Bug#897275: closed by Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> (wontfix)

Helmut Grohne helmut at subdivi.de
Fri Jun 16 19:27:33 BST 2023

Hi Sylvestre,

On Fri, Jun 16, 2023 at 02:36:08PM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> I am not planning to fix that, please don't reopen it. Keeping bugs open for
> years don't help!

I understand that you don't want to fix it, but this still is a bug and
keeping this particular bug open does help me. It is a marker bug that
prevents people from looking into problems that you don't want to fix
anyway. In closing it, people will just see the failures again and file
similar bugs. Is this reasoning convincing enough to keep it open?

> If you care about this, please do it upstream where it should belong, not in
> the packaging.

I think there already is a conversion utility from llvm-config to
pkg-config in that upstream bug. What else do you need?

Then maybe, this is not the right solution and I have reported an
X-Y-problem. The actual problem is that llvm-config does not work (X),
but I thought the solution is to ship a pkg-config file (Y), so I
reported that. What if I'm wrong and the solution is to make llvm-config
work? It works upstream, so this is a genuine packaging bug. The way the
Debian packaging ships llvm-config makes it unusable to cross builds.
Can we fix that instead?

So would you agree to the following?

reopen -1
retitle -1 llvm-config does not work for cross building


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