Packaging clangd with GRPC support

Sam McCall sammccall at
Thu Jan 27 17:07:30 GMT 2022

Hi Sylvestre & other esteemed Debian folks,

Clangd (part of llvm-project, 'clangd' debian package) has support for
using a remote server to provide the project index instead of building it
Docs on the feature:

This feature is optional (off by default in CMake) because it depends on
We'd like the debian packages to include it. Does this sound reasonable?

It requires:

   - at build time (Build-Depends?): libgrpc++-dev libprotobuf-dev
   - run CMake with -DCLANGD_ENABLE_REMOTE=On
   - at runtime (Depends?): libgrpc++1, libprotobuf23.

Only clangd uses grpc/protobuf and needs these runtime dependencies, not
other LLVM packages such as clang. I don't know debian packaging/versioning
enough to know what determines the versions of the runtime dependency (e.g.
23 for libprotobuf).

I'm happy to work on this any way I can, but don't know Debian packaging
and I'd need some pointers on where to start. Alternatively I can provide
any info you need.

Sam & clangd maintainers
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