[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#803714: Bug#803714: libvirt-guests shutdown timeout ignored by systemd service stop timeout

Sebastian Schweizer sebastian at schweizer.tel
Tue Nov 17 08:17:42 UTC 2015

On 11/17/2015 08:36 PM, Guido Günther wrote:
>> We should specify a timeout in the libvirt-guests.service file, ideally
>> take directly the configured timeout from /etc/default/libvirt-guests .
> This could be done using a generator _but_ since we don't know the
> number of guests and the overall timeout is VMs * SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT we
> don't know the value beforehand so the only way would be to disable the
> timeout.
> Cheers,
>  -- Guido

We can set the timeout to SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT (using the generator) or
simply hardcoded to its 300s default value. Add a hint regarding systemd
unit configuration via drop-in to the comment in
/etc/default/libvirt-guests - this is the place where administrators
look up and try to change the timeout.
systemd's default of 90s is indeed a bad default for libvirt-guests
since the configuration file suggests that it should be at least 300s
and does not point the user to systemd.


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