Calvary Greetings

Mrs. Dorris Egbu dorrisegbu at
Thu Dec 4 09:01:47 UTC 2014

Calvary Greetings,

Dear friend,
I am Mrs. Dorris Egbu a citizen of United Kingdom. I am 52 years old and i am married to late Dr. Owen Egbu. A born again Christian and a widow. I want to make a donation of (USD$5.8 million) to help Orphans and Widows and Charitable homes in your Country and I assumed that you will be able to receive this fund and distribute it to the needy once in your country.

And I am seriously ill, please always remember me in your daily prayers because I don't know when it will end with me. 

Reply back to me immediately for more details about this fund.

Remain blessed in the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Dorris Egbu.
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