Bug#781341: libllvm-ocaml-dev: Broken symlink: /usr/lib/ocaml/METAS/META.llvm -> META.llvm-3.x

Emmanuel Fleury fleury at labri.fr
Fri Mar 27 22:28:15 UTC 2015

On 03/27/2015 07:48 PM, Sylvestre Ledru wrote:
> OK, don't hesitate to provide a patch, this should be easy.

Well, I am new to opam (the OCaml package manager), so I didn't know
exactly what to do. But, here is the file to write at
/usr/lib/ocaml/METAS/META.llvm (attached to this email).

I tried it and seems to work fine (at least for me).

Emmanuel Fleury

How do we convince people that in programming simplicity and clarity
—in short: what mathematicians call "elegance"— are not a dispensable
luxury, but a crucial matter that decides between success and failure?
  -- Edsger Dijkstra
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name = "llvm"
version = "3.5.0"
description = "LLVM OCaml bindings"
archive(byte) = "llvm.cma"
archive(native) = "llvm.cmxa"
directory = "."
linkopts = "-ccopt -lstdc++"

package "analysis" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version = "3.5.0"
    description = "Intermediate representation analysis for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_analysis.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_analysis.cmxa"

package "bitreader" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version  = "3.5.0"
    description = "Bitcode reader for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_bitreader.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_bitreader.cmxa"

package "bitwriter" (
    requires = "llvm,unix"
    version = "3.5.0"
    description = "Bitcode writer for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_bitwriter.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_bitwriter.cmxa"

package "executionengine" (
    requires = "llvm,llvm.target"
    version = "3.5.0"
    description = "JIT and Interpreter for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_executionengine.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_executionengine.cmxa"

package "ipo" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version  = "3.5.0"
    description = "IPO Transforms for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_ipo.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_ipo.cmxa"

package "irreader" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version  = "3.5.0"
    description = "IR assembly reader for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_irreader.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_irreader.cmxa"

package "scalar_opts" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version = "3.5.0"
    description = "Scalar Transforms for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_scalar_opts.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_scalar_opts.cmxa"

package "vectorize" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version = "3.5.0"
    description = "Vector Transforms for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_vectorize.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_vectorize.cmxa"

package "passmgr_builder" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version = "3.5.0"
    description = "Pass Manager Builder for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_passmgr_builder.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_passmgr_builder.cmxa"

package "target" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version  = "3.5.0"
    description = "Target Information for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_target.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_target.cmxa"

package "linker" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version  = "3.5.0"
    description = "Intermediate Representation Linker for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_linker.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_linker.cmxa"

package "all_backends" (
    requires = "llvm"
    version  = "3.5.0"
    description = "All backends for LLVM"
    archive(byte) = "llvm_all_backends.cma"
    archive(native) = "llvm_all_backends.cmxa"
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