Removal of AFL/remains depending on LLVM-6.0

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at
Sun Aug 18 18:12:51 BST 2019


The removal sounds good.

We should indeed get rid of llvm 6.0 asap!



Le 17/08/2019 à 13:28, Daniel Stender a écrit :
> Hi people,
> American Fuzzy Lop (AFL/security binary fuzzer) in the archive [1] was updates lately (2.53b) but
> remains to be build against LLVM 6.0. Trying to build it with >= 7.0 yields in a Segfault on testing
> afl-clang-fast [2].
> I've been pointed to the fact that Google (the project moved to Github [3]) isn't further developing AFL
> anymore [4], therefore I'm going to remove AFL from the archive.
> On the side: I've filed a RFP for the fork AFL++ [5], which is actively developed (upstream developers say
> it's even LLVM-9 ready) and could replace AFL for Debian (and possibly work for the reverse-dependencies
> afl-cov and python-afl).
> Volunteers for fixing AFL 2.53b in the archive (so that we can keep it at least until the RFP get fulfilled)
> [and packaging AFL++] welcome. I've tried to incorporate fixes from the AFL++ guys [6], but it didn't
> worked out here.
> Best,
> Daniel Stender
> [1]
> [2] (afl: doesn't build with LLVM 7 (segfault))
> [3]
> [4]
> [5] (RFP: afl++ -- security related binary fuzzer (fork of American Fuzzy Lop))
> [6]

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