[pkg-lua-devel] Looking for review for 3 Lua packages

Jason Pleau jason at jpleau.ca
Tue Apr 28 21:49:33 UTC 2015


I recently filed 3 ITPs for small lua libraries:

#783215: lua-say -- Lua string hashing/indexing library

#783216: lua-ansicolors -- simple Lua function for printing to the
console in color

#783218: lua-luassert -- Lua assertions extension

Those 3 are dependencies for #783044: busted -- Lua unit testing
framework focused on ease of use. We need busted to run tests for the
new vim fork called "neovim" (ITP: #752264)

I have prepared packages for my 3 ITP bugs, they are available here, as
well as a link to a .dsc:




These are 3 really small packages, since they are my first go at Lua
packages in Debian I was hoping someone in pkg-lua could have a quick
check if they are OK.

There are a few notes:

Both lua-ansicolors and lua-luassert have their tests disabled, because
they require busted (testing framework, which also depends on those two
packages). It would require us to upload these 2 first with tests
disabled, and enable the tests once busted goes in the archive.

lua-ansicolors uses another testing framework called 'telescope'. I was
not sure if it was worth it to include another testing framework (on top
of already adding busted), for a library that's ~ 100 lines long.

Thanks !

Jason Pleau

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