[Pkg-linaro-lava-devel] lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into stretch-backports, stretch-backports

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Fri Jul 28 06:00:17 UTC 2017


Hash: SHA256

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 09:04:04 +0100
Source: lava-dispatcher
Binary: lava-dispatcher
Architecture: source amd64
Version: 2017.7-1~bpo9+1
Distribution: stretch-backports
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Debian LAVA team <pkg-linaro-lava-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Neil Williams <codehelp at debian.org>
 lava-dispatcher - Linaro Automated Validation Architecture dispatcher
Closes: 849229 849237
 lava-dispatcher (2017.7-1~bpo9+1) stretch-backports; urgency=medium
   * Rebuild for stretch-backports.
 lava-dispatcher (2017.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New production release
     d8dabe63 Switch the print to a test in unit test
     d1e22b67 Revert "Replace invalid characters in test_case_id."
     b3b4f5ac Update the example to a working test job with prompts.
     504ec2bc LAVA-777 last log line should be lava.job result
     ad55acb9 Ensure overlay unpacking is clearly logged
     2e7c9598 Add pipeline_ref update for test skipped by lavabot
     ed936cd3 Simplify the power control actions
     78dcc1b0 Fix dispatcher configuration
     89880ce1 LAVA-96 Check for errors if a tftp file exceeds 4G
     6fd2702e LAVA-989 add extra logging for actions
     df86ed30 LAVA-990 add logging for VLANd + MultiNode support
     bbfb1817 Stop the unit test outputting noise
     c7839a98 Add a new log level for the DUT inputs
     2502b8af Destroy LXC containers properly.
     957734cf Add a unit test for Vland actions
     68468abe Handle a bad url cleanly.
     713d4e6e LAVA-645 - summarise slave logging
     96a5effe Do not raise exceptions in validate
     f45106fb Catch errors in testdef from handler cleanly
     f34f41e2 LAVA-984 - LXC protocol timeout to report job result
     e31722b5 Allow ci-run with updated pep8
     175d8e84 LAVA-931 - MultiNode lava-sync should report results
     fd944543 EOF in a test shell is an InfrastructureError
     429691d9 Support power control for CMSIS devices
     049c0227 lava-slave: add the right configuration for the host
     1e92bf38 lxc: improve error message
     b2f25cf0 Add support for booting from UEFI shell
     67a1e1c6 ramdisk: only pass to bootx if has u-boot header
     f4a4abd9 LAVA-967: check namespaces usage
   * Allow use of /srv/tftp in tftpd-hpa (Closes: #849237)
   * Move ser2net to Recommends. (Closes: #849229)
 lava-dispatcher (2017.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New production release
     38da5d8 LAVA-974: Fix init script and allow to set hostname
     0fd687e Don't use os.path.realpath() on device names
     d84dab7 Modifying vemsd deploy action to use ResetDevice
     d21385e testdef: get 'revision' from the right variable
     5ea16fe Rework test shell feedback timeouts
     510c4e5 Declare the feedback timeout
     b994757 Use pyudev device links as well as device nodes
     e609c22 Fix namespace usage in power commands.
     39e2e7e Read from feedback connection during long operations
     7be926a Allow tar.gz firmware bundles
     20e66c1 overlay: Raise JobError if root_partition is None
     4e27fcd LAVA-935 - Provide feedback output from connections
     831c71c Fix bug #3032 - Running an LXC/Hikey job without a test action ...
     84e7378 Fix namespace issue in NFS deployment action
     f1f8d71 Add login_prompt valid test case
     7dc48aa Issue lxc-stop before destroying a container.
     3e1cb07 Changing udev checks to only look for FS label
     d08db39 Fix #3010: set logging timezone to UTC
     1b664e5 LAVA-955 - Remove 'arch' parameter from lxc protocol.
     8a4dbc7 Increase LXC finalize timeout to 90 seconds similar to multinode.
     3823c49 Use one debug log call to log the same kind of message in
               lxc protocol.
