[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#844339: Bug#844339: patch for sid

Mauricio Faria de Oliveira mauricfo at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Nov 14 19:10:01 UTC 2016

Hi Guido,

Thanks for the review.

On 11/14/2016 03:54 PM, Guido Günther wrote:
>> +# Allocated UID and GID for libvirt-qemu
>> > +libvirt_qemu_uid=64055
>> > +libvirt_qemu_gid=64055
> Please use all caps for the variable names.

Okay; including the "parameter_(u|g)id" variables below.
(like another function that uses all caps for variables
  in the function-scope that are not for-loops variables)

>> > +	# set uid if available (expected); don't fail otherwise.
>> > +	parameter_uid=''
>> > +	if ! getent passwd $libvirt_qemu_uid >/dev/null; then
>> > +		parameter_uid="--uid $libvirt_qemu_uid"
>> > +	fi

> i wonder if _silently_ ignoring uid because it's already taken is the
> right action. Did you check what other packages with reserved uids/gids
> do in this case?

Nice catch.

Looking at the list, the ones which still use the allocated uid/gid
(grep'ing for adduser, addgroup, uid, gid)
- netqmail and plan: abort the installation
- linux-grsec-base: silently proceeds w/out groups (addgroup || true)

> We should at least put out a warning or fail (which might not be
> nice since the problem might not be easily solvable by the person
> installing the package e.g. if users come from LDAP).

Sure.  What do you think of a debconf warning message/prompt, which
asks the user to confirm that it's OK not to use the uid/gid values,
and explains about the potential problem w/ guest migration over NFS?


Mauricio Faria de Oliveira
IBM Linux Technology Center

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