[Pkg-libvirt-maintainers] Bug#965333: libvirt-daemon-system: Please make a separate package for apparmor profiles

Andrea Bolognani eof at kiyuko.org
Sun Mar 17 16:18:03 GMT 2024

On Wed, Mar 06, 2024 at 08:34:59AM +0100, Mikhail Morfikov wrote:
> Take a look for example at the thunderbird email client package. They ship
> the apparmor profile for the app in the thunderbird package (I also asked them
> to do the move, but no one cared, see #949649 from 23 Jan 2020 -- no one ever
> answered).

That bug report looks identical to the one you've filed against
libvirt, so it doesn't provide any additional information.

> So I use thunderbird and I have my own separate profile for this app because
> I have different rules, aiming different security policy. Each time the
> thunderbird package is updated, the apparmor profile is also installed, and
> I have no option to forbid that. So the apparmor policy is rewritten, which
> requires me to manually remove the newly installed thunderbird profile (the
> physical file), remove non exising profiles from apparmor (aa-remove-unknown),
> reload my own profile, update initramfs (since I load the apparmor policy during
> initramfs phase).

That does indeed sound very annoying.

I wonder why you have to go through that whole process though. The
AppArmor configuration is in /etc, so everything is marked as
conffiles. If you make local customizations, shouldn't you at worst
be prompted to confirm whether you want your changes to be preserved
or overwritten?

> Most of people don't even use apparmor, so they don't care whether the profile is
> in the core package, or in some app-apparmor-profile package.

I don't think this is a fair assessment: AppArmor is enabled by
default in Debian and has been for several releases, so people *are*
in fact using AppArmor unless they go out of their way to disable it.

> The all issues/problems call for a separate apparmor profile packages, but someone
> has to make that move first, so others would follow. 4 years has passed and no one
> did this, because no one care, and no one really use apparmor. And I bet no one will
> make that first step and in the next 4 years the problems will still persist.

Have you raised the topic on a project-wide forum, such as
debian-devel? That would IMO be the best way forward. Convince the
project that AppArmor profiles should be packaged separately, and
make that into a (mini-)policy that is officially adopted.

Opening bug reports against individual packages when no project-wide
consensus has been reached is unlikely to result in much progress.

Andrea Bolognani <eof at kiyuko.org>
Resistance is futile, you will be garbage collected.
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