Bug#857631: bug #857631 : why isn't this fixed?

ian_bruce at mail.ru ian_bruce at mail.ru
Sun May 7 07:45:21 UTC 2017

Antonio Ospite <ao2 at ao2.it> wrote:

> I saw that 4.0-5 has been uploaded without this fix,
> is this fix going to be in 4.0.1?

It appears that the answer to this question is "no":

    $ clang-4.0 --version
    clang version 4.0.1-+rc1-1 (tags/RELEASE_401/rc1)
    Target: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    Thread model: posix
    InstalledDir: /usr/bin

    $ cat ptr-expr2.c
    int ptr_expr(int *p)
        if (!p)

    $ clang-4.0 -x cl -emit-llvm -S ptr-expr2.c
    ptr-expr2.c:3:9: error: invalid argument type 'int *' to unary expression
        if (!p)
    1 error generated.

Can the same fix that was applied to llvm-3.9 be applied to llvm-4.0?
It is apparently a ONE-LINE PATCH. (see initial bug report for reference.)

-- Ian Bruce

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