     5db313c Creating vemsd mount points
     ea03ef1 Fixing boot test issues using NFS deploy action
     d1f4a30 Fix rebase error with grub prompt constant
     b2aef8b device-types: add sun6i-a31-app4-evb1
     8ceca07 Make grub use interrupt prompt and character from constants
     b495a35 device-types: add ttyAT0 to Atmel devices to support
     3a89027 device-types: fix at91sam9x25ek to use bootz
     9e00895 Set download max_retries in the constructor
     959480c Add minimal boot action
     31fd021 User command: do not clean if it was not executed
     26572a2 Fix keys and label that were outdated
     67dd60e Remove unused functions
     0c100ff Remove boot-result common data
     342039a Fix RetryAction inside a RetryAction
     9ce430f Fix check on LXC for default usage.
     0576754 Fix typo: Use pixel job create function for testing pixel device.
     e7a4422 Fix typo: remove visibility added twice.
     9e67b6d LAVA-855 - ART CI: Intel NUC device integration for LAVA v2
     dd5d874 Ensure all deployments can add LXC devices except QEMU
     e72d490 Fix pipeline refs for change in monitor retry
     cb57d2b LAVA-942 UEFI Menu and command lists
     e57013b Start adb daemon before attempting adb commands.
     ac389ad lava-slave: remove tmp dir when END_OK is received
     632a0ff Fix device configuration
     0cffce4 Fix validation of boot auto_login parameters and add a unit test
     7e40701 Allow unix line separators for some UEFI devices
     095798a Avoid calling cleanup in validate
     f98dade Allow updating all pipeline_refs at a time.
     31b62dd LAVA-928 - HiKey issue when switching between AOSP and OE
     51f40ef Make soft reboot optional LAVA-846
     4d43d02 HiKey Grub EFI support
     874f889 Avoid logging the same message twice.
     3be27df lxc protocol: simplify the tests
     75126ff Do not set self.errors when Action.run fail
     ce32bfb Do not use self.errors in Action.run()
     a5d9eba Fix detection of missing ssh_host value in validate
     234eef9 Fix calling of protocols after LXC change
     477a36b tests: make ShellCommand.logger a DummyLogger
     62867f4 Use images.validation.linaro.org files for unit tests
     1868936 Silence logging in more unit tests
     609c783 Fix download action name
     b170197 More tweaks to silence messages from the unit tests
     29efa26 Adjust for pep8 checks in jessie
     0733f89 Make sure the test_character_delay is used for all commands
               in test shell
     78d2509 Account for empty environment string.
     ea09b19 Take namespace into account when counting test stages
     734688c Declare namespace of the test suite in results
     60561c2 Parser: remove unused context
     49a6b92 Drop noisy info log message.
     8ed8467 lava-test-monitor: use TestMonitorRetry action
     4fd5d4a Drop unused imports and unused variables
     678b216 Rework the removable action to allow sd cards
     3b42122 Fix bug #2975 after qemu-nfs introduction
     7462ea6 Expand LXC support to add devices from all sybsystems
     b853865 Fix missing check for u-boot commands parameters
     8293693 Replace invalid characters in test_case_id.
     a94e0f2 Fix preseed/late_command appending
     9647d55 Run login_commands if provided in auto_login
     db03483 Fix Action names (use - instead of _)
     9e836e6 Add a Command Action
     bbd4ba2 Make the parser stricter about the block names
     65b3a56 Allow to pass integers to run_command
     b41326b Raise JobError instead of NotImplementedError
     073f3b3 update gitignore
     00f5d33 log: limit the length of lines send other zmq
     3f99cc3 Add missing super call to WaitUSBDeviceAction
     5b2b074 LAVA-889 Fix handling of multiple test blocks
     5436658 Fix indent typo
     3bfdcdb Add support for use_xip
     8df17dd Add support for append_dtb
     3c110ca Remove unused imports
     4847bf1 Put device rebooting info message at the correct place.
     6b85382 Fix call to lava-lxc protocol for pre-os-command
     176a4d4 Add new utility function infrastructure_error_multi_paths
     bdb4d12 Fix test_lxc_api unit test
     dc008eb Export the full version string.
     e9df320 LAVA-920 - Workaround ptable issue in firmware
     7b4096c Allow LXC protocol to call pre-os-command
     b33d04b Fix OE image support for HiKey.
     d714a9b Add missing test shell helpers
     daebfad Extend secondary connection fix to support primary
     9518e74 Add missing import
     e97801d Add optional deployment complete message list to secondary
               media deployments
     fae0ced Move unnecessary constants into base jinja template.
