Bug#952718: qtcreator: Clang code model fail to find stddef.h if libclang-common-8-dev package is not installed

Alexis Murzeau amubtdx at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 14:59:54 GMT 2020

Le 14/03/2020 à 12:54, Sylvestre Ledru a écrit :
> Le 14/03/2020 à 12:45, Alexis Murzeau a écrit :
>> I still think there should be a Depends (not Recommends) on
>> libclang-common-8-dev instead somewhere. (that is, directly from
>> qtcreator or indirectly)
> What is wrong with this solution?
> Sorry if I missed a potential answer for this question.
> S

QtCreator's code model uses libclang-8.
If libclang-common-8-dev is not installed, QtCreator's code model won't
find some includes like <stddef.h> and highlight many false positive
errors in its editor.
This makes QtCreator's code model not fully working if
libclang-common-8-dev is not installed (that's why I would expect a
Depends instead of Recommends).

Installing the full clang-8 toolchain is overkill to me as only
libclang-common-8-dev is really needed to make the code model work fine,
and libclang-common-8-dev is rather small compared to the full clang

I think the current clang Recommends is for the static analyzer given
this upstream commit bundling clang.exe for Windows:
"Deploy clang binary for use by static analyzer"

Alexis Murzeau
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