lldb package

Malea, Daniel daniel.malea at intel.com
Tue Jan 8 15:05:25 UTC 2013

Hi all,

As the lldb project<http://lldb.llvm.org> is evolving and Linux support is maturing, I would like to create a Debian package with the intention of garnering broader adoption in the (Debian) Linux community.

Are there any concerns with creating such a package? With the current release approaching readiness, I thought now would be a good time to talk about creating a package that might go into experimental.

In terms of building LLDB on Linux, the build process is very similar to the clang packages with a few extra build dependencies and sources checked out, so my intention is to use the clang scripts as a starting point for the lldb source package. Is this a reasonable approach? Or is there a good reason to start from scratch?

Thanks in advance,

Daniel Malea <daniel.malea at intel.com<mailto:daniel.malea at intel.com>>
Intel Waterloo
Phone: 519-772-2566

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