     18f745b device-types: add kirkwood-db-88f6282.conf
     815e518 device-types: add at91sam9m10g45ek.conf
     6ca0731 device-types: add at91rm9200ek.conf
     003b53d device-types: add at91-sama5d4_xplained.conf
     9b2371c device-types: add armada-3720-db.conf
     5a76733 device-types: add armada-xp-gp.conf
     8b05093 device-types: add kirkwood-openblocks_a7.conf
     f5801d3 device-types: add alpine-v2-evp.conf
     19e2027 device-types: add sama5d34ek.conf
     49da704 device-types: add armada-385-db-ap.conf
     ed7aa6b device-types: add armada-370-db.conf
     9a10432 device-types: add at91-sama5d2_xplained.conf
     ddb34ce device-types: add alpine-db.conf
     f7642f5 device-types: add armada-375-db.conf
     0d70c7d device-types: add at91sam9x35ek.conf
     a642d45 device-types: add armada-xp-db.conf
     2a5ff9e device-types: add armada-7040-db.conf
     1a43999 device-types: add orion5x-rd88f5182-nas.conf
     ad855a6 device-types: add armada-xp-linksys-mamba.conf
     58308ca device-types: add armada-388-gp.conf
     6a2898b device-types: add armada-370-rd.conf
     cd1b4f4 device-types: add armada-398-db.conf
     51925fb device-types: add sun8i-a83t-allwinner-h8homlet-v2.conf
     4976d06 device-types: add sun8i-a33-sinlinx-sina33.conf
     681480d device-types: add sama5d35ek.conf
     db74d60 device-types: add sun5i-r8-chip.conf
     40736b9 device-types: add sama5d36ek.conf
     433be0a device-types: add imx6q-nitrogen6x.conf
     ed4c82e device-types: add at91sam9x25ek.conf
     ce7a488 device-types: add at91sam9261ek.conf
     f87cdb4 device-types: add armada-xp-openblocks-ax3-4.conf
     634442c device-types: add armada-388-clearfog.conf
 lava-dispatcher (2017.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New production release
     3be27df4 lxc protocol: simplify the tests
     a5d9ebad Fix detection of missing ssh_host value in validate
     234eef91 Fix calling of protocols after LXC change
     477a36b7 tests: make ShellCommand.logger a DummyLogger
     62867f49 Use images.validation.linaro.org files for unit tests
     1868936c Silence logging in more unit tests
     609c783c Fix download action name
     b1701978 More tweaks to silence messages from the unit tests
     29efa263 Adjust for pep8 checks in jessie
     0733f89f Make sure the test_character_delay is used for all
     commands in test shell
     78d2509f Account for empty environment string.
     ea09b19a Take namespace into account when counting test stages
     734688c5 Declare namespace of the test suite in results
     49a6b92c Drop noisy info log message.
     4fd5d4af Drop unused imports and unused variables
     678b216c Rework the removable action to allow sd cards
     3b42122a Fix bug #2975 after qemu-nfs introduction
     7462ea62 Expand LXC support to add devices from all sybsystems
     b853865f Fix missing check for u-boot commands parameters
     8293693c Replace invalid characters in test_case_id.
     a94e0f24 Fix preseed/late_command appending
     db03483a Fix Action names (use - instead of _)
     9e836e64 Add a Command Action
     bbd4ba25 Make the parser stricter about the block names
     65b3a563 Allow to pass integers to run_command
     b41326bc Raise JobError instead of NotImplementedError
     073f3b34 update gitignore
     00f5d33f log: limit the length of lines send other zmq
     5b2b0746 LAVA-889 Fix handling of multiple test blocks
     3bfdcdb6 Add support for use_xip
     8df17dd7 Add support for append_dtb
     3c110cae Remove unused imports
     176a4d49 Add new utility function infrastructure_error_multi_paths
     dc008eb5 Export the full version string.
     daebfad1 Extend secondary connection fix to support primary
     fae0ced5 Move unnecessary constants into base jinja template.
