Bug#724104: vmkit: FTBFS: make[1]: *** No rule to make target `Makefile.common'. Stop.

Andreas Moog andreas.moog at warperbbs.de
Fri Nov 29 14:20:00 UTC 2013

Hi there,

while this particular bug is relatively easy to fix by adding

	[ ! -f Makefile.common ] || dh_auto_clean

to debian/rules, the build will fail further on with a core dump:

vmjc: JavaClass.cpp:496: j3::JavaObject *j3::Class::doNew(j3::Jnjvm *):
Assertion `(this->isInitializing() ||
classLoader->getCompiler()->isStaticCompiling() || this ==
classLoader->bootstrapLoader->upcalls->newClass) && "Uninitialized class
when allocating."' failed.
0  vmjc            0x0000000000ea72b2
llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(_IO_FILE*) + 34
1  vmjc            0x0000000000ea7119
2  libpthread.so.0 0x00002b450d729bb0
3  libc.so.6       0x00002b450e7b0f77 gsignal + 55
4  libc.so.6       0x00002b450e7b45e8 abort + 328
5  libc.so.6       0x00002b450e7a9d43
6  libc.so.6       0x00002b450e7a9df2
7  vmjc            0x000000000059f2a0 j3::Class::doNew(j3::Jnjvm*) + 144
8  vmjc            0x00000000005c6abf
j3::Jnjvm::CreateNullPointerException() + 79
9  vmjc            0x00002b45135149e6
j3::Jnjvm::CreateNullPointerException() + 318037878
Aborted (core dumped)
make[4]: ***
Error 134

Upstream seems to be aware of the issue, saying the build only works
with "a version strictly before the 7u25 (probably the
7u21), sorry!", see


Andreas Moog, Berliner Str. 29, 36205 Sontra/Germany
PGP-encrypted mails preferred (Key-ID: 74DE6624)
PGP Fingerprint: 74CD D9FE 5BCB FE0D 13EE 8EEA 61F3 4426 74DE 6624

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