clang-3.4 hangs on package alliance 5.0-20120515-6

Nicolas Sévelin-Radiguet nicosr at
Tue Apr 8 21:28:08 UTC 2014

On 04/08/2014 10:51 PM, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> On 08/04/2014 21:36, Nicolas Sévelin-Radiguet wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> While fixing some FTBFS with clang instead of gcc, I came across a bug
>> in clang (at least I think so).
>> The package I am working on is alliance 5.0-20120515-6 [0] which is
>> failing to build due to -Wreturn-type errors [1]. After applying the
>> following patch [2] to get rid of these, clang hangs (eats CPU) and
>> nothing happens even after a few minutes [3].
>> The files needed to reproduce this behavior are here [4]:
>> - is the command line
>> - expy-0fa6b4.c is the source
>> The source, with the patch applied, builds fine with gcc [5].
>> Please note that I am not familiar at all with this particular package.
> Is it this bug ?
> ?
> Thanks
> S
Humm, looks like it.
When modifying the command line (the rest of the line being the same):
-D "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" -O2 hangs
-D "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" -O1 works
-O2 hangs
-O1 works.
So it looks like even without -D "_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2", clang hangs.

Hope this helps,

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