     18f745bc device-types: add kirkwood-db-88f6282.conf
     815e518d device-types: add at91sam9m10g45ek.conf
     6ca0731f device-types: add at91rm9200ek.conf
     003b53dc device-types: add at91-sama5d4_xplained.conf
     9b2371cf device-types: add armada-3720-db.conf
     5a767331 device-types: add armada-xp-gp.conf
     8b050938 device-types: add kirkwood-openblocks_a7.conf
     f5801d38 device-types: add alpine-v2-evp.conf
     19e20276 device-types: add sama5d34ek.conf
     49da704f device-types: add armada-385-db-ap.conf
     ed7aa6b1 device-types: add armada-370-db.conf
     9a104327 device-types: add at91-sama5d2_xplained.conf
     ddb34cea device-types: add alpine-db.conf
     f7642f58 device-types: add armada-375-db.conf
     0d70c7dd device-types: add at91sam9x35ek.conf
     a642d451 device-types: add armada-xp-db.conf
     2a5ff9e4 device-types: add armada-7040-db.conf
     1a439995 device-types: add orion5x-rd88f5182-nas.conf
     ad855a62 device-types: add armada-xp-linksys-mamba.conf
     58308ca1 device-types: add armada-388-gp.conf
     6a2898bf device-types: add armada-370-rd.conf
     cd1b4f47 device-types: add armada-398-db.conf
     51925fb1 device-types: add sun8i-a83t-allwinner-h8homlet-v2.conf
     4976d068 device-types: add sun8i-a33-sinlinx-sina33.conf
     681480d5 device-types: add sama5d35ek.conf
     db74d60e device-types: add sun5i-r8-chip.conf
     40736b95 device-types: add sama5d36ek.conf
     433be0a6 device-types: add imx6q-nitrogen6x.conf
     ed4c82e6 device-types: add at91sam9x25ek.conf
     ce7a488e device-types: add at91sam9261ek.conf
     f87cdb49 device-types: add armada-xp-openblocks-ax3-4.conf
     634442ca device-types: add armada-388-clearfog.conf
 lava-dispatcher (2017.4.post1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Production hotfix release for LKFT support.
     3f99cc3 Add missing super call to WaitUSBDeviceAction
     5436658 Fix indent typo
     4847bf1 Put device rebooting info message at the correct place.
     6b85382 Fix call to lava-lxc protocol for pre-os-command
     bdb4d12 Fix test_lxc_api unit test
     e9df320 LAVA-920 - Workaround ptable issue in firmware
     7b4096c Allow LXC protocol to call pre-os-command
     b33d04b Fix OE image support for HiKey.
     d714a9b Add missing test shell helpers
     9518e74 Add missing import
 lava-dispatcher (2017.4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New production release.
     7aac7ae5 Fix problem with self.host on secondary connections
     530ca366 Ban / in test case names, replace with underscore.
     31ee0012 If allow_fail is not set, ensure the command fails
     e53a280f Remove old device_type config files which are unused.
     80fb3997 LAVA-916 - Restore adb connectivity with hikey in V2
     c57a102b Add debug output to the LXC device operations.
     7deea0fb Add missing calls to super
     341ac593 Writing connection info to namespace data
     3ee2af87 Upgrade the boot commands output to info
     a1a87daa Fix bug in checking return value of action run_command output.
     604323b0 Add a unit test for primary ssh connections
     561f78a6 LAVA-914 - Action run_command should return log on allow_fail
     a8fb0d9d device-types: add Armada 8040 DB board
     98fc1d4d LAVA-911 transfer overlay to the rootfs
     e85af0a2 Report versions of critical software on the worker
     bdc97bd5 LAVA-901 - Allow lxc debug output if requested in job
     93aab7ab Add systemd packages as default for debian and ubuntu templates.
     d01f01a3 Allow params for install git repos support
     eb821dc8 testdefs: rename the extra results keys
     f262b21c testdefs: fix TOCTOU issues with test definitions
     07affb55 Print warnings in validate and not in populate
     3de0aac9 Make empty revision message more friendly
     685eea49 Do not populate append when using tmpfs GuestFS
     22a7ba93 Add missing imports
     a1baf85e Add missing JobError import.
     9e8c3c2f Improve validate and job summary
     b1100080 Catch error in secondary connections
     7428a9ae Improve git error logs
     949b3fcd Rework the timeout settings in job and device conf
     6933ac63 download: improve error message
     304c39f7 LAVA-852 - LXC fastboot support for persistent devices in V2
     fc28aafe Add an error type to the job result
     522946b8 Make '/sys/class/misc/kvm' a constant.
     f9a1b381 tests: use the DummyLogger whenever needed
     ee11c796 tests: use permanent urls
     538ff35f Context architecture validation for qemu.
     bd88adab Check for enabled kvm module on workers.
