rocm-device-libs placement in llvm/clang namespace

Étienne Mollier emollier at
Thu Feb 3 20:14:29 GMT 2022

Greetings LLVM Maintainers,

I am in discussions with ROCm upstream about the placement of
GPU bitcodes libraries [1], and it looks like there is an intent
to move these into llvm namespace in upcoming upstream releases.
Would it be okay that the rocm-device-libs package puts files
somewhere below /usr/lib/TRIPLET/llvm-VERS/ ?


Rationale behind that is that bitcodes seem highly dependent on
the llvm version in use, and require tight coupling.  Thinking a
couple of times about it, I believe it is technically okay-ish
(that should work for packages wrapping add-ons of other
packages), but it is also quite possible this would require
coordination when targeting locations not initially thought for

Thanks for your work on packaging llvm!

Have a nice day,  :)
Étienne Mollier <emollier at>
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