Bug#1041003: clang-15: Crash in PowerPC DAG->DAG Pattern Instruction Selection

Sylvestre Ledru sylvestre at debian.org
Thu Jul 13 23:45:20 BST 2023


Le 13/07/2023 à 22:21, Cordell Bloor a écrit :
> Package: clang-15
> Version: 1:15.0.7-6
> Severity: normal
> X-Debbugs-Cc: cgmb at slerp.xyz, debian-ai at lists.debian.org
> Dear Maintainer,
> On ppc64el, the clang compiler crashed on buildd [1] during the
> compilation of test_block_sort.cpp in the rocprim package. We're only
> compiling HIP programs for ppc64el on a best-effort basis, as it is not
> an officially supported architecture upstream. Nevertheless, a compiler
> crash seemed to be worth reporting. I've reproduced this problem on my
> local machine in a QEMU VM.
> There were also linking errors related to half-floats in the build log
> (__truncdfhf2), but that is unrelated. I fixed that bug in rocm-hipamd
> locally before reproducing the crash.
> The full log is linked below, but I'll include a snippet inline:
> Stack dump:
> 0.	Program arguments: /usr/lib/llvm-15/bin/clang -cc1
> -triple powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu -aux-triple amdgcn-amd-amdhsa
> <....>
> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/rocprim/test_block_sort.cpp
> 1.	<eof> parser at end of file
> 2.	Code generation
> 3.	Running pass 'Function Pass Manager' on module '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/rocprim/test_block_sort.cpp'.
> 4.	Running pass 'PowerPC DAG->DAG Pattern Instruction Selection' on function
> '@_ZN53RocprimBlockSortTestsFloating_CustomSortKeyValue_TestI12block_paramsI6__halfS1_Lj64EEE8TestBodyEv'
> [1]: https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=rocprim&arch=ppc64el&ver=5.3.3-6&stamp=1689203881&raw=0

Does it happen with clang-16 ?

could you please try to provide a testcase with creduce ?



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