Bug#855222: clang-4.0 has wrong C++ include search path order

Jason Rhinelander rhinelaj at econ.queensu.ca
Wed Feb 15 20:06:12 UTC 2017

A quick follow-up and potential solution:

I rebuilt the package with debian/patches/fix-clang-path-and-build.diff 
changed to move the added `addSystemInclude(...)` call to just *after* 
adding the c++ library include paths, instead of before it, which 
results in a working include path order:

$ clang++-4.0 -v -E -x c++ -stdlib=libc++ -
clang version 4.0.0-+rc2-1.1 (tags/RELEASE_400/rc1)
#include "..." search starts here:
#include <...> search starts here:
End of search list.

I'm not sure if that causes other problems, but it looks like a fix.

Jason Rhinelander

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