0.3                              =1:1.0.3                              
xfonts-base                           1:1.0.3                              =1:1.0.3                              
xfonts-cyrillic                       -- not-installed                      1:1.0.3                              
xfonts-encodings                      1:1.0.4-2                            =1:1.0.4-2                            
xfonts-scalable                       1:1.0.3-1                            =1:1.0.3-1                            
xfonts-utils                          1:7.7+2                              =1:7.7+2                              
xfwm4                                 4.10.1-2                             =4.10.1-2                             
xfwm4-themes                          -- not-installed                      4.10.0-2                             
xinit                                 1.3.4-1                              =1.3.4-1                              
xinput                                -- not-installed                      1.6.1-1                              
xkb-data                              2.12-1                               =2.12-1                               
xml-core                              -- not-installed                      0.13+nmu2                            
xorg                                  1:7.7+7                              =1:7.7+7                              
xorg-docs                             -- not-installed                      1:1.7-1                              
xorg-docs-core                        1:1.7-1                              =1:1.7-1                              
xorg-sgml-doctools                    -- not-installed                      1:1.11-1                             
xorriso                               -- not-installed                      1.3.2-1.1                            
xpp                                   -- not-installed                      1.5-cvs20081009-1+b1                 
xsane                                 -- not-installed                      0.998-6                              
xsane-common                          -- not-installed                      0.998-6                              
xscreensaver                          -- not-installed                      5.29-1                               
xscreensaver-data                     -- not-installed                      5.29-1                               
xsensors                              -- not-installed                      0.70-3                               
xserver-common                        2:1.16.1-1                           =2:1.16.1-1                           
xserver-xephyr                        -- not-installed                      2:1.16.1-1                           
xserver-xorg                          1:7.7+7                              =1:7.7+7                              
xserver-xorg-core                     2:1.16.1-1                           =2:1.16.1-1                           
xserver-xorg-input-all                1:7.7+7                              =1:7.7+7                              
xserver-xorg-input-evdev              1:2.9.0-2                            =1:2.9.0-2                            
xserver-xorg-input-mouse              1:1.9.0-1+b3                         =1:1.9.0-1+b3                         
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics          1.8.1-1                              =1.8.1-1                              
xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse            1:13.0.0-1+b3                        =1:13.0.0-1+b3                        
xserver-xorg-input-wacom              -- not-installed                      0.23.0+20131011-1+b2                 
xserver-xorg-video-all                1:7.7+7                               -- not-installed                     
xserver-xorg-video-ati                1:7.4.0-2                            =1:7.4.0-2                            
xserver-xorg-video-cirrus             1:1.5.2-2+b1                         =1:1.5.2-2+b1                         
xserver-xorg-video-fbdev              1:0.4.4-1+b2                         =1:0.4.4-1+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-intel              2:2.21.15-2+b2                       =2:2.21.15-2+b2                       
xserver-xorg-video-mach64             6.9.4-1+b3                           =6.9.4-1+b3                           
xserver-xorg-video-mga                1:1.6.3-2+b1                         =1:1.6.3-2+b1                         
xserver-xorg-video-modesetting        0.9.0-1+b1                           =0.9.0-1+b1                           
xserver-xorg-video-neomagic           1:1.2.8-1+b2                         =1:1.2.8-1+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau            1:1.0.11-1                           =1:1.0.11-1                           
xserver-xorg-video-openchrome         1:0.3.3-1+b2                         =1:0.3.3-1+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-qxl                -- not-installed                      0.1.1-2+b1                           
xserver-xorg-video-r128               6.9.2-1+b2                           =6.9.2-1+b2                           
xserver-xorg-video-radeon             1:7.4.0-2                            =1:7.4.0-2                            
xserver-xorg-video-savage             1:2.3.7-2+b2                         =1:2.3.7-2+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion      1:1.7.7-2+b2                         =1:1.7.7-2+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-sisusb             1:0.9.6-2+b2                         =1:0.9.6-2+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-tdfx               1:1.4.5-1+b2                         =1:1.4.5-1+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-trident            1:1.3.6-2+b2                         =1:1.3.6-2+b2                         
xserver-xorg-video-vesa               1:2.3.3-1+b3                         =1:2.3.3-1+b3                         
xserver-xorg-video-vmware             1:13.0.2-3+b1                         -- not-installed                     
xterm                                 312-1                                >311-1                                
xtrans-dev                            -- not-installed                      1.3.4-1                              
xz-utils                              -- not-installed                      5.1.1alpha+20120614-2                
yasm                                  -- not-installed                      1.2.0-2                              
zenity                                -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
zenity-common                         -- not-installed                      3.14.0-1                             
zerofree                              -- not-installed                      1.0.3-1                              
zip                                   -- not-installed                      3.0-8                                
zlib1g:amd64                          1:1.2.8.dfsg-2                       =1:1.2.8.dfsg-2                       
zlib1g:i386                           -- not-installed                      1:1.2.8.dfsg-2                       
zlib1g-dev:amd64                      -- not-installed                      1:1.2.8.dfsg-2                       
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