[pkg-lxc-devel] Follow up: SAS Users List

elizabeth.walker at onlinedatatech.biz elizabeth.walker at onlinedatatech.biz
Mon Mar 20 13:14:28 UTC 2017


Hope you had a chance to review my previous email. Please let me know if
you would be interested in reviewing a sample of your target audience.

Thank you, hope to hear from you.

Thanks & regards,
*Elizabeth Walker*
Marketing Analyst



A quick follow up to know if you would be interested in *SAS* Users list
for your marketing campaign?

Our list cover all SAS software including: *SAS Base,* *SAS Business
Intelligence,* *SAS Data Management, SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS GRC, SAS
Advanced Analytics, SAS Assetlink *and many more.

*List Contains*: Name, Company's Name, Phone Number, Fax Number, Job Title,
Email address, Complete Mailing Address, SIC code, Company revenue, size,
Web address etc.

Specialties: business intelligence, data visualization, data analysis,

Let me know your thoughts or pass on the message to the right person in
your company.

Thanks & regards,
*Elizabeth Walker*
Marketing Analyst

If you don’t want to receive any message from us then please type “OPT OUT”
in the Subject Line.
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