[Pkg-linaro-lava-devel] Helping lava.coreboot.org's readers with unreadable JavaScript (and CSS) code

abby.anya1 at gmail.com abby.anya1 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 11:41:05 BST 2022

Hello , 

I saw you were writing about JavaScript on this page

I found your page while looking for an unminifier tool. But most of them
suck! (The ads... so annoying) Fortunately, I just found this one:

I thought I should share it, as I'm sure your readers will appreciate it,
especially if they've struggled like me. 

I know minifiying JavaScript is popular for reducing site load times and
bandwidth usage, improving site speed and accessibility - but sometimes you
just need to read the code to check for errors or change it, and minified
code is impossible to read. 

This tool will unminify, reformat and reform the JavaScript (and CSS) code,
making it readable again. 

Best regards, 



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