     28c66090 Fix bug #2898 - Job doesn't exit on fastboot-deploy failure
     2879c019 Handle qcow2 conversion errors
     7daf65d1 Action: use LAVAError base exception class
     603fd049 shell: remove unused exception handling
     da97077d Add missing import and remove uneeded one
     beccc4da LAVA-215 QEMU NFS support (dispatcher)
     c2e3ee34 Use DummyLogger for grub and add .target()
     ed3519d2 Get uboot header length from utils.constants
     7df2904d If no kernel type given in deploy, use the boot type
                until deprecated
     82237860 Ensure the deployment data shell is exported.
     108ef4a3 Add the commit-id to the lava testdef results
     1e3dd3ce run: improve error handling
     41b08257 lava-dispatch: use the new LAVAError base class
     171e8b65 device-types: add Allwinner A23 EVB board
     5898747b device-types: add OrangePi PC board
     4ffb4c1e Simplify lava-test-shell by removing stdout.log
     a5222296 validate: improve error handling
     c2df0b20 Remove the message from cleanup()
     78c334c2 Simplify test/shell.py check_patterns signals.
     68f1c822 test-runner: remove redundant functions and files
     3fe2105e Fix bug #2888 - adb root command from job breaks connection
                to device
     22157cd2 Add a base class for LAVA exceptions
     44af91c3 Support using UEFI Menu to load Grub using PXE
     b667f2fd Use LAVA exceptions
     1690ed95 Pylint updates for deploy actions
     e538b5d8 LAVA-890 - Allow DUT to stay in Android OS
     bbcf76fd Raise a TestError when the test installer fails
     0d45d8fa test-runner: use the current shell
     27593024 Blacklist brltty on workers
     e2593966 Allow reusing of serial connection from another namespace.
     cfe9821b LAVA-867 - Allow fastboot options in device dictionary
     d5094f28 Fix unknown usage command in lava-test-reference
     381eca8d LAVA-881 - Sequence list for fastboot pipeline
     e84c00b1 action: be consitent when printing result duration
     82d7f82f Print the result of a test run only when avaiable
     1d09ece0 Catch python3 errors to clean up output
     833d7207 python3: only show requests logs above warnings
     5fb1e8a0 rpcinfo: also capture the output
     496c7181 Sanitise default mkimage_arch and kernel handling
     a6838ecb LAVA-862 - Integrate Google Pixel into LAVA V2
     d2f968e3 Follow up to stabilize dragonboard 410c.
     8ab18e05 rpcinfo check needs to specifically check NFS service
     61777bb0 Refactor wait usb device action to stabilize dragonboard 410c.
     e7649e64 Remove references to device_path in device configuration.
     3fd11d81 LAVA-856 - Integrate nexus5x into LAVA V2
     d970298d Adding new action for monitoring USB mass storage devices via udev
     94876fd7 pyocd: allow multiple images to be flashed
     26528b0c Detect bootloader resets.
     09650ab1 Adding a Versatile Express Firmware deployment action
     605fe529 Detect errors during auto login.
     00306b79 Job: log the job result as a logger.results
 lava-dispatcher (2017.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New production release
     ba779908 testdef: set "set +x" to avoid duplicating SIGNALS
     ae2ab424 Enforce a download order to produce predictable pipelines
     55a39b92 Remove unnecessary boot action in fastboot x15
     81b178fc Add a unit test for db410c pipeline generation.
     aa96dd75 LAVA-839 - Integrate X15 into LAVA V2
     14acd2e2 Fixup u-boot prompts sanity
     829fa380 Support CMSIS-DAP devices that do not reset after being flashed
     d09a7a74 Simplify send_char support
     031ba8e8 Ensure dispatcher.yaml is available for admins
     aa6142dd Detect pdu controlled device using availability of power command.
     c54891b9 Properly isolate stdout and stderr in unit tests
     2d8b3110 Ensure lava-test-reference is available for release
     555b6be0 Skip one test if lxc-info is not installed
     fc42bd89 Fix support for persistent NFS
     57c96b4b Remove duplicate prompt handling.
