Bug#809997: emscripten not installable on Debian/testing...

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Fri Apr 5 16:14:40 BST 2019

Le 05/04/2019 à 17:05, Sebastian Rasmussen a écrit :
> Hi!
> I have been attempting to install emscripten today, and ended up the
> libstdc++6 breakage.
> Next I found this bug and I'm simply wondering what I can do to help
> you guys make progress on this bug?
> Unfortunately, I'm just a new user of emscripten so I barely know how
> to use it once it is installed,
> but if I can assist in any way please let me know. :)
The problem is that emscripten uses a fork of LLVM and I am reluctant to add
yet-a-new-version of llvm in the archive...

I have been waiting for the changes to be merged upstream and, with the recent
progress on webassembly, we are getting there...


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