llvm openmp gpu offloading

Jon Chesterfield jonathanchesterfield at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 16:59:46 GMT 2021

Hello llvm packaging team,

I'm one of the openmp offloading devs. We have some cmake scripts that are
intended to work out of the box, but looking at
https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/libomp-13-dev/filelist it seems
they're not quite behaving themselves. I was hoping for some nvptx bitcode
and a couple of shared libraries.

I would guess the build machine doesn't have libelf installed as that would
prevent those libraries building out of the box. If so that's an easy fix
on my side.

Please could you point me to the scripts that build llvm for debian? I'll
reproduce the behaviour locally and patch llvm so that it works, or get
back to you with requests to adjust the scripts if necessary.


Jon Chesterfield
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