[pkg-lua-devel] newbie lua packaging questions

Rene Engelhard rene at debian.org
Fri Sep 20 13:34:34 BST 2024


LibreOffice got a lua binding and I was just experimenting in packaging it. I really do not think it's
ready to be actually packaged yet for various reasons [1]

First of all, this is not a proper lua module, do dh-lua initself probably won't exactly work,
and I need to manually build it.

1. What lua versions should we build against? I see no default lua for building against? Just the various
    If I install dh-lua I get all versions installed but pkg-config --cflags lua (and --libs lua) gives
    me the cflags for 5.4. Is that intended?

    If we should build against all of  them, is there an easy commmand to find out all supported versions
    so one can iterate over them?

2. I get (as said in 1. pkg-config pointing to 5.4, but the lua interpreter in itself apparently still 5.2
     wven wiith lua5.4 installed?

     What is considered the "correct" "default" lua binary?



[1] LuaBindings.so. Needs LibreOffice internal libs so needs either the SDK environment or a
package.cpath = package.cpath .. "/usr/lib/libreoffice/program".

So naming it lua-libreoffice would be quite wrong, too, for now I stuck with libreoffice-lua-bindings..

No proper structure as outlined in the policy; just above LuaBindings.so which I for now installed into the
/usr/lib/lua/X.Y path..

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