[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#1005284: Hotplug of interface with virtio model to libvirt VM fails after VM was restarted

Simon Kobyda skobyda at redhat.com
Thu Feb 10 13:17:35 GMT 2022

Package: libvirt
Version: 8.0.0

Hot-unplugging a virtual network interface with "virito" model from a
running VM, restarting the VM and trying to hot-plug the same virtual
network interface fails.

You can recreate problem by running these steps:

0. (Have some VM, let's call it "vm1")

1. echo "<interface type='network'><source network='default'/><model
type='virtio'/></interface>" > /tmp/ifacexml

2. virsh start vm1

3. virsh attach-device --file /tmp/ifacexml --domain vm1 --live --config

4. virsh detach-device --file /tmp/ifacexml --domain vm1 --live --config

5. virsh destroy vm1

6. virsh start vm1

7. virsh attach-device --file /tmp/ifacexml --domain vm1 --live --config

Actual result:
In step 7, command fails and outputs this error:
error: Failed to attach device from ifacexml
error: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'getfd': No file
descriptor supplied via SCM_RIGHTS

Expected result:
In step 7, the interface should be attached successfully

System information:
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid
Release:        testing
Codename:       bookworm
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