Processed: Re: clang-9: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Fri Jun 19 20:54:05 BST 2020
Processing commands for control at
> clone 963162 -1
Bug #963162 [clang-9] clang-9: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel
Bug 963162 cloned as bug 963167
> reassign -1 clang-10
Bug #963167 [clang-9] clang-9: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel
Bug reassigned from package 'clang-9' to 'clang-10'.
No longer marked as found in versions llvm-toolchain-9/1:9.0.1-12.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #963167 to the same values previously set
> found -1 1:10.0.0-4
Bug #963167 [clang-10] clang-9: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel
Marked as found in versions llvm-toolchain-10/1:10.0.0-4.
> retitle -1 clang-10: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel
Bug #963167 [clang-10] clang-9: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel
Changed Bug title to 'clang-10: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel' from 'clang-9: "fatal error: error in backend: Unsupported library call operation!" on armel'.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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