     b0d39204 LAVA-844 allow string and dict for install: git-repos
     76998b75 LAVA-830 Use the configured TFTP directory
     1f01283f Partially revert a1658c by using a DEALER socket
     9045292b Allow boot commands in the job definition
     af34dfcb Extend the timeout unit tests to boot actions
     9135c5aa Add support for CMSIS-DAP IoT devices and cleanup PyOCD
     96dcc7d7 Only match udev events when device is added
     a1658c7e slave: use a ROUTER socket to connect to master
     35937826 Fix prospector warnings
     e4e2fb97 etc/lava-slave: fix documentation of WARN log level
     b45cb005 Remove unsed imports
     93a282bf Job: log known error status when leaving
     ee404039 lava-dispatch: allow to run without zmq logging
     26daca49 lava-dispatch: work around a variable clash
     c62e1ee9 LAVA-814 - Explore pyudev for usb device wait
     989cd97b LAVA-827 ensure the case name is a valid URL
     570c1b1e Do not reset the timeout before each connection
 lava-dispatcher (2017.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * New production release
     64ae9131 Report the bootloader load addresses used
     2085ffb8 Skip parsing of kernel messages for ssh connections
     00fa2d24 Improve allow_fail fault handling
     dce680f3 Simplify the connection session handling
     ea18594a Use dpkg-query which is available on all systems
     2cc64b70 Reinstate git version_tag in version.py
     5c05bdae Improve logging
     50236943 LAVA-821 - lava-test-reference support
     a118e943 Add missing wait definition in base class
     2dc955f6 Allow timeout during Linux Kernel message parsing
     0404a419 LAVA-819 - record lava-dispatcher version in logs
     542effdf Raise an Infra error when download fail in run()
     29a232c1 Fix Download retries crashes
     12e5789f monitor: make test a bit faster
     a90a5184 Fix computation of action duration
     ffd1d176 Fix retry logic (partial revert of 7bbd706d)
     36ca3c21 LAVA-818 - errors should set the job as Incomplete
     f5ac0328 Skip generation of invalid test_case_id
     9e5e56c6 Re-enable support for nose tests
     bb89772f Merge and re-use BootloaderCommandOverlay and
     f3864c2f job: fix cleanup when validation failed
     8dd450c5 run_actions: clean error messages and exceptions
     ec44db64 Properly compute the timeout
     f3058a12 atexit is not needed anymore for cleanup
     7bbd706d Improve error handling and reporting
     a5e0e678 Fix issue when downloading two files with the same name
     0d3773ea Call finalize directly in job.cleanup
     af608eb2 Remove unused setter, properties and __call__
     f946a21d validate: do not extend action.errors
     4504aeb9 slave: use the dispatcher configuration
     925019c8 Use the dispatcher config to get the dispatcher ip
 f48f147a366aaccfe84aafc64f3e970bd0863e64 2588 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1.dsc
 7f8d8d86597420ea197a2b2d936321f3af284bb4 513601 lava-dispatcher_2017.7.orig.tar.gz
 446aea888d5362851676c2d007942d147405d997 19492 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1.debian.tar.xz
 b581fab55cf5d7586781d498a99a34e8c284f1ff 6789 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.buildinfo
 ea8f6ad9402dcd0ebbcb48e4d4495efcd4d897f9 328996 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.deb
 920e8534058e1202c5fe602865e6be628c6431e53a3b72fab25ec8bc32c3c47b 2588 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1.dsc
 f06796f7025e02e782e1c9d18f62c7ff7fc6888cb6dc011073dd69c3a59f7e17 513601 lava-dispatcher_2017.7.orig.tar.gz
 ed7c8cb3d69b5a232f4f435ce9dddaae1f8b11e49b3f3041241a52c1972872ec 19492 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1.debian.tar.xz
 b115926addd11f0b96968db5dc8664c9e0cc05c0821db3bfaa3241a582875d0e 6789 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.buildinfo
 ad6aab668d306d7875044caf238bac0911071f77ee269b6704a432b7706b60d7 328996 lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.deb
 03cfe166923d58c889ba59c9cd58d685 2588 net optional lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1.dsc
 3dea91688d32ffaa00a4cccf71a2eadb 513601 net optional lava-dispatcher_2017.7.orig.tar.gz
 49d5fa41955ad2bce836467498451ef9 19492 net optional lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1.debian.tar.xz
 467fbf97f5a85daa8eb8a35740f2749f 6789 net optional lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.buildinfo
 efe765b52376362175d2424f0fd06fd6 328996 net optional lava-dispatcher_2017.7-1~bpo9+1_amd64.deb



Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

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