Bug#1076578: llvm-toolchain-17: Make SVE types available in device targets

Emanuele Rocca ema at debian.org
Fri Jul 19 11:14:32 BST 2024

Source: llvm-toolchain-17
Version: 1:17.0.6-12

Dear Maintainer,

glibc 2.38 introduced a header on arm64 defining a few new types. This
is causing build errors in a handful of packages, see #1070668. One of
the reasons is that Clang does not accept the new types in the context
of the HIP language, and this causes rocm-hipamd to fail to build from
source, see #1070446.

We have fixed the issue in LLVM upstream:

Please consider adding the patch to llvm-toolchain-17. The version
attached to this email should be ready for quilt import.

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