Bug#704111: [cfe-dev] Bug#704111: clang fails to correctly implement hard float ABI during default compiles due to rediculously low default CPU setting.

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Tue Apr 2 14:30:58 UTC 2013

Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> FYI, as soon as Wheezy is released, I will upload version 3.2 or 3.3 of
> clang and the llvm toolchain.
Now that the issue of finding a minimal fix for testing/unstable is out 
of the way. I just took a look at the package in experimental. I noticed 
the following.

You switched to bintutils-gold unconditionally. Since binutils-gold is 
not available on all architectures this has made the package unbuildable 
on a number of architectures where it was previously built successfully.

The armhf situation still needs attention. Specifically clang still 
defaults to using a rediculously low CPU and once the correct CPU is 
selected it still defaults to using all the vfp registers and neon.

The inappropriate use of altivec on powerpc that adam conrad pointed out 
while I was working on the unstable package was still there.

Debdiff with fixes for the above issues is attached. Note that while I 
have included a changelog entry I have no intention of NMUing this.
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