Something feels wrong with clangd-8

Yllman, Jens jens at
Thu Oct 3 10:23:10 BST 2019


I use debian unstable. And I do programming and are happy you can have
multiple versions of both gcc and clang on the system at the same time.

But I have not tried to find out why clangd-8 does not seem to find the
c++ include files if you want to use -stdlib=libc++. And when searching
for this one thing I found was this,
And it contains a link to a llvm source file,
I do not know if this is the correct line that is causing this. I tried
to search the patches for debian if you somewhere modify paths to like
/usr/lib/llvm-8 instead. But I did not really find anything. But I think
one solution is to patch that line.

What do you think??

Jens Yllman

PS. I am not maintainer at debian, I have an account. DS.

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