[pkg-lua-devel] RFS: new package lua-ldoc

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Wed May 29 08:10:22 UTC 2013


I looked at your  package as I need it to package  Awesome 3.5. Here are
some issues I found:

* You don't need to Build-Depends on quilt and add it in debian/rules as
  you are already using 3.0 (quilt) as source/format[0].

* I tried quickly but I cannot build the package with cowbuilder. I have
  attached the  log to this  email.  It may be  an issue in  my building
  environment (I built  myself lua-unit and lua-discount as  it is still
  in NEW)  and the fact  that I don't  know anything about  lua packages
  sure does not help ;-).

* There seems  to be a new  upstream release (1.3.13), could  you please
  package it?

If you cannot find anybody else  which knows about lua packaging, then I
will sponsor it if that's ok with you of course.

Arnaud Fontaine

[0] http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0

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